Of course, with the current definition of priorities, it is difficult for people to mobilize energy. After all, this is a modification of the rules!

However, it is now difficult for Naruto to increase the number of tails!

There are even signs of falling back to the bottom four!

As for Naruto's state, Nangong Yue also noticed it.

However, this is not right!

The Nine Tails itself is an energy body, and Nangong Yue’s definition is ‘energy is on top, and the human body is on the bottom’! Kyuubi could even take this opportunity to completely break the seal! ! !

Seeing this, Nangong Yue couldn't help but read the thoughts of these two idiots...

'Sure enough, it's Naruto who wants to fight now, but the Kyuubi recognizes Kaguya... no... it should be the Chakra of the Ten-Tails, and doesn't want to disturb this muddy water at all. ’

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······

Seeing this, Nangong Yue also lost interest and was about to retreat. He had no sense at all...

Then Nangong Yue locked on the Hyuga ninja who had the "Tongue Absolute Seal" on his tongue, knocked him unconscious, sealed his soul and took him away.

Then, he casually collected a few more Anbu from the Hyuga branch, and then launched the 'Sky Shift' and returned to the Rain Hidden Village.

As for the removal of the 'tongue socket eradication', Nangong Yue expressed that he was not in a hurry.

After all, he didn't do anything while watching the battle from high altitude.

At that time, Nangong Yue took the time to activate the ten thousand times faster thinking and recorded all the spell information here, mainly the sealed book. Just go back and study it slowly.

Especially the wood escape, which is said to be the "blood inheritance limit", but in fact it is the "blood inheritance elimination" escape technique.

To put it simply, Wood Release is not a simple mixture of earth and water, but a mixture of three attributes: earth, water, and yang!

This is also the reason why among the thousands of ninjas with the dual attributes of water and earth, only Senju Hashirama developed the Wood Release!

As for Uzumaki Naruto who is still going berserk, let him continue to cause trouble in Konoha.

. . . . . . . . . . .

After all, Nangong Yue entered the different space in front of Naruto (?).

And seeing the Kyuubi here, he was also a little confused.

The monster outside who was randomly beating up his Jinchuriki, the Kyuubi who was relatively sensitive to energy, sensed the energy in Nangong Yue's body at the moment when Nangong Yue cast his 'priority' that covered the entire Konoha.

From that moment on, Kyuubi's heart began to beat.

Because, he concluded that the energy in Nangong Yue's body was much greater and more pure than that old man Otsutsuki Hagoromo! ! !

Of course, Yuyi's energy attribute is only close to 'chaos', while Nangong Yue's energy is a real chaotic attribute!

As for Nangong Yue's departure now, it is indeed a good opportunity to break through the seal, but if the seal is broken, wouldn't he be in trouble once he meets the person just now?

However, he was not willing to stay within the seal peacefully.

In the end, Kyuubi chose a compromise plan, not to break the seal, but to make Naruto go as violent as possible and cause chaos to the Konoha he hated!

Nangong Yue's departure was witnessed by many Konoha ninjas.

Just before they had time to breathe a sigh of relief, Four-Tailed Naruto's attacks followed one after another!

Obviously, the purpose of this Kyuubi is not to destroy buildings, but to kill as many people as possible! ! !

In less than ten seconds, no fewer than ten chunin had died at the hands of Naruto!

However, fortunately, their chakra has recovered and they can use ninjutsu, giving the ninjas the most basic sense of security.

After more than twenty chunin died, the ninjas present also reacted.

Although they, the jounin and chuunin, can't defeat this little Kyuubi, they can run away!

Anyway, a large area of ​​​​the area around here has been damaged due to the fighting. Even if it is a little dilapidated, they will not feel bad.

In the end, Tsunade, who barely recovered, cooperated with Yamato's wood escape seal, and was able to suppress the rampaging Naruto.

However, although Konoha was smashed to pieces again, it was none of Nangong Yue's business.

I think this Konoha Village will undergo major renovations every two years, so the villagers should be used to it~


Chapter 192


Putting aside Nangong Yue who once again entered the sage mode and devoted himself to studying the art, in a huge sewer on the border of the Kingdom of Thunder...


how? Such pain! You feel it too! ! !

So, the next step is the last one! ! ! ! ! "

At this time, Hidan, who was standing on a simple formation, looked like a skeleton, except that his whole body was covered with multiple penetrating wounds, and basically all the blood flowed to the ground under his feet!

What was very strange was that the body parts of the two Yuki who fell more than ten meters away from Hidan also seemed to have suffered penetrating injuries, and blood spurted out as if they were free! ! !

At this time, the two Yukitos looked at Hidan who was about to pierce their hearts, with despair written on their faces!

She didn't know if Hidan would die once Hidan's heart was pierced, but she was definitely dead!


Phew! ! !



This pain...it feels so good~~~"

As Hidan pierced his heart, Yukito's eyes suddenly widened, and he quickly lost consciousness.

Kakuzu, who was standing on the sidelines watching the battle, did not stop Hidan because, on the one hand, Hidan was immortal, and on the other hand, as a jinchuriki, Yukito could still hold on for a few days even if his heart was pierced.

These few days were enough for them to seal the second tail.

Seeing Hidan lying flat on the formation at his feet with his heart pierced again, and just closing his eyes and falling asleep (?), Kakuzu also expressed his tiredness.

He didn't understand at all why Hidan would come out like this every time after killing someone and talk about some kind of religious ceremony. It was such a waste of time.

For Kakuzu, who is passionate about money, wasting time is equivalent to wasting money, which he could not tolerate at all. Because of this, Hidan's previous partners all died in his hands.

However, Hidan could not do that. His previous partners could be said to have died at the hands of the enemy due to mistakes.

However, since Hidan's immortal body couldn't do it, he had no excuse at all.

Even if Hidan was dismembered and buried, he still had to be responsible for digging him out and then conscientiously sewing up the bastard's body!

"Hmm...Zero Burial, the capture of Erwei has been completed, when will the sealing begin?"

As usual, Hidan would have to lie down in that formation for a long time, so Kakuzu took advantage of this and contacted Pain through the ring.

In less than five seconds, Kakuzu received the communication,

“Very good…is it safe where you are?

If there is no problem, just wait until Santai's ceremony is over and seal it on the spot.

If that doesn't work, it just so happens that Kong Chen is here with me and I can let him be responsible for the transmission. "

"I'm not sure. That Yumu guy may have left some traces along the way, and we didn't have time to identify them.

To be on the safe side, let’s pick us up. "

At this time, on the top floor of the tall tower in the center of Yuyin Village, Nangong Yue, who had been studying in the spiritual space for nearly fifty years (nearly two days), just came out of seclusion.

As soon as he came out of seclusion, Nangong Yue came to Payne, ready to look at the scenery of Yuyin Village through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

Just in time, he saw Pain talking to Kakuzu through the ring, and sighed helplessly.

After finishing the call, Tiandao Payne happened to sense Nangong Yue's arrival, turned around, and looked at him expressionlessly.

The two looked at each other like this for more than ten seconds. Nangong Yue snapped his fingers helplessly, and a portal appeared beside him. Then, he saw Kakuzu dragging the scarred Yumu Ren out...

"Old man, Hidan just fell asleep?"

"( # ` Pan')...

Hey... let him be. "

Apparently, this old man has been harboring grudges against that bastard Hidan for a long time.

Then, Nangong Yue will help others to the end,

"The human body is on top, the liquid is in the middle, and gravity is on the bottom."

The next second, the portal next to Nangong Yue expanded a little, and then a tall body lay flat in the air and floated out.

Moreover, there was a simple pattern made of blood floating under his body, and the blood that subsequently flowed out of Hidan's body naturally poured into the 'magic circle'.

The three people present, Xiaonan, Pain, and Kakuzu, were inevitably surprised when they saw Nangong Yue's methods, but these people perfectly restrained the changes in their expressions.

At the same time, he became even more afraid of Nangong Yue.

After all, Nangong Yue used 'priority' in front of them and also stated the definition.

These people are not fools, and they can naturally deduce the effect of Nangong Yue's technique.

But it's useless. 'Priority Definition' is a technique that even if it is known, there is no way to restrain it. You can only keep coming up with different things to attack Nangong Yue.

However, Nangong Yue is not stupid. 'Priority' is a very flexible technique, and the priority can be adjusted at will.

Back to reality...

After getting Hidan back, Nangong Yue closed the portal casually, then took out a recliner beside the floor-to-ceiling window of this spacious office, and then lay down on it.

"Wait until Hidan wakes up and then call me..."

Afterwards, Nangong Yue took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on, and fell asleep directly.

Seeing Nangong Yue like this, Jiaodu felt very unhappy, but it was hard to say anything. He went to Xiaonan alone, took over a lot of financial documents, found a desk and started reviewing them.

But Xiaonan and Nagato were not surprised. After a few days of getting along, they both knew that Nangong Yue was just a salted fish, but this salted fish had frightening power...

Although Konoha looked prosperous at this time, the obvious low pressure could be felt by everyone.

The four invading jounin were a small matter, and they did not cause any sacrifices. They just sent out a few jounin-level ninjas, and they all survived.

Mainly because of Nangong Yue who was organized by Xiao, this was such a huge loss!

Basically, the whole army of Konoha was mobilized to deal with one person, but nearly a thousand people were sacrificed? ! And they are all chunin and jounin! ! !

How many ninjas are there in the entire Konoha? How many chunin are you? How rare are jonins?

Originally, after Orochimaru's invasion three years ago, Konoha could no longer maintain its status as the 'strongest ninja village'. Now it has directly lost a large number of its backbone...

What's even worse is that the two shadow-level people in the village almost died!

To be honest, if Nangong Yue hadn't let things slip, Konoha would have been expelled from the ninja world! ! !

This is nothing, the point is, many ninjas died at the hands of Naruto!


At the root base underground at the edge of Konoha, Konoha's two advisors, the root leader Shimura Danzo, and the Fifth Hokage Senju Tsunade, gathered here for the first time. 0.

There is no way, the Hokage Building was smashed and has not been built yet.

"The commotion caused by just a few terrorists, plus a member of the Akatsuki organization, caused such horrific losses to Konoha..." (Mito Gate Flame)

"This has become a serious situation, Tsunade-hime." (Change to Koharu)

"Yes, Konoha has fallen into an unprecedented low point now.

The surrounding countries, not only... were known by the daimyo, where would Konoha's face go? "(Mitomonitis)

"Humph! This is all the result of the wrong instructions you gave!

Doesn't Nangong Yue need Hinata's ninja? Wouldn't it be enough to just give him a Hinata chuunin genin?

Anyway, there is a caged bird, so I don’t have to worry about being looked down upon by him. "(Shimura Danzo)

“Lack of decisiveness puts the village in danger.

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