Just like that, Nangong Yue held Tsunade's neck and continued to slowly climb.

"Hehehe... In this world where the power of ninjas has seriously degraded, all villages have changed from 'power only theory' to the current 'someone's will'.

Definition, energy is above, human body is below."

When more than 200 meters above the ground, Nangong Yue grabbed Tsunade's right hand on her neck and turned it inward, forcing her to look at the Konoha Village below!

'What? ! Unable to cast spells? ! ! '

"Look, this is the end of having no power.

As Hokage? Will not give up on anyone?

Hehehe... Look~ There are already more than one or two dead now~"

I saw that Konoha below was being attacked by more than 500 puppets! Among them, there were more than 50 puppets with a height of more than 10 meters!

This is not a big deal. At this time, there is also a mud dragon comparable to a slug, teasing the giant slug that seriously lacks means of attack!

Besides Tsunade, Shimura Danzo, a Kage-level warrior, was being chased around by ten ten-meter-high flying puppets, and even his right arm with ten Sharingan transplanted on it was exposed!

That’s not all. Now, according to Nangong Yue’s observation, this old guy has wasted three three-magatama Sharingan~ I just don’t know how much stock this guy has left.

“How is this battlefield built by me?

Now it’s just the clay puppets, and you are already overwhelmed.

I can also add a lot of fun things for you~

For example, this... definition, gravity is on top, and the human body is on the bottom!”

Buzz! ! ! ! !

Boom! ! ! ! !

The sudden gravity field covering the entire Konoha Village made all the ninjas who were fighting pause for a moment!

However, because those puppets were not ‘human bodies’, they were not affected, so...


Sizzle! ! ! ! !

In just a moment, all the fighting Chunins were killed, the Jonins were seriously injured, and the elite Jonins were in an uncertain state of injury!

Only the Kage-level Danzo reacted instantly, spitting out a hurricane, and with the help of the reaction force, he avoided the attack in time.

And then, because of the influence of gravity, all the ninjas' movements slowed down, and coupled with the previous injuries, the ninjas died faster and faster!

"What? You who can't use chakra are not much stronger than those samurai who can't use chakra. At best, you are just a Chunin.

What's more, even if you burst out the full power of the Kage level, you can't hurt me at all.

There is another good news to tell you. You have also seen that my technique has covered the entire Konoha.

Think about it, these people originally found it increasingly difficult to resist my puppets because of the influence of gravity.

If they are like you, and suddenly can't use chakra...


At this point, Nangong Yue slowly raised his other hand, as if he was ready to cast a spell at any time.

Just when Nangong Yue pretended to seal with one hand...


Tsunade, who was being pinched by Nangong Yue, was already a little dazed because she had no chakra to strengthen her body.

"Oh? What's your proposal? Tell me~"

"Dan...Danzo's...Root...Root...There is a...Hyuga...branch...person...I...I can...make the decision...give him...to...you..."

After Tsunade finished speaking, Nangong Yue put down the hand that was pretending to seal, reached into a portal, took out a recorder, and pressed the play button...


After listening to this recording, Tsunade in Nangong Yue's hand suddenly widened her eyes,

"The transaction is established..."

Nangong Yue turned his right hand back, smiled at Tsunade, and then let go of his right hand.

If the ninja below can't catch it, Konoha will lose the Hokage today~

"Grandma Tsunade!!!"

By the way, the local protagonist will always be in place in time.

Just before Tsunade was about to fall on the earth escape rockery, Uzumaki Naruto, who had dealt with the last guardian ninja, arrived outside Konoha.

Just then, from the entrance of Konoha to the vicinity of the Hokage Building, Naruto had adapted to the current gravity environment and successfully caught the weak Tsunade.

Just after Naruto placed Tsunade, he raised his head and stared at Nangong Yue floating above Konoha with his scarlet fox eyes!

At the same time, three chakra tails emerged uncontrollably from behind Naruto, and the fourth one had begun to emerge!

Nangong Yue, who noticed Naruto in the sky, was also a little helpless. His main purpose today was not to destroy Konoha~

But this kid looked like he was ready to dance.

Nangong Yue looked at a tree next to the Hokage Building, and the White Zetsu clone was already in place.

"In that case, let's try the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki first~"


Chapter 191

"This kid looks like he wants to dance~

Hehehe... Then I'll play with you~

But first..."

Before he finished speaking, Nangong Yue teleported to the back of the slug and slapped his hands on the dry back of the giant slug~!



Slug, who was fighting the giant dragon demon, felt someone suddenly fall on his back, and then he felt a life-and-death crisis!

Sure enough, starting from Nangong Yue's palms, in less than a second, more than half of the huge slug's body turned gray-white!

And this change is rapidly affecting the slug’s entire body! ! !

The slug immediately gave up its abnormal body parts and detonated its entire body decisively, splitting into a large number of fist-sized slugs!

In the end, although the slug survived, she still lost more than 80% of her body! ! !

Next to the damaged Hokage building, the giant slugs that had gathered again had shrunk severely.

Now, it is estimated that even a ten-meter-tall demon doll cannot be defeated...

After dealing with the slugs, Nangong Yue eliminated all the small clay golems, leaving only ten ten-meter-tall golems and the giant dragon golem over fifty meters tall, allowing them to wreak havoc on Konoha.

Then, Nangong Yue flashed in front of Naruto.

At this time, Naruto had completed the four-tail transformation and completely lost his mind. The skin all over his body was burned by the chakra of the nine tails!

When Naruto saw Nangong Yue appearing in front of him, Naruto, who barely remembered who his enemy was, rushed towards Nangong Yue without saying a word (?)!

Looking at Naruto above him, who was about to sweep down with his claws, Nangong Yue was thinking about how to deal with this silly boy.

Considering that this is Konoha, Nangong Yue suddenly isn't ready to defeat this guy head-on!

"Wouldn't it be nice to let you destroy Konoha with your own hands?


boom! ! !

While Nangong Yue was making a decision, Naruto's attack also arrived.

However, this claw passed directly through Nangong Yue's body and hit the ground hard, creating a large crater with a diameter of more than 40 meters! ! !

After Naruto's body and Nangong Yue were completely separated, Nangong Yue retreated backwards in front of Naruto.

And the direction Nangong Yue is heading towards is the Hokage Building that is still alive! ! !

boom! ! ! ! !

When many ninjas were cheering for the disappearance of hundreds of ordinary golems, the sudden destruction of the Hokage Building was like pouring a large bucket of ice water over everyone's heads!

"That's... Kyuubi?!!!"

"The seal has been..."

Just as Naruto destroyed the Hokage Building, Yamato, the Wood Release Ninja, also arrived.

However, facing the rampaging Naruto, Yamato, who was only a jounin, could not get close at all.

Near the Hokage Building, Nangong Yue, who was in a virtual state, guided the rampaging Naruto to smash things everywhere again and again.

For Yamato, not only is it inaccessible, but the current Naruto is no longer something he can suppress because...

"Oh? It's already five tails~ Then let's try our strength..."

Immediately, the five-tailed Naruto rushed towards Nangong Yue again, using the same beast-like attack method.

However, Nangong Yue did not activate virtualization this time, but faced it head-on!

Facing Naruto's fox claw, Nangong Yue also formed a claw with one hand. After hardening, he slapped Naruto hard!

choke! ! ! ! !

This time, before the five-tailed Naruto had a stalemate with Nangong Yue for two seconds, he was easily repelled by Nangong Yue!

While Naruto was still in mid-air, Nangong Yue took the initiative to attack for the first time!

I saw Nangong Yue stepping down! He stepped on a shallow pit with a diameter of more than twenty meters, and flashed in front of Naruto in mid-air at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye!

"Muscle elasticity enhancement, hardening, gun bone, thunder element, zero friction, sharpness!"

Then with a sword strike from his right hand, it stabbed into Naruto's abdomen easily! ! !

Phew! ! !


Before Naruto could instinctively fight back because of the severe pain, Nangong Yue's free hand punched Naruto in the chest! While pulling out his right hand, he knocked Naruto away.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

This time, it was the Hokage Rock that was damaged. By coincidence, Naruto hit the Yondaime's head...

"Uh...I'm really sorry~ We obviously didn't aim here."

Nangong Yue, who was floating in the air, scratched his head with his clean left hand in embarrassment and shook off the blood on his right sleeve.

During this gap period, another large number of ninjutsu bombarded Nangong Yue.

And sensing the many ninjutsu that completely covered him, Nangong Yue smiled even brighter.

"Anger makes people lose their minds. It's a very simple reason. This also makes you unable to detect or ignore the gap between the enemy and ourselves.

However, isn't it natural to take action against someone who is far stronger than yourself and pay the price?

Shinra Tianzheng..."

boom! ! ! ! !

The ninjutsu that was about to bombard Nangong Yue was all repelled and returned to all the casters!

And what’s even more cruel is that Nangong Yue also affected everyone in Konoha Village with the influence of ‘energy on top, human body on the bottom’!

With just this blow, Konoha once again lost more than two hundred chunin! And more than ten jounin! ! !

Moreover, because chakra was inexplicably sealed, a large number of ninjas were beaten to death by those large demon dolls.

So far, the more than 500 ninjas who originally followed Tsunade to encircle and suppress Nangong Yue have been basically wiped out.

Counting subsequent reinforcements, the number of Konoha ninjas who died at Nangong Yue's hands now exceeds 800!

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