
Chapter 195

"Hey~ you are all so boring..."


Suddenly, a small dark space crack appeared on Hidan's neck, and then closed instantly!

Phew! ! ! ! !

"Nangong Yue...you bastard!!!"

While Hidan roared, the skull-faced head just slipped off and hit the ground. At the same time, a column of blood over three meters high spurted out from his neck! ! !

At the same time, the eyes of the four Asumas widened. This sudden reversal left them no time to speak, as if a nerve had broken, and they all fell into wordless silence.

Just because his mind was lost, Shikamaru's technique also stopped functioning.

Afterwards, Hidan's body fell to the ground because he lost the shadow's fixation.

Of course, there were only three surviving chuunin whose thoughts were fluctuating. As for Asuma, his head also hit the ground like Hidan, proving the fall of an elite jounin in Konoha! ! !

Just after Asuma confirmed his death, Nangong Yue instantly appeared next to Hidan, lifting his head from the ground with his left hand by his hair.

At this time, Hidan's body changed back to its original color because Asuma was dead.

"Nangong Yue, you bastard!!! This is obviously my own battle! Why do you interfere in it?!!!

You'd better not let me take the chance! Otherwise I will definitely kill you! ! !


Just when Hidan's head suddenly spoke, the three surviving Konoha ninjas finally came to their senses.

"Nan...Nangong...Yue...how could...

hateful! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "

Listening to this tone and wording, Shikamaru was obviously trying his best to restrain himself and not let himself lose his mind and then go up to die.

He even refrained from using ninjutsu for fear of offending the monster.

Because, in the battle 200 a few days ago, his father, together with a large number of clan members, failed to control Nangong Yue, and he, a small chuunin, could not succeed no matter how hard he tried.

As for the two chunin, Izumo and Zitetsu, they were obviously trapped in fear and unable to extricate themselves.

After all, the shadow that Nangong Yue brought to the Konoha ninja that night was too deep!

Ignoring the reactions of the three chuunin miscellaneous fish, and ignoring the harsh words that the chatterbox in his hand kept saying, Nangong Yue interrupted him directly,

"Your technique is too limited. I have recently modified your technique."

Hearing Nangong Yue mention his technique, Hidan finally shut up. He also wanted to see how his technique was changed by this mysterious guy.

Afterwards, Nangong Yue was seen adding blood on his hands, but then, Nangong Yue obviously did not turn into the ugly look he had before Hidan.

Then, Nangong Yue turned his right hand into a knife and stabbed directly through the left side of his chest! ! !

"WHAT?!!!!" (Everyone)

At the same time, Hidan's body lying on the ground also had a big hole on the left side of his chest!

This time, not only the three Konoha chunin, but even Kakuzu and Hidan were stunned. Is this guy willing to die? !

Next, Nangong Yue answered their questions.

Nangong Yue saw that his heart was stabbed through. His body did not shake at all, and he naturally pulled out his left hand, and also tore out his own heart.

Then, to Fei Duan's shock, a new heart grew out of the big hole in Nangong Yue's chest in less than three seconds! ! !

Then, in less than two seconds, blood vessels, broken ribs, muscles, and skin were all regenerated!

Except for a faint trace of blood at the corner of his mouth and the smell of blood on his clothes, it didn't look like he had been seriously injured (?) at all!

By the way, the uniform with holes in the front and back was instantly restored to its original shape after a large amount of silk threads were woven and dyed.

"Hey hey hey!!! What are you doing?!!!"

Nangong Yue interrupted Hidan again and placed the heart in the palm of his left hand in front of Hidan's eyes.

"Did you see this magic circle?"


I saw that the heart in Nangong Yue's hand was engraved with a black circle and a triangle occupying half of the heart, which was Hidan's magic circle!

Then, on the outer edge of the circle, a large number of regular black lines extended outward, but Hidan couldn't understand it at all!

"It took me a lot of time to successfully imprint this formation into my body and form a movable formation.

At the same time, I can instantly engrave and erase instantly.

As for you...well...do you need help? "


Before Hidan could regain his senses, Kakuzu carried the money box and flashed to Nangong Yue's side.

"Kong Chen, don't tell me that you have learned all our techniques.

I can’t comment on your heart regeneration just now, but the changes in the blood vessels in your body, you didn’t learn my technique, right? "

“Indeed, my most fundamental ability is ‘reading’. As long as it exists, I can read and remember it.

For me, leaving aside other dead things, all living things, especially humans, are mobile databases.

As for your technique, it is indeed a very good physiological transformation technique, so I naturally learned it.

However, in terms of regeneration, it is my original technique.

The name of the technique is ‘Super Regeneration’. Of course, I also integrated your technique into it. "

Hearing this, Kakuzu was not only shocked, but also had the urge to hit someone.

However, considering the strength gap between the two sides and the status of their 'colleagues', they refrained from taking action.

"Um... help me sew up my body first. Is this how you treat your companions?!"

Nangong Yue looked back at the head in his hand, sighed, and threw it to the body not far away.

"Hey!!! It hurts!!!"

Al? ? ? "

Hidan's head hit the ground first, and then, the shadow under Nangong Yue's feet, like Shikamaru's technique, extended and connected to the shadow of Hidan's body.

Then, a group of shadows controlled Hidan's head to be in position, and then a large number of shadow lines sewed Hidan's head back together.

However, if the shadow dissipates like this, Hidan's head will fall off again, so...

"The vitality is on top, the human body is on the bottom..."

The cut on Hidan's neck squirmed for a while, then returned to normal in less than ten seconds.

Afterwards, Hidan stood up after attaching the head, twisted his neck, and after confirming that there was no problem, he flashed directly in front of Nangong Yue.

"Hurry up and engrave it for me! That magic circle!"

To be honest, if a two-meter-tall man acts cute, even a handsome guy looks disgusting...

Just in time, this bastard hit Nangong Yue's pain point, and Nangong Yue, who really didn't want to see Hidan in this posture, directly slapped Hidan on the left chest with his right hand.

Then, a large number of complex black lines covered his body in less than three seconds!

After Nangong Yue let go of his hand, he saw a magic circle with a triangle inside a circle on Fei Duan's left chest.

Just after the lines on Hidan's body flashed red nine times, it quickly submerged into Hidan's body.

And Hidan himself could feel that something was taking root on the surface of his heart.

At the same time, this kind of pain spreads all over the body, including the skin, bone marrow, brain, blood vessels, muscles, and internal organs. This is a supreme pleasure for Hidan!

This also made Kakudu and Nangong Yue couldn't help but turn their heads to prevent this eye-catching scene from entering their eyes.

Ten seconds later, the formation has been imprinted, and Hidan feels that as long as he circulates chakra, the formation in his body will automatically activate, and it will consume a lot of energy!

This situation made Hidan look at Nangong Yue in confusion, and Nangong Yue naturally read Hidan's thoughts.

"Practice it yourself, this magic circle can be opened and closed at will based on your own wishes.

Also, the core of this array is your heart.

Just penetration, no problem, but if your heart is completely broken, or if all the blood vessels are cut and dug out, the circle will be ineffective. "(Nangong)

“Also, you fight and talk too much.

...Forget it, these three chuunin are not worth anything and are not worthy of my action. You can figure it out for yourself. "

Kakuzu also expressed his dissatisfaction with Hidan on a daily basis. He looked at the three trembling Konoha Chuunin, smiled disdainfully, and stopped paying attention to them.

Hearing Kakuzu mention them, the three chuunin suppressed the fear stemming from Nangong Yue and forcibly set up a position to defend themselves against the enemy, although it actually seemed useless.

Of course, that was aimed at Nangong Yue, but for Hidan and Kakuzu, the techniques of these three chunin should still be able to cause some trouble to them.

After all, one uses shadow to control people, one uses glue to control people, and only one is a strong attack type, and the attack power is still very poor.

To put it simply, they have no chance of winning!

"Zi...Zi Tie...support...how much...how long will it take for it to arrive?"

"There are still...five...five minutes left..."

Although the conversation between the two was very quiet and they thought they couldn't be heard, but...

"Both... Konoha's support will arrive in five minutes. Do you still want to continue playing?"

“Uh hahahahaha!!!

Just in time for me to try this portable magic circle! Me now! But it’s super strong! ! ! "

Kakuzu looked at Hidan and then replied to Nangong Yue,

"As you can see, Hidan wants to stay. He and I are in the same group, so naturally I have to stay.

What's more, there might be new bounties coming to your door. Today is a good harvest day! ! ! "

By the end, Kakuzu himself became excited...

Looking at these two unreliable guys, Nangong Yue sighed, and finally chose to stay.

Nangong Yue said that he didn't care about the life and death of these people, but these two had good abilities and might be useful in the future.

Kakuzu didn't talk about it, let's talk about Hidan. As long as the Akatsuki organization obtains the blood of a large number of important people for him, they can curse them all at once! ! !

Therefore, we cannot let them suffer here.


Chapter 196


Hidan and Kakuzu both looked like they didn't intend to leave...

Also, even though Asuma is dead, his head has not yet been exchanged for money. Based on this, it is impossible for Kakuzu to leave.

And Hidan is also a militant. Now that he has gained new abilities, he can't help but play with them...

"Okay, you can figure it out yourself."

Letting the two of them play by themselves, Nangong Yue made a move in Asma's direction to collect the souls that had not yet entered the underworld. As usual, he wiped out their minds and condensed them into spirit crystals for recycling.

‘Now, let alone the reincarnation of the dirty land, even the reincarnation cannot be resurrected. ’

Shikamaru looked at the thumb-sized crystal on Nangong Yue's hand, and couldn't help but twitch in his heart, as if he had lost something important.

Sensing Shikamaru's extremely violent mental fluctuations, Nangong Yue looked at the three chuunin who were slowly retreating.

"Are you Nara Shikamaru... Do you know what this crystal in my hand is?"

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