
"Hehehe... You have a very high IQ, you can deduce it yourself.

In short, if you become this thing, you will definitely not be able to be resurrected~

Ha ha ha ha ha..."

"Is it possible?!!!"

Shikamaru seemed to have caught some inspiration, but he had no time to think because Kakuzu's attack had already arrived.

He could only squeeze out the little chakra he had left and retreat as hard as he could.

If it weren't for the help of Izumo and Zitetsu, Shikamaru would have been killed by Kakuzu's punch!

What's more, because of Nangong Yue's language, Shikamaru is still in a trance, and it is difficult to control chakra. There are problems in simply strengthening the body, let alone casting spells!

But fortunately, neither Kakuzu nor Hidan took it seriously yet, because they were not invulnerable and had to be prepared for the reinforcements that would arrive later.

They are no different than Nangong Yue. They are all typical ninjas, with high attack and low defense. Any sharp blade can penetrate their unstrengthened bodies.

Hidan aside, this guy is truly immortal and can only be cut into pieces and buried alive, or the entire body can be destroyed.

Just talking about Kakuzu, this guy's physical strength is not much stronger than that of ordinary people if he is not hardened by earth escape.

Moreover, as long as all five hearts in his body are broken, this old guy's life will be over.

Kakuzu and Hidan played with the three soldiers and crabs for five minutes before reinforcements arrived.

"What is this?"

Facing the sudden appearance of a large number of crows, Fei Duan was disturbed for a while.

There was nothing he could do, why was this guy's attack speed so slow? Facing dozens of crows, there was really nothing Hidan could do.

"Hidan get out of the way!"

Upon hearing Kakuzu's order, Hidan subconsciously retreated, and then...

"Fire escape, head hard! Wind escape, crushing damage!!!"

Just as Hidan retreated behind him, Kakuzu used the Fire Release that had been sealed in advance, followed immediately by the Wind Release!

In less than a second, both of them modified and reduced the ninjutsu of the seals, and successfully cast the spells one after another, forming a powerful combination of ninjutsu!

For a moment, flames burned the sky! ! !

The hundreds of crows summoned by the Konoha ninja on the roof were burned to death by a wide range of flames!

However, the reinforcements from Konoha also achieved their goals.

The flames did burn the crows, but the removal of the necromancy, along with a large amount of smoke, successfully blocked Kakuzu and Hidan's sight.

It was also through this that the three Chuunin who lost their strength were brought to a safe position.

Because the situation was urgent, Choji and Ino who rushed over didn't even notice the third member of the Akatsuki organization present! He just picked up Shikamaru and retreated.

The remaining two ninjas also helped one of them up and retreated instantly.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, there was no one in Kakuzu and Hidan's field of vision.

Moreover, these two are not good at sensing ninjutsu, so naturally they don't know where those ninjas are.

"Tch...they escaped."

"Thirty-five million...my bounty!!!!"

Looking at the aggrieved Hidan and the frantic Kakuzu, Nangong Yue flashed to the two of them,

"Do you want to continue fighting, or is the bounty enough?"

"Of course continue..."

"Bounty! Just that Asuma's head is enough."

Unlike Hidan, who was a fighting maniac, Kakuzu had already identified these people by their faces, and they were all characters with small bounties.

He is a money addict and will not do thankless things.

Hidan, who was interrupted, felt extremely unhappy, but he would still need this old man to sew his body in the future, so he could only listen to Kakuzu...


After understanding the demands of these two people (?), Nangong Yue snapped his fingers, and a portal suddenly opened in front of a Konoha ninja who was running wildly in the forest!

This guy in mid-air had no time to react before he rushed in! Then, the portal closed in shock to several Konoha ninjas!

Just after this guy came out, Nangong Yue's palm was waiting for him.


The Konoha Jonin who rushed out of the portal was directly grabbed by Nangong Yue's clawed right hand on his forehead, and was lifted up by Nangong Yue!


Before he could say a word, Nangong Yue took action immediately without giving him a chance!

"Kill the ashes together...Hengkai..."

Phew! ! !

In an instant, the Jonin's forehead was pierced by the bone spurs pierced by Nangong Yue's palm, and then the whole person was shattered into dust! Only a piece of clothing was left behind!

Not only those Konoha minions were suppressed, but even the two shadow-level people around Nangong Yue were not much better...

"Haha... It's a new technique again... Is it Honkai this time? It's a bit like some kind of earth escape technique.

Also, isn’t that the corpse bone vein? Can this kind of blood inheritance boundary be learned? ! ! ! "

Kakuzu, who was good at ninjutsu, immediately commented to himself.

Nangong Yue felt that it was necessary to bring Kakudu back to his senses, patted the dust on his hands, and pointed to the knife bag on the ground.

"In that bag, there is a scroll that seals Asuma's body."

Kakuzu was stunned for a moment, then squatted down and took out a few scrolls.

But unfortunately, he didn't know the seal of the Konoha seal scroll, so he had a headache, so he could only let Nangong Yue unseal it.

Nangong Yue helped the others to the end, took out Asuma's body and handed his head to Kakuzu.

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······

It just so happened that this was the money exchange, so as not to cause trouble later, Kakuzu rushed into the smelly money exchange and went to exchange money happily.

"Hehehehe... First it was 30 million taels, and now it is 35 million taels. I just don't know if this money exchange can withdraw so much money~"

Let's talk about the Konoha ninjas...

Just after they ran wildly for more than ten minutes, several of the ninja reinforcements rested against the tree trunks out of breath.

These people are not tired, but scared!

They were all people who survived the battle when Nangong Yue invaded Konoha, so they naturally knew how terrifying Nangong Yue was.

This is also the reason why the leading jounin, the ninja who was taken away by Nangong Yue just now, gave up the capture of the two Kakuzu immediately and chose to directly save people and retreat!

When Choji and Ino received the order to retreat, they were confused for the first time.

However, after learning about Nangong Yue's existence from the team leader, the two almost stepped on the wrong tree trunk.

Until now, their bodies could not help but tremble slightly.

.. 0 0

They both also experienced Nangong Yue's invasion, especially the time when chakra was disabled in the end! The two of them were almost killed by a ten-meter-high demon doll! ! !

"Damn!!! Asuma!!!!!!"

Unlike Choji and Ino who were dominated by fear, Shikamaru, who had the deepest relationship with Asuma, hit the ground with his fist so hard that he didn't even know it was torn apart! Still punching him one after another!

This was the first time Shikamaru hated his past self so much.

As long as he can be stronger, even just a little bit, he may be able to complete the task of imprisoning Hidan, and he will not get Asuma's blood.

If Asma was not injured, the story afterwards would be completely different!

Even if Nangong Yue arrives, they may not be sacrificed, and it is entirely possible to escape intact!

Seeing Shikamaru blaming himself, the other ninjas couldn't say anything. They could only wait until Shikamaru finished venting, then calmed down, and Ino, the medical ninja, treated him.

After venting for more than ten minutes, due to the pain in his hands, Shikamaru finally regained his sanity, leaned against the tree, and quietly accepted Ino's treatment.

After a few more minutes of silence, Shikamaru himself broke the team's silence.

"Is this how Sasuke felt at that time? I finally understand why he resolutely defected for the sake of strength.

So, is this ‘hatred’...

Asuma kept telling me to be diligent and said, 'If I keep going like this, I'm going to suffer big losses sooner or later.' He's obviously a fool who always loses to me in chess...

And now, Asma's words have come true.

If he were still here, he would definitely laugh and punch me.


Ino, who had been silently treating Shikamaru, now didn't know how to comfort Shikamaru.

After all, because of Nangong Yue's inexplicable intimidation, fear had taken away his sanity, and only the word 'escape' remained in his mind!

For a moment, only Shikamaru's monologue was heard. After Shikamaru fell asleep unconsciously as he talked, the team fell into silence again... Sergeant.

Chapter 197


Ten minutes after Shikamaru fell asleep, Izumo asked another jounin present,

"What should we do now? Should we retreat to Konoha first, or wait for support here?"


Let's withdraw to Konoha first, and at the same time pass the information to other groups and ask them to withdraw as well.

Our target is only the other two members of the Akatsuki organization, and they are still within our capabilities.

But unfortunately, that portal has arrived, and the gap between our hard power and theirs is too big.

Moreover, we currently have no technique that can deal with Nangong Yue.

What's more, if we continue to entangle, let alone Nangong Yue, we are likely to face the entire Akatsuki organization! ! !

Although this can give a glimpse of all members of the Akatsuki organization, this is indeed very important information.

However, it is meaningless if the information cannot be sent back. "

Speaking of this, the jounin carrying a black sword looked at Choji.

“You carry Shikamaru on your back, we will retreat to Konoha first.

And you, go and notify other teams to evacuate.

Unfortunately...the mission...failed. "


Back to the Akatsuki trio...

"It's raining...there's something wrong with the weather~

Then, access is prohibited..."

Hidan and Nangong Yue were waiting outside for Kakuzu to come out. For some reason, a large rain cloud suddenly covered the place, and then it started to rain heavily.

Hidan, like Nangong Yue, refused to enter the smelly toilet to take shelter from the rain, and still sat on the steps outside.

Hidan felt that there were no raindrops hitting him suddenly. He looked up and then turned to Nangong Yue.

"Thank you very much...

By the way, what is going on with this organization?

Also, as long as we catch up, we can kill all those Konoha ninjas!

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