"Mineta, use your sticky balls to climb.

Your task is to cover the rock wall in front of you with your sticky balls!"(Nangong)


Ignoring the tearful Mineta Minoru, Nangong Yue looked at Iida and Oshiro,

"Iida, Oshiro, you two go practice 'Razor'.

If you have a white tail, you should focus on training your tail, using your legs and tail alternately"

"Chang An, your mission remains unchanged, continue to control the rampaging shadow.

Green hills! Your time for each launch is increased to one and a half minutes!

As for Wabuki, Reiri, Erlang, and Ashido, your mission remains unchanged.

At the same time, Liri, you should always pay attention to those people who are doing dangerous work at high altitudes.

For Todoroki, Midoriya, Sero, and Mineta, you are always ready to grant"no gravity" to the boulder or themselves.’"

Finally, after reading the long list of instructions, Nangong Yue took Bad Li aside to play, making Ye Yintou grit his teeth!

Not only that, Bad Li, who was walking behind Nangong Yue, also took the time to make a face at Ye Yin Tou...

���bad...reason!!! Just wait for me!!!"(Hagakure)

Faced with Toru Hagakure, who was on the verge of turning black, girls such as Eight Million Hundreds and Reihi carefully stayed away from her.

At the same time, it also put a lot of pressure on Shoko Mezo and Kirishima Eijirou.

‘Nangong! I have been harmed by you!!! '(Kirishima)

Class B, who was also under twice the gravity, felt extremely sympathetic to what happened to Class A.

Suddenly, the sharp-eyed Mononoma Ningren discovered the violating details.

"Hello! How do you feel in this gravity environment?"

"I'm fine~ It's just that..."

Kazuka Kento, the monitor of Class B, looked around and found that most of the students in Class B were already sweating after just standing for a few minutes.

"It seems a bit burdensome..."(Fist Fuji)

"But look at the little girl next to Nangong Yue..."(Monujian)

At Monujian’s prompt, they looked at the jumping bad reason.

Originally, they all thought that Nangong Yue did not cover himself and his sister with the gravity field, but Class B still has sharp eyes.

"The falling speed is definitely affected!"(Fenteng)


"That is to say...Are we even worse than that kid?!"


The person who spoke was immediately punched by the head teacher of Class B.

"What are you looking at?!!!

Don't you feel ashamed?! You are not even as good as a six year old!!!

What's more, that kid doesn't have an enhanced personality!!!

Do you know what this means?!

This means that you have been eating rice for more than ten years in vain!!!

Get me trained quickly!!!"......

The perspective shifts to Nangong Yue....

At this time, Nangong Yue was standing behind Bad Li, while Bad Li was standing on the edge of the cliff, firing invisible energy bombs into the void with his hands uninterrupted.

In order to achieve the goal of"using both hands to launch personalized energy bombs", Badi spent a lot of time training before he succeeded.

In Nangong Yue's perception, the speed of this energy bullet has caught up with the bullet speed of an ordinary pistol.

When Nobuno Fuzaki and Shota Aizawa arrived here, one was full of doubts (Fousaki) and the other was covered in cold sweat (Aizawa).

Nobuno Fuzaki had no idea what Badori was doing, he just thought it was a child's hero role-playing game.

But Aizawa Shota was different. Through his own mental power, he sensed the invisible energy bombs fired by Badri.

Moreover, he is one of the few people who clearly understands the evil personality! Naturally, he was covered in cold sweat.

Once you are hit by an energy bomb from Bad Li, although you may not be injured, you will basically say goodbye to your 'personality' forever....

‘The little devil of the devil's family...What?...It’s a really fitting setting....’

Sensing the two people arriving behind him, Nangong Yue used his mental power to throw a fist-sized stone to Aizawa Shota.

"Today, use your mental power to control this stone to float in the air.

The weight is not heavy, you have to decide what to do and try to hold on for as long as possible.

Of course, you professional heroes should always maintain a certain level of combat ability and don't overdo it.

Of course, you can replace it with a large number of small stones to train your micromanipulation abilities.

Also, you are responsible for entrusting the method of spiritual cultivation to the person next to you. I have to keep an eye on these children. If you are lazy, I will settle the score later."(Nangong)

"......Am I just doomed?

You bastard are going to drive me away without saying a word?! call~~~Eraserhead! let's go!

(Evil Lolicon!!!)" (Sendsaki)

After shouting, the older girl dragged Aizawa Shota, whose face was full of helplessness, down the hill, found a corner of the open space, and began to ask Aizawa for advice. Xiao Tai...

5:30 pm...

In the open-air kitchen area, all members of Class B were exhausted, but at least they retained some mobility.

But looking at everyone in Class A, everyone is basically in a state of mental exhaustion.

Out of sympathy and for the safety of the students in Class A, the people in Class B took away the jobs that required surgery early....

Well, it’s considered to be the most benevolent and righteous thing to do.

At night, it's time for the Daring Test, and it's also time for the Honkai Organization to take action.

It is worth mentioning that the five-person tutoring team in Class A, as punishment, were not allowed to participate in the long-awaited courage test competition, and could only go to tutoring with Shota Aizawa....

As for the courage test, Class A should start the courage test first, and Class B will be responsible for scaring people.

However, those responsible for scaring people are not allowed to touch those who come to test their courage.

Each class is divided into multiple pairs and enters the forest in batches.

After all, if there are many people, they won’t be scared at all....

Originally, they planned to just go into the forest one by one, but now they are in a group of two, which is considered magnanimous!

During the lottery, Nangong Yue was specially chosen to be in the same group as Ye Yintou. The third batch of Class A set off, and then Nangong Yue didn't care.���

Then, there are five people in Class A who need tutoring, and one of them must be left alone.

The winner of the first prize is, as expected, our destined son, Izuku Midoriya....

Standing at the entrance, looking at the piece of paper with '3' written on it in his hand, his mind started to work.

Actually, from the moment they arrived here, the main purpose of this action of the Honkai Organization had been achieved.

After all, Yuying High School is the pinnacle of the neon hero training school and is completely synonymous with 'safety'.

What's more, they also joined the 'symbol of peace' All Might!

In the heroic society, the two things people trust most are actually gathered together! This is not just a simple addition!

If events that shake the foundation of trust occur one after another in this focus, this shake will spread to the entire hero society.

And this sleepover in the forest is a secret among secrets, with no more than five people knowing about it!

Then, during the top-secret stay together, they were attacked by the enemy.

As long as an established fact is created, it means that there is something wrong with the hero himself.

Moreover, counting the various previous attacks, the impact has accumulated...

Well~ There will definitely not be any big problems with All Might. After all, everyone knows that All Might is only one person after all, and he cannot take care of everything. A distant water cannot save a nearby fire.

However, as a hero of a sound organization, he must face the verbal and written criticism of social fishing boats.

Moreover, if the second purpose of the operation is achieved and even the students are taken away by the criminal group, hahaha...

Not long after the fifth group entered the forest, the students and teachers still staying in the open space smelled an obvious burning smell.

‘It's started...’

At this time, Nangong Yue and Ye Yintou, who were in the poisonous fog, had no need to limit their own methods because there was no third witness, and they both imposed a"poison resistance" state on themselves.

Ye Yintou used the 'traffic prohibition' to isolate the poisonous mist and just inhaled the air;

Nangong Yue was even more straightforward. When his body reached his level, the toxicity of the poisonous mist only made Nangong Yue pause for a moment, and his body naturally overcame this poison...

Nangong Yue still looked down upon that good-for-nothing boy who poisoned him, and was ready to let him fend for himself.

It is best if he can complete his mission. If he fails to complete his task and is arrested, it will be regarded as a glass of boiled water. It is not a loss at all.

After confirming that the poisonous boy was having a good time, Nangong Yue teleported to Dubi's side with Ye Yintou.

Seeing the two people who suddenly appeared, the nervous Tuwais was startled.

"Lord Nangong! (Boss!)" (Hitoshi Bunbei Kawara) looked at Tabi who had nothing to do except set fires, and then felt the overall process....

"The light is missing..."

"Don't call that name!!!!!"

Haha, after hearing these two words, the calm Tubi exploded instantly, his whole body was on fire, and he stared at Nangong Yue.

Looking at Tubi's explosive look, he felt a little pleasure, and just because of this, Nangong Yue Let him go first

"So, Dabi...Just let a clone go, what's the efficiency?

Put a few more...Just wait near the clones that show up, and die one after another. How nice.~"

"......Tuwais said, because of my personality, it would be very expensive to create multiple clones for me at the same time.

We have to wait until the clone is destroyed and then create a new clone."

After listening, Nangong Yue stared at Tuhuaisi.

Under Nangong Yue's gaze, Tuhuaisi kept nodding and shaking his head....

"Why...You play slowly.

By the way, how have you identified the priority capture targets among students?"(Nangong)......

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