Ura Shiki, who was lying not far from Momo Shiki, took out a few thumb-sized blood elixirs from the energy fish basket around his waist and drank them...

"Momoshi... It seems that we have met our nemesis this time.

Although our Samsara Eye is immune to energy attacks such as ninjutsu, it is not resistant to pure physical damage...

Although it’s a bit ridiculous, it seems that there is not much difference between us and those humans~”

Before Tao Shi could say anything, Jin Shi quickly answered. Judging from his expression, something big must have happened.

"Momoshi-sama...it seems that it is no longer possible to use space-time ninjutsu in this ice space.

That monster blocked the entire space! ! ! "

After receiving the news, Momoshi and Urashiki were shocked and immediately tried to use "Yellow Springs Hirazaka". The result was that without exception, the space door could not be opened!

Half a minute passed. Urashiki and Momoshi, who had recovered from their injuries, stood up and prepared to fight.

No matter how arrogant and arrogant Momoshi is, he still knows that he will encounter a tough situation this time. If he is not serious, he will die! ! !

Just when the three of them were looking for Nangong Yue...


"The space is locked, although if you want to use space magic, the requirements are quite strict.

However, since you can’t perform magic, I won’t bully you~”

As soon as he finished speaking, a riot broke out in the entire ice space! ! !

"Hey hey hey~ The joke is too big!!!"

No wonder Urashiki exclaimed like this, because...now Otsutsuki and the other three are facing an encirclement and suppression by the entire ice space! ! !


At this level, even if the reincarnation eye can absorb it, we will still be buried alive in the end! ! ! "

There was no other way. Faced with tens of thousands of people, the overwhelming icebergs smashed into their faces, and the few people who were unable to move in space could only flee in a hurry!

This time, Nangong Yue showed his country-destroying level of combat power to the fullest! You know, this ice space is comparable to the entire ninja continent! ! !

The reason why Nangong Yue took over this space in less than two minutes was that, in addition to his analysis of Kaguya's "Tian Zhongzhong", it did allow him to temporarily gain sovereignty over this ice space.

In addition, Nangong Yue's world in Hero Academy combines many ice-type personalities.

For example: the "extreme ice" of a member of the Super Liberation Front, the "half-cold" of the blasting and freezing, the "absolute zero" of the leader of an American organization, and the plastic arts part of "space modeling".

Moreover, after coming into contact with Princess Kaguya, he also read, analyzed, and mastered her "natural integration", that is, various elementalizations, and finally weaved this unnamed unlimited ice spell!

What's more, Nangong Yue also used this to understand part of the ". Stillness" rule! This is one of the foundations of becoming a god! ! !

Although the distance between the two parties has long been invisible to the naked eye, Nangong Yue could "see" these three embarrassed people clearly, and then controlled the entire space to make sounds!

"Hey hey hey~ Don't run away~ Aren't you all warlocks?

As a warlock, hurry up and stand with me to deal output!

Aren't you from the Otsutsuki clan? Where is your reincarnation eye? ! Use the Shinra Tenzheng for me! ! !

Hello! ! ! Is it a ninjutsu this time? ! Quickly absorb it for me! ! !

And your physical skills! Strange power! ! ! Where have they all gone? ! Show it out and see! ! ! ! ! "

Hearing the voices coming from all directions, every time Nangong Yue said something, the proud Tao Shi lost his mind!

At the beginning, they did successfully repel several waves of attacks through the methods Nangong Yue said, but...

but! Their strange strength was enough to shatter an iceberg that hit them. However, facing this overwhelming iceberg and unable to move in space, they could only run away desperately.

Also, Shinra Tianzheng can indeed withstand a large wave of offensives, but Shinra Tianzheng has a cooling time! ! !

What's more important is that the Shinra Tensei that is enough to repel these icebergs must at least reach the level of Pain bulldozing Konoha. It is too energy-consuming!

And these few are at the peak of the city-breaking level at best, and the golden style is a little lower. At most, they can't withstand this level of consumption in the late city-breaking level.

Of course, if Momo Shiki devours Jin Shiki, he can break through to the level of destroying the country, but it is only at the early stage, and it will be difficult in the mid stage.

Also, Momoshiki and Urashiki both tried to absorb these icebergs, but the absorption speed was too embarrassing. One iceberg had just absorbed 70%, and the next one smashed down...

What's uncomfortable is that the iceberg that hasn't been absorbed can't stop. It can only explode with strange force under its feet, running around with the exposed iceberg, which is tens of meters high and hundreds of meters in diameter at the base...

It's not like they haven't thought about using the "Tianzhi Zhenxing" to hit Nangong Yue.

It's a pity that Momoshiki wanted to slap herself when this idea popped into her mind.

Not to mention that there is no time to cast the spell. Even if the spell is successfully cast, one of their meteorites is only about the size of an iceberg. What’s the use of it? ! ! !

What makes them even more uncomfortable is that Nangong Yue has long been out of the far-sighted range of their supercilious eyes.

However, judging from the iceberg attacking them, Nangong Yue must be able to "see" them clearly with the accuracy of this attack!

ten minutes later...

"Damn!!! Is this monster's chakra infinite?!!!"


Chapter 200

"Damn!!! Is this monster's chakra infinite?!!!"

The one who spoke was Momo Shiki, the strongest among the three. The other two could only avoid these icebergs with their physical skills, which was already their limit.

Nangong Yue was not prepared to reply to Tao Shi's question.

Indeed, for Nangong Yue, who was at the peak of his country's destruction, this level of energy consumption was easy.

Although the size of this space is comparable to the ninja continent, in order to encircle and suppress three people, Nangong Yue does not need to control the entire ice.

"I haven't killed these people in ten minutes... These attacks are still a bit childish~

However, their physical skills have also been revealed.

Well, it's time to end the battle...

Definition, energy is on the top and space is on the bottom. "

...The Otsutsuki trio...

Just when Jin Shigang blocked an iceberg and ducked towards a temporary safe landing point, suddenly!

"I hid for more than ten minutes, thank you for your hard work, big man~

(Definition, bones on top, flesh on the bottom)"


Before Otsutsuki Jinshiki landed, Nangong Yue instantly moved behind Jinshi!

Phew! ! ! ! !

"You may know that this is a joint killing of ashes!


A bone spur stabbed out from the palm of Nangong Yue's left hand and instantly penetrated Jin Shi's heart!

At the same time, starting from Jin Shi's heart, his body was rapidly destroyed! ! !

Just as he penetrated Jin Shi's heart, Nangong Yue cut off the bone spur in the palm of his left hand, and disappeared from the sight of Momo Shiki and Ura Shiki before their counterattacks arrived!

After Nangong Yue disappeared again, the three of them had no time to look for Nangong Yue, because the iceberg hanging in the sky crashed down again.

"Damn it!!! Why can that bastard use space magic for 200?!!"

Tao Shi's face was extremely gloomy. He had been suppressed for too long, but he really couldn't just be quick and launch a counterattack because he would definitely miss!

Once their outbreak period is over, they completely lose their ability to resist!

At this time, Jin Shi dodged an iceberg again and finally took the time to pull out the bone spur on his chest.

However, more than half of his body and trunk had collapsed.

Although his movement is not affected due to his special body, he can't hold on much longer, so...

"Momoshi-sama, my body is no longer good, please devour me! Don't hesitate!"

At the same time, Jin Shi took the initiative to jump towards Momoshi.

"Ah~ of course I won't hesitate!"

With that said, Tao Shi reached out and struck Jin Shi, using the Ten Thousand Elements of Heaven to attract him, while at the same time reducing Jin Shi to a crimson fruit that was one circle larger than his fist.

"Hmph! It's time to fight back..."

Momoshiki swallowed the chakra fruit in a few big mouthfuls, and then, Momoshiki's body quickly underwent drastic changes!

"Leave it to you, Momoshiki. If it doesn't work, we're really doomed~"

"Huh, pay attention to yourself...

Drink ah ah ah! ! ! ! ! ! "

The unprecedented Shinra Celestial Conquest shattered and cleared all the icebergs within a fifty-kilometer radius in the blink of an eye!

Nangong Yue, who sensed Tao Shi's move, temporarily stopped attacking the two. By the way, Nangong Yue also teleported within the sight of the two white eyes.

In Nangong Yue's eyes, Otsutsuki Momoshiki has changed from her original snow-white appearance.

Now Taoshi's eyes have changed from white eyes to golden eyes like Nangong Yue.

His forehead split open and a golden Samsara Eye grew, and the Samsara Eyes in the palms of his hands also turned golden.

Moreover, his white hair extended past his knees, his body was covered with a large number of black lines, and the horns on his head that were originally bent downwards were also bent in reverse and stood up.

Sensing the energy fluctuations in Momoshiki's body, sure enough, after absorbing Jinshiki, this guy's physique and chakra have undergone qualitative changes, directly from the peak of city destruction to the early stage of country destruction!

"Haha... This one is a bit troublesome, but the other one..."

In an instant, Nangong Yue moved behind Pu Shi!

"Otsutsukiura style, right...Thank you for your hard work~"




Just when Pu Shi reflexively replied to Nangong Yue, he was immediately controlled by the "Brain Control" technique, which was taken from the Heart Control Actor for a moment!

Just when Ushiki broke free, it was already too late, because the mental spell implanted at the same time as "Brain Control" had already taken effect!

At the moment when Ushiki performed the technique, Nangong Yue disappeared from Taoshi's sight again.

Originally, Taoshi, who broke through the boundaries, reacted immediately when Nangong Yue appeared, but he couldn't take action.

Because, he had just broken through, and he had not yet been able to adapt to it, both physically and chakra.

In other words, in this state, he cannot perform spells, let alone move! It can be said that this is his weakest period!

However, Nangong Yue actually ignored him at all and attacked Pu Shi? ! This made Momoshiki even angrier!

"Damn inferior creatures! I will cut you into pieces!!!!"

Because he suddenly gained unprecedented power, the ignorant Otsutsuki Momoshiki was so confident that he was already invincible.

Coupled with being suppressed by Nangong Yue for a long time today, this powerful leader who has been the only one in the world for many years can finally vent the anger in his heart!

However, there is a big problem here, that is, these Otsutsuki clan members are all "nouveau riche" who rely on their talents. They are completely unable to understand that even if the two sides are in the same realm, when they have different backgrounds, it is like a natural chasm. gap.

The current Otsutsuki Momoshiki, not to mention Nangong Yue who is now at full strength, even Nangong Yue who only relied on his body before the physical breakthrough, with the basic state of breaking through the peak of the city, is sure to beat this child.

Because Nangong Yue is completely aware of Tao Shi’s background, but what about Tao Shi? Even if you understand the details of Nangong Yue, you still have no way to start because Nangong Yue has too many tricks!

Just after Momoshiki finished venting her roar and dealt with Urashi, Nangong Yue flashed in front of Momoshiki again.

Just when Tao Shi broke through, the four clones had already strengthened the space seal at the same time, which completely trapped those clones and made them unable to help at all.

But Nangong Yue's true form doesn't need help...

When Taoshi saw Nangong Yue appearing in front of him, he immediately condensed hundreds of red weapons from behind and shot them like a rain of arrows at Nangong Yue who had not had time to tease him.

"A product of Yin Yang Dun... and this attack mode... who is copying whom?!

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