Just when Izuku Midoriya broke through the door and rushed out twenty meters, the gate on the opposite side opened, and then countless robots poured out of it!

"It's a trap!"(Iida)

"Let's rush over!"(Green Valley)

At the moment when several people were about to rush out,

"etc! If the server here is destroyed, it will also affect the security system!"

Just after Melissa finished speaking, a large number of robots jumped down from the upper aisle of the server room and rushed towards several people!

At this time, Eight Million Hundreds decisively made his decision,

"We stay to hold the robot back! Green Valley, you take Melissa and find a way to get to the top floor!

Liri! Your personality will definitely be useful, and you should follow suit!"

As for Kaminari Electric, electric current also wrapped around his body and rushed towards the fleet.

Midoriya briefly thought about it and thought the plan was feasible. He looked at Melissa and Liri,

"Melissa, Liri, come with me!"(Green Valley)

"please! Liri, Melissa, Midoriya!"(Iida)

After saying this, Midoriya and Iida rushed out in the opposite direction. At the same time, Reihi and Melissa also followed Midoriya and ran out of the server room through the entrance gate.

"Ejection starts! razor!!!"

While the three of you were being asked to leave, Iida Tenya was already in neutral and increased the engine speed to the ideal value!

Driven by the engine, Iida Tenya quickly caught up with Kaminari Electric in front and kicked out with a whip , kicked several robots away and embedded them in the wall.

Because Kaminari Electric did not use 'shaving', he touched the first robot after Tenya Iida and quickly shocked the internal circuit. Flash to the next target.

This is also because this is where the server is installed. Shanming Electric cannot discharge it on a large scale, otherwise the server will definitely be destroyed! Therefore, the two people in front of

Shanming Electric can only fight in close combat.

At that time, the eight million people in the rear finally created a cannon.

"Erlang, you operate the cannon!


I'll make some more ammo."

No nonsense, Eight Million Hundreds quickly squatted down and continued to make shells.

"clear! Erlang

Xiangxiang quickly arrived, took the first cannonball, filled it, and fired the cannonball at the target.

When the cannonball hit a robot, a large amount of glue exploded, sticking the hit robot in place, and then He just fired glue cannonballs one after another.

After seeing the effect of the cannonballs, he was not to be outdone by Kaminari Electric.

"I will never give up my girl to you!!!"

Shouting like this, Mineta Minoru desperately took off the sticky ball on his head and threw it at the feet of the robot, constantly sticking the robot to the ground.

After the three people behind him operated for half a minute, a large number of robots were already stuck, forming a There were a lot of roadblocks.

However, Eight Million Hundred was already out of breath, and Mineta Minoru's head began to bleed....

Outside the server room, in the arc-shaped corridor, the three people who were running felt a violent vibration. Midoriya Izuku couldn't help but stop and look back.

"Xiaojiu! Can't stop!"

Urahi Ochako, who was behind Midoriya, quickly caught up with Melissa and pulled Midoriya Izuku to start again.

"If we are caught by the enemy, Iida and his team's efforts will be in vain!"(Liri)


Everyone...It must be okay!"(Midoriya) returned to the server room. A few minutes later...

The melee duo at the front were okay, but at the back, the ejection speed of the 8 million bombs was already very slow, and there was more and more blood on Mineta Minoru's head!

"Eight million! ammunition!"

Erlang Xiangxiang looked back and found that Eight Million Hundreds was panting heavily, and a burst of white light appeared in his chest, but nothing was produced.

"Feel sorry...My ability...Already reached the limit..."

Then he fell to the right and was quickly supported by Erlang Xiangxiang.

"My scalp is also at its limit....."

Mineta Minoru, who had lost too much blood, was dizzy and might collapse at any time.

The two people in front saw that the attack from behind stopped, and a large number of robots quickly approached Erlang Xiangxiang and the others.


Iida!!! Rush back first! We've been putting it off for so long! Midoriya and the others have already run away, we can retreat! razor!!!"


In less than half a second, Shanming Electric crossed nearly 20 meters. He ducked in front of a robot that had just stopped and opened the metal plate on the front. He quickly solved it with his finger sword!

Immediately afterwards, the robot Two, three, four! More and more!

Just as he was destroying the fifth robot, Kaminari clearly saw a rope of unknown material shot out from the robot's chest. To bind and restrain the target! This also made Shanming Electric dare not relax. Regardless of his trembling legs, he continued to increase the output of the current and speed up again!

Xiang Erlang Xiangxiang and others also shouted as loudly as they could:

"Erlang! Take Eight Million and Mineta away!!!"

After shouting, he destroyed a robot again, and once again ducked in front of a robot that was close to Erlang Xiangxiang.

Looking at the restraint rope that was very close to him, Erlang Xiangxiang quickly pulled up Yamai and Mineta Minoru. Run back.

Mainly, Eight Million Hundred, Mineta Minoru can still run, although he looks a little shaken, Eight Million Hundred, but he really has no energy.

After Erlang Xiangxiang ran a few steps, Iida Tenya. He also broke away from the group of aircraft and flashed to Erlang Xiangxiang's side.

"Leave eight million to me, and you go and carry Mineta-san on your back! He can't run fast in that state!"(Iida)

Hibiki Ero, who was indeed running very hard, also decisively handed over eight million to the strong Tenya Iida, then picked up Mineta Minoru's back collar with one hand, turned around and ran away!

Destruction again. Behind the robot, Kaminari Electric heard the dense and increasingly distant footsteps behind him, and determined that Iida Tenya and the others had successfully escaped. While retreating, he stepped on the"shaver" pace and quickly left the newly formed formation. The encirclement.

Because of the speed of 'shaving', Kamimari Denki, who was wrapped in electricity all over his body, quickly caught up with the few people who successfully escaped....... reception hall...

After Nangong Yue was full of wine and food, he took off the napkin around his neck, wiped his mouth, and raised his head to look at where Izuku Midoriya was.

And All Might, who had been paying attention to Nangong Yue's movements, knew Nangong Yue's extraordinary perception ability, and asked immediately, with a somewhat anxious tone.

"Nangong boy, how are the students doing now?!"

He raised his head and looked around, then stood up and looked at All Might,

"how to say...The training effect is very good.

Previously, Bakugo and Todoroki Todoroki created a sneak attack environment in the botanical garden on the 80th floor by using the water vapor formed by vaporizing ice cubes.

After the two enemies stepped out of the elevator, Bakugo and Todoroki cooperated decisively and launched a super-large explosion against the two enemies, causing them to be seriously injured and comatose, and they were unable to even use their personalities.

Then, Todoroki Todoroki trapped the unconscious two people with ice and chased Midoriya and others.

As expected of what I taught you, you must be decisive and efficient in your actions.

As for now?...Green Valley took Melissa and Liri to the wind power generation system outside the building.

It seems that he wanted to use Liri's personality to float to the top floor, and then break through the wall.

As for Iida, Kaminari, Eight Million, Erlang, and Mineta, they had just delayed a group of robots in the server room for a lot of time, and were now rushing to Midoriya and the others."

Picked up the goblet, poured another glass of red wine, and took a sip.

"call~~~~Just be fine.

However, the students were too reckless."

On the stage, All Might, who was still curled up, breathed a long sigh of relief, but he was still a little worried about the situation of his classmates.

At the same time, he was also a little uneasy because he didn't know what Nangong Yue wanted to do.

"The human body is on top and space is on the bottom."

Then, under the confusion and shock of everyone, Nangong Yue drew a dark space crack with the fingers of one hand from top to bottom,

"Well, Uncle Yagi, you can take action whenever you want.

Let's leave first. The database here stores a lot of information.

It just so happened that Iida and the others had just left the server, so I went over first."

After saying that, he stepped into the space crack.

"Nangong boy!"

All Might shouted, but Nangong Yue had already arrived at the server room and the space door was closed.

‘no! The kids are working hard, so I have to...’(Yagi Toshinori)

Control Room...

At this time, the hacker saw on the screen of the server room that not long after Iida Tenya and others ran out, a dark space crack appeared in the center of the hall.

Then, the robots who sensed the new target rushed towards Nangong Yue.

Then, there was no more, because ten meters around Nangong Yue, a gravity field specifically targeted at metal was arranged (gravity is on top, metal is on the bottom), and those robots were scrapped one after another.

As Nangong Yue slowly approached the nearest server, dense robots and large quantities of reports���, red discus appeared one after another on the ground.

Seeing this, the hackers who felt sorry for those robots quickly reported to the metal man.


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