Looking at the six people with abnormal mental fluctuations, Nangong Yue sighed.

I think it was this morning that Shibeng Muziao felt his energy fluctuations, and then he talked too much without permission.... hehe...Nangong Yue could completely imagine how excited and shocked Shibengmudiao felt when he looked at the sky outside the window.

The child who longed for power must have truly found his goal.

After all, it was the first time that he intuitively felt the power of the country-destroying level. At the same time, he did have this level of qualifications, and it was inevitable that he would yearn for it.

As for the remaining ones with poor qualifications, of course, they will feel somewhat hopeless.

"Okay, you should arrange what you should do individually.

The day after tomorrow is the time to take action..."

Then, Nangong Yue looked at Du me,

"But what are you doing here?

Have you not had enough fun in 'My Island'?

And, for you, this forest is simply a more suitable home ground than that tall tower...."

"Hehe~ Isn’t this Yuejun here~ What can I say, I have to come and take a look!

Don’t worry, I was only sent here as an insurance policy. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t do anything~

I am a shadow after all~" (Water Wo)

"......OK! Keep an eye on these people and the ones who will be in place tomorrow."

After giving instructions to me, Nangong Yue looked at Dubi who looked unhappy,

"Let me ask you one last time, do you want to become a fire?’?"


In this regard, Tubi's position is very firm, because he is not sure whether, after being given a personality, he will completely fall into Nangong Yue's control and completely become Nangong Yue's puppet.

To be honest, his concerns are correct.

Over at AFO, Nangong Yue directly gave him a copy of the complete circuit network, and the uncle also integrated the technique into his body.

In other words, Nangong Yue had no conditions to take action.

And all the people who were given personalities by Nangong Yue were sown with seeds representing 'sovereignty' when they were given, also to facilitate cleaning.

Only after confirming that there is no problem, Nangong Yue will release the seeds and slightly strengthen his physique.

That spell is called 'Energy Riot'. As long as the 'seed' is planted, as long as the target still exists in this space, Nangong Yue can activate the spell, and the target will be exploded by the energy in his body.

Seeing that Tubi was still unmoved, Nangong Yue sighed and ignored him.

"Let's arrange it individually....Exploding muscles, you come with me."

After giving instructions to the members, Nangong Yue opened the space door and moved Bakui to a training ground in a different space. On the training ground, Nao Wu, who had fought with All Might, was waiting for orders in the center of the field..

Standing at the edge of the field, pointing at Naowu, he turned to the explosive guy next to him and ordered,

"Go fight him. Aren't you addicted to using your personality?

Then finish venting quickly!

If you hold back until the night after tomorrow before taking action, you will definitely do something bad if you lose your mind due to the onset of"personality" addiction."

After receiving the instruction, Bao Ji trembled with excitement. He tore off the black robe that covered his body and threw off the simple mask.


Thank you, Mr. Nangong, for your help!!!



Just like that, Bakuji's whole body grew a large number of muscles exposed to the air, rushed towards Naiwu in front, and punched him hard!

Next, there was a head-on confrontation without any technical content. Got it...

In order to prevent damage to the training ground, Nangong Yue issued the definition of"marble on top, impact on bottom", sealed off a certain range of space, left them alone, and returned to the mansion to sleep with Bad Li.......

At eight o'clock the next morning, Bakuji, who had been calling from last night until now, was so noisy that he had to mute his voice so that he could sleep well. He was kicked out. It was so annoying!

However, after fighting for so long, this violent man seems to have no choice but to rest today.

It's not guaranteed, so I have to come back tonight....

In the same way, I also sent this annoying brainless back to the dead handle wooden crane. The dead handle wooden crane will be used again this afternoon, so I need to take care of it quickly.

At half past eight, Nangong Yue dragged Bad Li to the training ground.

"oh? This is your sister..."

Seeing Shota Aizawa coming, Badli let go of Nangong Yue's hand and made a skirt-raising ceremony to Shota Aizawa.

"Hello, Teacher Xiangze, I am Yue Jiang’s sister, Nangong Badli.~"

"ah...Hello little sister."

Then he looked at Nangong Yue,

"Your sister is very polite, but you, the older brother..."(Phase Rule)

"Um? (laugh)"


Why do you have time to inspect their practice today? Is it time to implement your agenda?"

Take Naori and walk to Shota Aizawa, looking at the classmates below the cliff.

"Um...It doesn't matter if it's Class B, they're still a little short of the mark and they might die if they can't withstand my training.

As for the real preparatory elites of Class A, it's time to end this kind of playing house.

It's been two days, and they should be somewhat prepared."

Buzz~~~~(spiritual connection)

"Everyone from Class A, gather here, the way of practice is going to change!"

"Forehead...Ruined..."(Class A)

In this way, most of the students in Class A walked tremblingly to the bottom of the cliff.

After confirming that all the students in Class A are in place, the students in Class B are also paying attention here with the teacher's tacit approval.

"So...First, gravity is on top and the human body is on the bottom"

"uh-huh!"(All members)

Nangong Yue will double the gravity on the human body within a radius of five kilometers.

"Okay, because you need to train for a long time, we will not arrange a stronger gravity field for you. This is only twice the gravity."

Then, Nangong Yue pointed to a boulder with a diameter of more than three meters and looked at Izuku Midoriya.

"Green Valley! You go carry that boulder, use your personality, and do a thousand push-ups.

Notice! It’s the kind that is supported by both hands and five fingers! You can't keep your fingers together, let me spread them out!

After you finish the push-ups, do two thousand squats!

One set of push-ups and squats counts as one set, and you need to complete two sets today.

If you focus on speed, you need to focus on training your legs!

Note, as long as your palms touch the ground once during push-ups, you will do fifty push-ups!

Become aware of yourself."

Ignoring Midoriya Izuku who turned into gray-white, Nangong Yue continued to look at Bakugou Katsuki,

"Bakugou! Your training content remains unchanged. but! The number of explosions you can make per minute cannot be less than ten!

As long as there is one person who fails to meet the standard for one minute, after today's training is over, you will consciously train for ten more minutes!!!"

Looking past Bakugou Katsuki who looked unhappy, he looked at Todoroki Todoroki who had a calm look on his face.

"Boom, equip yourself with that suit of armor, fly a hundred meters above the ground, and then continue to spit fire into the sky!

Pay attention to the spray intensity of the flame outlets in the palms of both hands to be consistent!

I want to see two fireballs of the same size!"

Hearing Nangong Yue's request, Hong Jiao Dong could no longer keep calm and was instantly covered in cold sweat.

But Nangong Yue didn't care and continued to the next one.

"Shangming, you continue to power up while maintaining the 'horse stance' posture. remember! If you fall down or stand up once, you will get ten minutes of extra time!"

After hearing this, Shanming Electric immediately changed into a 'Qitama face', and at the same time, like Todoroki Jiaodong, he was covered in cold sweat.

"Kirishima, Shoji, and Hagakure, you three are in a group.

Hagakure, you can find a position and shoot them both with your bow and arrow.

Note that your arrow cannot reveal itself until it hits the target!

You need to successfully hide the arrows three thousand times today and attack them both alternately.

For each failure, increase by ten.

At the same time, you need to make the equipment invisible throughout the whole process. As long as the equipment is revealed once, you can consciously increase it a hundred times!

Shoji, after you sense the arrow coming, you can't dodge, you can only use your replica wrist to catch the arrow.

This is to train your recovery and regeneration abilities.

Kirishima, you are only allowed to harden after hearing the sound of breaking the sky!

After blocking the arrow, I immediately returned to my original state.

If I see you staying hardened for a long time...

Hehehehe.....You don't want to face that outcome..."

Once again, the two men turned into plaster statues...

‘Hello! Hello!!! A bit too cruel...’(Shouta Aizawa)

"Eight Million and Sunato, your mission remains unchanged.

Sunato, change your dumbbells to a larger size!

Eight million, your creation speed must be at least two per second! Take the matryoshka doll flash bombs you are good at as a standard"

"......"(Kirishima, Shoji, Sunato, Eight Million)

"yes!!!"(Ye Yin) confirmed that the three of them were fine, Nangong Yue continued,

"Sero, your mission in the morning remains unchanged. It is still to continue firing tape.

Come here for the afternoon training.

What you want to do is, jump down from here and then use the tape to pull yourself back up.

You have to do it three times in one minute.

Attention! I will focus on the height of your body from the ground at the moment you are still!

As long as your body is more than one meter above the ground when you are still, the times will not be counted!

And as long as you haven't completed the task for a minute, things���You can practice for ten more minutes voluntarily"......

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