"Asuma-senpai (teacher)!"

Haruno Sakura and Yamato rushed over. The first time Sakura saw Nangong Yue, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes, and she immediately dodged to Asuma's side and rear to get ready to face the enemy!

"Nangong Yue from the Akatsuki organization...why does this troublesome person appear in Konoha?"

Yamato asked Asuma. It could be seen from his frown and the cold sweat on his forehead how nervous this guy was.

Before Asma could answer, Nangong Yue, who was only a dozen meters away from the three of them, answered first.

"Why am I here? This is an unreasonable question~

As someone who is proficient in space arts, where in the world can’t I go?

So, here comes the question. Among the four coffins at the power plant, they should be the four dead Twelve Guardian Ninjas.

Moreover, they are all proficient in Thunder Escape.

I remember, isn't there a thunder escape secret ninjutsu where four people cooperate to cast spells? What kind of person is this?"

Nangong Yue held his chin with one hand and pretended to be thinking.

Asuma's expression became even more gloomy.

Unlike the two uninformed people around him, he has seen the terrifying and destructive power of Lei Meng Lei Ren's technique!

"Sakura! Yamato! Get around this guy!

Prioritize solving power plant problems! We must not allow that spell to be successfully performed! "

Asma gave the order and activated the teleportation technique to leave the place. After receiving the order, the two jonins (?) glanced at Nangong Yue and finally obeyed the order and retreated.

Watching the three people leave, Nangong Yue didn't bother to stop him. He was worried that no one announced his location. Aren't these three people good human resources~

On their way forward, they would definitely notify the ninja who was fighting or treating the wounded, and then the news about him would soon be sent to Tsunade Senju.

At that time, considering the threat level you pose, you will definitely send... no... you will even personally lead a large number of ninjas to surround you!

It just so happens that the four Jonin who invaded Konoha will be eliminated by Konoha's elite ninjas in a short time.

At that time, it will be his time to read Nangong.

After thinking clearly, Nangong Yue slowly walked towards the Hokage Building.

...Five minutes later, the Hokage's office...


Nangong Yue from the Akatsuki organization, what is this guy doing in Konoha?

However, compared to the intruder, this guy is a tough guy. "

After receiving the information, the Godaime Hokage sat in the armchair with his brows furrowed and weighed again and again.

After all, she had already learned about Nangong Yue's destructive power from Kakashi.

If it cannot be restrained with one blow, the village will be in danger once a head-on battle begins.

She didn't think that Konoha's refuge could withstand an attack comparable to the Tailed Beast Tama.


Kato Shizune, who was standing next to Tsunade, was very worried about this. Now she could only wait for the Hokage to make a decision.

"Wait...wait until those invading Jonin are dealt with.

The Nangong Yue we are facing is not an ordinary film-level person. We have never figured out that guy's ability at all, so we must be fully prepared.

We can't let those intruders come to disrupt the situation while we are dealing with members of the Akatsuki organization.

According to Asuma's information, Sakura, Yamato, and himself have already gone to deal with the intruders.

In addition, there are several Jonin-level Anbu following, so it should be considered foolproof...

Shizune, please step back first. If you have new information, report it to me. "

Tsunade Senju stood up and looked through the window at the main road leading to the Hokage Building.

She had a hunch that the arrogant Nangong Yue would definitely appear here!


To be honest, at this time, Nangong Yue should have been surrounded by the root members of Danzo Shimura.

However, I don’t know what happened today. Danzo Shimura, a guy who is neither human nor ghost, was actually kidnapped by ANBU people to the prison cell of the Hokage Building? !

Then, this 'Darkness of the Ninja World' naturally cannot give orders, and now Nangong Yue is still walking on the main road of Konoha.

Of course, many ANBU ninjas had spontaneously gathered around Nangong Yue, but they were all waiting for the Hokage to give orders.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Nangong Yue could already see the red Hokage building. Focusing his perspective, Nangong Yue saw Senju Tsunade standing at the window. The two seemed to have locked eyes...

Although he didn't know whether this shadow-level person could see himself nearly a kilometer away with the enhancement of chakra, Nangong Yue still gave the beautiful woman a symbolic smile, but the specific meaning was unknown.

at the same time...

"Tsunade-sama, the defensive barrier, reincarnation technique...all the enemy's techniques have been lifted, and calm is returning to the area near the gate.

In addition, according to Asuma's report, the ninjutsu that could burn the village to ashes in an instant was successfully prevented before it was implemented. "

Senju Tsunade looked in the direction of Nangong Yue and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is it...

So now, gather the ninjas to face the member of the Akatsuki organization, Nangong Yue! ! ! "


Whoosh whoosh! ! ! !

Suddenly, starting from the Hokage Building, a large number of ANBU ninjas followed Senju Tsunade and rushed towards Nangong Yue who was walking on the main road of Konoha!

In less than half a minute, Senju Tsunade led a large number of ninjas to Nangong Yue!

At the same time, the ninjas around Nangong Yue were no longer hiding, and emerged from the walls, behind the trees, on the ground, etc., completely surrounding Nangong Yue!

Moreover, as time goes by, more and more ninjas gather!

In less than twenty seconds, more than five hundred ninjas gathered in this small place!

Among them, naturally there is also a group of new generation elites.

"Oh? Have those four fools who overestimated their abilities finally been dealt with?

Let's see...how many Hinata people are there? "


Chapter 189

"Let me see, how many Hinata people are there?"

Nangong Yue did not pay attention to the Hokage in the main position, but began to look for the ninjas of the Hyuga clan.

Of course, it can only be a separate family...people of the clan, in this case, basically stay in the clan area.

And Senju Tsunade had heard Nangong Yue's words clearly, and she was also a little confused as to why this guy needed Hinata's ninjas.

According to the information provided by Kakashi, this guy probably doesn't need any blood inheritance boundaries.

Moreover, when this guy faced Hyuga Neji before, I heard that he didn't like to see the blood successor "Byakugan".

But no matter what, as Hokage, she would not allow the ninjas in her village to be taken away!

Also, considering the opponent's endless array of spells, it would be safer for them to strike first.

"Sealing Class!!!"

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

Tsunade gave an order, and a large number of ninjas carrying giant scrolls quickly teleported to the outside of the encirclement!

"Time and Space Blockade!!!"

Soon, an energy shield that was exactly the same as the defensive barrier that surrounded the entire Konoha Village before surrounded all the ninjas present!

Immediately, Nangong Yue began to analyze this technique, wanting to see how it was different from the way of blocking space in his 'space modeling'.

Also, just to see how effective this sealing technique is.

However, Tsunade is not prepared to give Nangong Yue any chance!

"Pig Deer Butterfly!!!"

Just before the sealing barrier was formed, the ninjas of the three clans of Zhu, Lu and Die were ordered to cast spells on Nangong Yue!

First, a group of ninjas from Nara, led by Shikaku Nara, controlled a large number of shadows to stab Nangong Yue!

Soon, a large number of shadows were connected to Nangong Yue's shadow!

Immediately afterwards...

"Heart Turning Technique!!!"

The ninjas of the mountain clan, headed by Yamanaka Haiichi, stabbed Nangong Yue with their spiritual power!


Then, all kinds of long-range ninjutsu bombarded Nangong Yue!

Moreover, because these ninjas have practiced in advance, they know clearly how to use a large number of ninjutsu to attack the enemy and avoid canceling each other out with the ninjutsu of friendly forces!

The current situation is that the wind is fueling the fire, the rapids are causing thunder, and at the same time, there are a large number of earth thorns, stabbing towards Nangong Yue! ! !


It's just that the space has been strengthened ten times. However, there is no need to use space spells~

Also, I accept these extended spiritual bodies without mercy~

Destroying souls, restoring souls, crystallizing souls, and prohibiting access. ’

boom! ! ! ! !

Hundreds of ninjas unleashed their ninjutsu almost at full strength, causing serious damage to Nangong Yue's location!

At the same time, a large amount of smoke, dust and water vapor blocked everyone's sight.

However, there was no sound except for the aftermath of the previous attack echoing in the space.

However, everyone’s faces were filled with excitement!

Because in their opinion, no matter who performed the combined ninjutsu of that level just now, it should be wiped out! ! !

'Did you make it? ’

Unlike the other ninjas, Tsunade Senju, the Hokage, thought uncertainly.

"Hokage-sama! The enemy's chakra has not disappeared!! ¨"!"

At this time, an ANBU ninja from the Hyuga branch next to Tsunade reported to her.

“Once you ask the question ‘Was it successful?’, it must be that it was not successful~”

Before the smoke and dust dispersed, Nangong Yue's voice came from the center of the destruction.


Suddenly, all the ninjas of the Yamanaka clan who had performed the 'Heart Turning Technique', including Yamanaka Haiichi, let out a scream originating from their souls!

Then, they all fell to the ground unconscious!


Nara Shikaku immediately rushed to his best friend and helped him up. Before he could ask further about the situation, he saw Yamanaka Haiichi bleeding from his orifices!

Then he looked around and found that all the people of the mountain clan were also bleeding from their orifices!


"The entire army is on alert!!!"

boom! ! !

A circular shock wave dispersed the smoke and dust around him, and the unharmed Nangong Yue appeared in front of all the Konoha ninjas!

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