"...By the way, how have you identified the priority capture targets among students?"

The task assigned by Nangong Yue for them is to arrest students at will.

As for the priority, Nangong Yue doesn't know clearly, and there is no need to know.

It just so happens that there is plenty of time now, so it is okay to chat.

And Tubi also Pretty much. Just setting fire to it would be too boring, so I’ll just report it as it goes.

"In short, in the sequence determined by the dead handle wood, in descending order of importance...

You, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Todoroki, and Eight Million Hundred, except for these five people, the rest are free."(Dabi)

"...That guy is itchy again...OK! Go back and treat him well.

Go ahead, I want to hear his analysis."(Nangong)

‘Let me go to a different space, you guys talk first~' (Ye Yin)

‘Well, help me figure it out and let her go to bed early. '(Nangong)

‘Received~Go home early~' (Ye Yin)

After disconnecting from the mental message, if necessary, Nangong Yue let Ye Yinto enter his mansion in a different space...

After finishing these tasks, Nangong Yue continued to look at Tubi, waiting for the next step.

"You Nangong Yue, the first place in the sports festival, and the left-leaning thoughts of Neon Hero Society, are the key targets worth winning over.

In addition to the above reasons, it was his personal emotions that caused trouble. but...Hahahaha...We don't want to suffer...

Bakugou Katsuki, he has strong fighting ability and looks very violent. He seems to be someone who is easily persuaded by us.

Also, at the sports festival, he sacrificed his qualification to save the spectators from you. This was a completely heroic act.

Because of this, he should be taken away by us;

Hong Jiao Dong, in just four words, a family of heroes.

In addition to this, it depends on his extremely versatile personality and current combat effectiveness; eight million, the daughter of a big family, omnipotent, but has not developed a personality to a certain extent; as for Izuku Midoriya?...I really don't know the reason.

Is it because he is similar to All Might?

We also asked him about the specific reason, but he just refused to answer with a cheerful look on his face.... strange guy..."

This dead wood crane still has some sense of proportion. The fewer people who know the exact identity of Midoriya Izuku, the better.

‘Looking at the distribution of the members of the so-called development action team, especially the oppressive Guang who was deep in thought in a corner of the forest, Nangong Yue was still looking forward to what kind of drama the actors on the stage would perform....

"Hahaha...According to regulations, I don't have the authority to take action.

It just so happens that I can relax a lot. I don't care what happens then.... how? Isn't it wonderful that the worst tragedies can occur because of 'correct' regulations?"(Nangong)

"This is why we can be so unscrupulous...

Think about it, regardless of you, among the students, Tsunea, Bakugou, Todoroki, Midoriya, etc., these students who are stronger than many professional heroes, all abide by the rules in particular, needless to say other students.

Therefore, when you meet us, you will definitely hesitate at the first moment.

And this happens to be a huge flaw and limitation.

When the war really starts passively, the students will be helpless."(Dabi)

"However, if everyone is authorized, those third-rate characters will be in trouble..."(Nangong)

"Aren't there two people going to deal with professional heroes in the open space~ Although it looks a bit unreliable...

But it doesn't matter, we have succeeded from the moment we set foot here.

Even if the student is successfully captured, it is just the icing on the cake."(Tabi)

Nangong Yue also felt a little happy when he saw the same tone of Tabi and Hong Jiao Dong.

‘What a familiar plot...‘The younger brother is the hero, the older brother is the enemy' and so on.

Although it’s a bit cliché, I still can’t get tired of watching it....’......

In the open space at this time...

Just when everyone was looking at the point of the fire, Yinshi Jianci and Spina, who had circled behind everyone, launched a decisive attack!

Yinshijianci, personality"magnetism", of course, is a relatively restrictive type.

He can only exert a magnetic force on others, only people.

Men can only be at the S pole, and women can only be at the N pole.

When neither the professional hero nor the student noticed him, Yinshi Jianci simultaneously added magnetism to Spinner beside him and Doryukawako not far away.

While the stone magnet was holding Spinner in place, Doryukawako was attracted uncontrollably.

Because the incident happened suddenly, the moment Doryukawako took off into the air, he was completely confused!

It seems that these people have never thought about the possibility of being"invaded"....

Naturally, Tsuchiya Kawako was instantly killed. The moment she flew in front of Yinshi Kenji's body, the long-awaited metal pillar hit Tsuchiya Kawako hard on the temple.

Doryukawako, who was knocked to the ground, fainted because of a serious head injury!

"North American shorthair cat!!!"

Izuku Midoriya turned around. When he saw Tsuchikawa Ryuko being killed, he didn't think twice and subconsciously rushed towards the enemy.

Fortunately, he was stopped by the strong teacher 'Tora', and then he and the teacher stared at the new enemy. Two enemies appeared.

Suddenly, Izuku Midoriya remembered that naughty kid who hated heroes and"personality", and immediately prepared to report to Nobuno Fuzaki.

But at this time, Nobuno Fuzaki had no energy to pay attention to Midoriya.

After receiving the news, Shota Aizawa decisively handed over the tutoring group of Class A to the teacher Blood who was staying in the tutoring classroom.

Then he quickly entered a fighting state and rushed out of the classroom. , preparing to rush to the training ground. The moment he ran out of the teaching building, sure enough, the forest in the distance was already on fire, and the thick smoke was clearly visible against the blue firelight.

Shota Aizawa didn't know.

Just when Shota Aizawa was about to start again!


The clone of Tabi who was hiding beside the door decisively sprayed flames at Shota Aizawa who was actually thinking!

"Hahaha...Are you too worried?...Eraser..."

In the blink of an eye, a large blue fireball blocked the vision of both sides.

Although when facing a strong person in physical skills, it is very dangerous to let the opponent disappear from your sight.

But precisely because it is a clone that can be sacrificed at will, this clone of Dabi has been fighting with an indifferent attitude.

"Don't get in the way...Professional hero! This time I'm not here to target you."...... training ground...

"Hello everyone! From Yuying High School!

We are the 'Honkai' organization, the opening action team!"

The lizard man Spiner proudly announced (?) with open hands, and the strong man next to him, although he was strong, but looked a bit effeminate, used a metal pillar as high as one person to press against the unconscious body. On the head of Tsuchikawa Ryuko

"I said...What do you think? Want to make her brain bloom?"

"etc!!! Don't worry, Sister Mag."

Spinner dissuaded Shi Cijian from stopping what he was doing and turned to look at the cross-dressing man on the heroic side.

"‘Tiger, you too, calm down.

Life or death depends on whether it is in line with Stein's ideas."

Suddenly, Spina spotted an unforgettable figure.

"The one with glasses! The one who brought the end to Stein in Bosu!!!

It's too late, I'm Spinner! The person who compiled Lord Stein's dream!"

As he spoke, he pulled out the bulky weapon on his back. It was a big sword (?) composed of many blades. The sword blade popped out and shattered the bandage wrapped around the weapon....

In the end, we still had to fight~

Just in time, two against two, in order to cope with the attack of the soft man, Yinshi Jijian had to give up the unconscious Doryukawako and seriously fight with him.

As for the 'telepathic' Shino Saki, he faced off against Spina, who was using exaggerated weapons, and at the same time reminded his comrades around him,

"Tiger! I've finished giving the order! The safety of other students is left to Ragdoll Cat.

The two of us take control of this place!"

Then, during the battle, he took the time to give orders to the students present,

"Everyone, go quickly! Listen up, absolutely...Absolutely no fighting!!!"

After hearing Nobuno Sakizaki's instructions and separated from the main body of Dabi and Tuwais, Nangong Yue, who was observing the overall situation on a cliff, was also speechless, and then continued to scan around....

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~ Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya, and Oshiro Saruo are all in this situation. They are powerful enough to fight....

Forget it, I can probably defeat those two minions, although it will be a lot more tiring.

Sure enough, Eight Million Hundred's personality is very practical. Everyone has a gas mask.

Moreover, the division of labor is also very reasonable. only...The intelligence disadvantage is too great....On the way to eight million, there is a brainless person.... oh? Are there any people in Class B who are so proactive?...Squad leader Kendou Kazuka, 'ironized' Tetsutsu Tetsutsu...

The two of them faced off against the poisoner, and the outcome was hard to say....

Forget it, it doesn’t matter which side wins.


Then, Nangong Yue clearly saw that Izuku Midoriya and Shinno Fuzaki exchanged a few words before running in other directions....

"...Do you want to save that naughty kid?...

It’s interesting, but I don’t know, can you defeat this guy with explosive muscles now?"

Seeing this, Nangong Yue decided to focus on Explosive Muscles first, the strongest single combat power in this group.

Moreover, this guy and Izuku Midoriya are the same type of warriors. Generally speaking, they are not the same type of warriors. There is no question of who restrains who.

Of course, Nangong Yue also saw the final outcome (presumably, not from the future). The winner must be Midoriya Izuku.

The ninth generation of OneForall is not a street. Side goods...

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