It was also through this that Hidan drew the formation for the ceremony!

It was a circle with an equilateral triangle inside, and Hidan was standing in the center of the formation in a lunging posture.

Among them, the heel of the left foot happens to be stepping on one corner of the triangle, which is obviously the end of the formation painting with the left foot.

"'s unlikely~"

After the ritual formation was drawn, Hidan was ready to take action...

Go to Asuma's side...

"I'll go first, Shikamaru, you take the opportunity to trap him with the shadow imitation technique, just a moment is enough.

I would immediately chop off his head so that he could not move. "(Asma)

"Are the risks too high?" (Shikamaru)

"Let's go too..." (Izumo, Zite)

Suddenly, Asma turned around and glared at several people with a ferocious face!

“Don’t you understand?! This is the best way at the moment!!!

Their strength is far stronger than ours. Because of this, we cannot retreat without a fight. Retreating would mean total annihilation!

In that case, Konoha will face a greater crisis!

As vanguards, this is our mission.

Izumo, Zitetsu, pay attention to the other person and cover Shikamaru at the same time! "

After giving the order, Asuma rushed towards Hidan not far away.


Chapter 194


As soon as Asuma gave the order, he rushed towards Hidan not far away, trying to complete the attack.

Also, because I am in a weak position, once I give up the initiative, I will probably be killed in an instant!

As for Shikamaru who stayed where he was, although he was a little confused, he was also a little worried about Asuma's current state.

If you think about it carefully, although what Asuma said makes sense, it does fit their current situation.

But thinking back carefully, Asuma's expression just now was somewhat similar to Uchiha Sasuke before his defection.

As for why Sasuke was like that, the answer is obvious, it's because of 'hate'!

From Asma's words, it can be known that the killed Dilu obviously had a very good relationship with Asma, and could even be said to be a close friend!

This is why Asuma, who has always been calm, made this choice without thinking.

However, just because Asuma made the right choice, Shikamaru should also do his best to cooperate with Asuma's attack!

Asuma also said that he only needed to control Hidan for a moment, which was still within the scope of his abilities.

Just when Asuma and Hidan were fighting hand to hand, Shikamaru's technique was also activated. From the shadow under his feet, a slender shadow line stretched out and stabbed Hidan who was fighting with Asuma. !

Just before Hidan's scythe was about to succeed, Hidan noticed a large number of shadow tentacles extending towards him!

Just as it happened, the scythe he threw missed Asuma and instead pierced the ground.

Just before Hidan was entangled by the shadow, Hidan quickly rushed to the position of the sickle with the help of the recovery of the sickle rope, avoiding Shikamaru's jutsu!

Next, although with Shikamaru's assistance, Asuma temporarily gained the upper hand, neither side succeeded.

It seemed that Asuma's side had the advantage, but that was not the case.

Because, for Asma, just having the upper hand is meaningless!

You know, Hidan is immortal! As for Asuma, everyone's chakra is obviously insufficient!

Even Asuma, who is currently fighting Hidan, has used a burst of chakra to forcefully raise his basic attributes to the same level as Hidan!

Once Asma's peak state has passed, it will be time for them to declare defeat and be completely destroyed!

Let’s not talk about Asuma, let’s talk about Shikamaru. He is just an elite chuunin, and his chakra obviously belongs to the rarer category!

However, now they have no choice but to bite the bullet.

Hidan also saw Asuma's plan, and immediately prepared to bypass Asuma and directly attack Shikamaru, who was squatting on the ground and casting a spell.


Looking at the scythe thrown by Hidan, it was obvious that it bypassed him and attacked Shikamaru directly!

With his physical skills, Asuma obviously had no time to stop him, so he used the technique that Jilu gave him without thinking.

‘Come and welcome, kill with a thousand hands! ’

"That posture?!!¨"!"

Hidan, who was in mid-air, was directly knocked back by Asuma's technique and slid back nearly ten meters before stopping.

"How are Dilu's spells? His level is above mine!"

Although Asuma said so, the energy consumption of that technique was too high, and it was lifted after he blocked Hidan's scythe.

Once again, the two sides fell into a stalemate.

Facing a large number of shadow whips and Asuma's physical close-up technique that was not weaker than his own, Hidan felt very uncomfortable for a while.

However, Hidan's footsteps were unpredictable, and soon after, Shikamaru's shadow distribution was also affected, making it very confusing. There were even several times when several shadow whips almost became knotted? !

Hidan was not feeling well, but Asuma was feeling the same.

Because Hidan had a clear idea of ​​​​the battle from the beginning and attacked the chuunin behind Asuma first, Asuma could only do his best to resist the flying sickle thrown by Hidan.

In fact, in order to stop Hidan and protect Shikamaru, the two chunin even knew that Hidan was immortal and threw shurikens and kunai at him, which were obviously weak in attack power.

Seeing the attacks from these stupid boys, Hidan didn't even bother to dodge.

Just in time, at the moment when Asuma threw the kunai, Hidan stabbed the scythe into the ground first, then made a big jump and backflip, landed behind Asuma, and then yanked the steel rope in his hand!


Because the distribution of steel cables in mid-air is completely irregular, and the same is true for the sickle that flies back.

Suddenly, whether it was due to Hidan's arrangement, the scythe that Hidan withdrew fiercely stabbed Asuma's temple!

If it hits this time, Asuma will be completely chilled without even having to use Hidan's technique!

Fortunately, Asuma, as an elite Jonin, still had this reaction. While adjusting his body posture, he blocked the blade of the scythe with the short chakra knife in his hand.

However, because the blade of the sickle was too long, the tip of the blade, which was less than a centimeter long, pierced Asuma's cheek.

Seeing the blood, Hidan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, jumped into the air a few times again, and came to the vicinity of the previously drawn formation. At the same time, he held the handle of the sickle with one hand and licked the blood from the tip of the knife.

Asuma, on the other hand, saw that Hidan had distanced himself from him, and seeing the opportunity, he threw away the short sword in his hand, and at the same time quickly formed a seal, and with the help of the falling swords, he spat out a large amount of energy in the direction of Hidan. A cloud of smoke!

Facing the smoke, Hidan's smile became even brighter.

"Fire escape! Ash accumulation!!!"

After seeing Hidan being completely enveloped in his own smoke, Asuma bit the smoke and then the smoke that enveloped Hidan immediately turned into a huge ball of fire!


The moment Asuma successfully performed the spell, he felt something was wrong!

Because there were actually burn marks on his hands and face!

After the smoke cleared, Hidan had completely changed his appearance!

"It have been sanctioned...

how? Can you feel the pain of others to some extent? ! "

When Hidan stood up, he looked exactly like a black man with bones tattooed all over his body!

Moreover, the Akatsuki uniform on his upper body had been completely burned!

"You have been cursed by me. Now, the ceremony begins..."

With that said, Hidan pulled out a black rod and flicked it, turning it into a long needle!

"Come on! Experience the best pain with me!!!"

Although he didn't know what Hidan wanted to do, it was absolutely right to rush over and stop him first.

As soon as he thought clearly, Asuma took the chakra knife, attached the wind release chakra to it, and rushed towards Hidan not far away!


Phew! ! !

Then, he stabbed the long needle in his hand through his femoral artery! ! !



Just when Asuma was halfway through the rush, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his thigh, then lost his balance and fell to the ground!

Asma was lying on the ground, with a large amount of blood also flowing out of his thigh.

"`.It hurts!! Ugh hahahahahaha!!!!

If it's a serious injury, it's more than that~

But this pain is the best! The pain of others dying has been engraved in my body! ! !

Beyond the pain! Finally converted into pleasure!

Uh hahahaha! ! ! ! "

As he spoke, he pulled out the long needle that had penetrated his thigh and penetrated his abdomen again!

At the same time, a large amount of blood also flowed out of Asuma's abdomen. He was obviously injured, but it was blocked by the jounin vest, so the specific extent of the injury could not be seen.


Asuma held back the pain, but blood still spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Although Izumo and Zitetsu hadn't immediately figured out Hidan's method, for Shikamaru, whose IQ was over 200, it was enough for him to see what was going on.

In any case, if Hidan wanted to kill Asuma now, he would have to hurt himself.

Then, just restricting Hidan's movements is enough!

Just before Hidan pulled out the long needle again and prepared to pierce his heart, at the critical moment, he was trapped by Shikamaru's shadow imitation technique!

"Good job! Shikamaru!!!"

"Tch...this kind of trick...drink! (De Nuo Zhao)!!"

After all, Hidan was still at the Kage level. Enhanced by the Kage level chakra, Hidan's strength was greatly increased and he could easily move his arms.

However, it was obviously not enough to completely break free from the shadow imitation technique designed to restrain the target, so Hidan and Shikamaru were in a stalemate.

Asuma, whose life was saved by Shikamaru, was temporarily relieved.

He wanted to stand up, but the injury to his leg and the loss of a lot of blood made it impossible for him to stand up, so he could only half kneel on the ground.

After a minute, Jiao Jiao who was waiting aside became a little impatient.

"If it takes a long time, I will take action, but I can't let the money I got go away..."

"Didn't I tell you not to interfere?! Kakuzu!!!

I have clearly said that I am more than enough on my own! ! ! "

Hearing this, Kakuzu restrained himself from taking action, but now that he had stood up, he was not ready to continue sitting down.

Because he is likely to join the war soon, and his physical condition must be adjusted first.

However, although Kakuzu was not prepared to take action, Nangong Yue, who had been hiding in a different space and watching the battle for a long time, was too lazy to wait any longer.

" guys are so annoying..."


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