"Isn't that what I found..." Soon, Nangong Yue locked onto several Hyuga ninjas, then patted the non-existent dust on his shoulders and slowly walked towards Tsunade-sama.

Tap... tap... tap...

"You are the Hokage of this generation. To be honest, you are not that great~

How about it? Just hand over the Hyuga ninja next to you to me, and I will leave Konoha immediately, how about that?"

"Humph!!! The space here has been blocked! Where else can you go?!

Your biggest mistake is coming to Konoha alone!

Just surrender! Hey!!!"

Knowing that these ninjas under her command probably can't break through the monster Nangong Yue, only she, the Kage-level, can do it herself.

Before she finished speaking, Tsunade used the 'super strength technique' under her feet, combined with the instant body technique, and reduced the distance of 50 meters to zero in less than half a second!

At the same time, she punched Nangong Yue fiercely!

Facing such an ignorant attack by Tsunade, Nangong Yue took advantage of the situation and made a palm with one hand to catch Tsunade's pink fist.

Bang!!!!!! !

The two men's fists collided, generating a violent shock wave, and all the surrounding ninjas could not get close at all!

At the same time, the ground under Nangong Yue's feet sank into a large pit with a radius of more than ten meters!

Because the ground was broken, a large amount of gravel was produced. Driven by the shock wave, it shot at the surrounding ninjas like bullets!

These Chunin and Jonin could only draw out kunai or ninja swords, blocking left and right, trying not to let themselves be killed by "stray bullets".

This scene is exactly the same as the scene in the last world when All Might led many heroes to encircle AllForOne!


For the first time! Tsunade's strange punch was taken by someone so easily! ! !

"Why do you rashly fight me in close combat without knowing the enemy's ability?



Bang! ! !

At the moment when Nangong Yue launched the spell "collapse", Tsunade, who felt the crisis, quickly triggered the "substitute spell" that had been sealed in advance, returned to the center of the crowd, and then flashed in front of Nangong Yue again.

Seeing the situation of her substitute wood at this time, Tsunade's eyes widened, obviously shocked and scared.

Because, when the half-person-high wood fell to the ground, it had completely turned gray and white, and it turned into dust and dissipated when the wind blew! ! !

Then, Tsunade felt a sharp pain in her right fist!

Looking down, she found that the flesh and blood on the back of her right hand were gone! The bones were clearly visible! ! !

At the same time, some gray-white dust was falling off at the edge of the wound.

At this time, Tsunade Senju was really having a headache, because Nangong Yue was too tricky.

Not only was the spell weird, but the pure strength was also terrifyingly strong.

In addition to the previous situation of the Yamanaka clan, this guy's mental power was also terrifying, that is to say, it is very likely that his illusion strength is also very strong!

‘I didn’t expect that it’s time to untie the Yin Seal now.’

Then, Tsunade decisively untied the ‘Yin Seal’ on her body. Starting from the mark on Tsunade’s forehead, a large number of black lines extended to her whole body!

Then, her right hand, which was already bloody and mangled, recovered in less than five seconds!

To be honest, looking at Tsunade’s technique, Nangong Yue felt a little worried for her.

“` .I said... we have no hatred or grudges, you won’t do this.

Even if you are a member of the Senju clan, your vitality can’t stand such consumption!

The number of cell divisions of ordinary humans is limited~”

“Humph! You, the enemy, don’t need to worry about me!

Heavenly Pain Kick!!!”

After Tsunade opened the big move, relying on her ‘immortal body’, she jumped towards Nangong Yue again, and then stepped on Nangong Yue with one foot!

Facing Tsunade’s attack, Nangong Yue also caught Tsunade’s kick with one hand, and then sighed helplessly,

“Ah...explosive power, impact reversal, shock wave.”

Boom! ! ! ! !

This time, Tsunade didn't even last a second, and flew back directly, crashing into the crowd surrounding Nangong Yue!


Facing Tsunade flying back, all the people in that direction, under Nangong Yue's compassionate eyes, worked together to catch Tsunade-sama, and then...

Simply put, it was Tsunade, the 'bowling ball', that knocked down all the 'pins', and this was a perfect score pitch...

After the smoke and dust dissipated, what appeared (good) in everyone's eyes was a scratch of 500 meters long and more than 10 meters wide, which stopped right in front of the Hokage Building.

Coincidentally, such a huge movement also allowed the two consultants who stayed in the Hokage Building to free Shimura Danzo. At the same time, the root was also summoned to join the team to encircle Nangong Yue.

And Nangong Yue, after repelling the Hokage, he also started to play.

Using his integrated earth-based techniques, he created a large number of mud puppets and rushed towards the surrounding ninjas.

These ninjas were caught off guard by Nangong Yue's move, and lost more than fifty Chunins in the first place!

However, in less than ten seconds, many Jonins stabilized the situation.

However, at the same time, these Jonins were also held back by a large number of puppets.

A single puppet has only the combat power of a Chunin, but as long as these things are not completely destroyed, they will be restored quickly!

Not to mention, there are a large number of puppets flying in the air, firing mud missiles at the ninjas on the ground from time to time!

What makes the Konoha ninjas even more uncomfortable is that Nangong Yue's energy seems to be endless. In less than a minute, there are more than a hundred puppets on the scene! And they are still being generated at an unstoppable speed! ! !

Seeing that everyone was dragged down and no one provoked Nangong Yue, he slowly rose into the air and stopped at a distance of 100 meters from the ground, quietly observing the battlefield he created...

Chapter 190


At a height of 100 meters above the ground, Nangong Yue just watched the war on the ground quietly.

After all, he is not a clay man. Since Konoha wants to play, he, Nangong Yue, will play with them~ Anyway, it is not him, Nangong Yue, who will lose in the end.

As for Tsunade, this qualified ‘bowling ball’ killed more than 30 Chunins at once, seriously injured several Jonins, and slightly injured several Jonins. She was really excellent...

At the same time, the ‘space blockade’ that needed to be surrounded was easily broken.

Just when Tsunade got up and had no time to confirm the casualties, she saw a mud dragon with a wingspan of 200 meters and a height of more than 50 meters rushing towards her!

As a conditioned reflex, Tsunade punched the head of the dragon with all her strength. The shock wave generated by the collision between the two sides caused secondary damage to the ninjas behind Tsunade again!

However, Tsunade had no time to care about them, because Tsunade’s full-strength punch only shattered less than half of this huge puppet!

Just when this thing retreated, it absorbed a lot of mud from the ground, completed the shape of the puppet, and then flew into the sky again! At the same time, it fanned a strong hurricane!

While watching the flying dragon puppet take off, Tsunade immediately noticed Nangong Yue floating above Konoha!

"Nangong Yue!!! What on earth do you want to do?!!!"

Under the transmission of chakra, Nangong Yue heard it clearly, and then replied in the same way,

"Didn't I say that I need ninjas from the Hyuga clan~

You can't honestly and willingly hand these people over to me, so I have to do it myself~

Also, who told you to come and encircle me without knowing the consequences?

You only need to hand over a few people , can save the entire Konoha, don't you know how to compare numbers?

Hokage~ what are you thinking?

'One' and 'ten', how can they be as important as 'hundred', 'thousand', 'ten thousand'?

Isn't this a math problem that can be easily solved by students who have just entered the ninja school?

Well, since you want to play, I will play with you~

Look~ what a wonderful battlefield!

The light and shadow of different ninjutsu interweave, the sound of flesh being pierced, the metal and iron of weapons clashing, the ground stained red with blood, and the hell scene of broken limbs everywhere Elephant, the roar of returning to the light! ! I will never give up any of the wooden leaves! " In front of everyone, "That's!" Master Tsarian's psychic beast !!! "" Great! "This is okay!" "These soil magic puppets are about to be resolved!" Although the morale of Muye Ninja has greatly increased because of calling such a huge cricket, but it also consumes more than half of Tsunade's Chakra! "Ha...ha...ha...


Sir Slug, I'll leave these puppets to you. I'm going to deal with the enemy in the sky!"

After saying that, Tsunade rushed to the bottom of Nangong Yue's position, apparently preparing to attack this place...

Back to Nangong Yue...

To be honest, the slug summoned by Tsunade really held back some of Nangong Yue's combat power.

If you don't want this behemoth to interfere with you, you must hold it back or kill it directly.

But this slug will split...

"Ah...even if you activate 'collapse' and 'renovation' at the same time, you can't solve this big thing instantly.

But, it's okay, as long as you can solve most of it at once.

The remaining split bodies can only serve as medical soldiers."

Just before Nangong Yue was about to flash away, Tsunade stepped on the fake mountain created by a large number of earth escape ninjas and jumped to the same level as Nangong Yue, and then punched him again.

"Why don't you believe it?

The human body is above, and the impact is below."

This time, Nangong Yue did not catch Tsunade's fist, but let her punch him in the chest, and then grabbed her neck with one hand!

"Tsunade-sama (Hokage-sama)!!!!!!"

Nangong Yue is now in a too high position, and the ninjas below, whether it is ninjutsu or blades, can't attack here!

After Nangong Yue straightened his arms, Tsunade, who was twenty centimeters shorter than Nangong Yue, could no longer touch his torso with her hands.

Moreover, now Tsunade's hands can only try her best to pry Nangong Yue's fingers apart.

Then, because his feet could not use force, even with the increase of the 'strange strength technique', the power was not as powerful as the weak (?) punch before, hitting Nangong Yue's body, it was not painful or itchy at all.

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