

"what happened again?!"(Mettle)

"Nangong Yue, who was originally having dinner at the reception, suddenly used space teleportation to reach the server room on the 138th floor.

Now, in just half a minute, more than fifty guard robots have been scrapped!!!"(Hacker)

Myrtle pondered for a few seconds,

"(Developed spatial ability?! Just rely on that 'priority'?

WTF?! Is this nonsense?!!!)...... idiot!!!

Wherever that monster goes, it must be reading data!!!

It does not conflict with our purpose! There is even a possibility of collaboration!!! so......

Hurry up and let that pile of scrap metal go!!!"


After the hacker got the order, he quickly tapped the keyboard at the speed of light and started operating....

Soon, the robots that were still rushing towards Nangong Yue stopped one after another, then turned around and retreated.

The server room at this time...

"Um...Very good~that iron man...

If you know how to do it, you can give him the 'Metal Transformation' afterwards to make up for his shortcomings.

At that time, there will be considerable combat power..."

Seeing that all the surrounding robots had evacuated, Nangong Yue also casually removed the previous definition, started thinking accelerating, and began to read the information from the database....

Next to the huge power generation system...

"here it is..."(Green Valley)

"This is a wind power generation system." (Melissa)

"Why go this way?"(Green Valley)

"If you go up directly from the inside of the building, you will definitely be ambushed by the security robot."

Then, Melissa looked at the escape hatch on the roof of the building,

"So, we have to rush to the top from here!

As long as you can get to the outside of the escape hatch..."

Following Melissa's line of sight, Green Valley also saw the escape hatch far above.

"give it to me!

Use my 'no gravity' to float you to the escape hatch!

Also, Deku-kun! Although it is a bit unbearable, please use the 'Moon Step' to adjust the direction when necessary!"

"Excuse me...‘Yuebu' is?"

Melissa asked in confusion, and Midoriya Izuku was silent for a few seconds after listening to Urari's suggestion. Because time was limited, he quickly picked up Melissa and explained

"That is one of the sets of physical skills that Nangong gave us. The principle is to step on the air dozens of times in an instant, and use the strong reverse thrust to move the body in the air.’"(Green Valley)

"But! normal person..."(Melissa)

"Therefore, this is a set of physical skills that requires extremely high physical strength!

Since Nangong started teaching, only he and All Might have completely mastered the complete version of this set of physical techniques!

As for me, I don’t know how many times I can use it now with Liri’s ‘gravity-free’ blessing.

But usually, after just one use, the leg that exerts force will be severely fractured, and the second time, the leg that exerts force will suffer a comminuted fracture!

If it weren't for Nangong and Recovery Girl's treatment, I would have been disabled long ago."

"why is it like this?! That..."(Melissa)

Midoriya Izuku looked at the exit of the escape passage a hundred meters above. Mei Li was also in position behind him, giving the two of them a 'weightless' state. Due to time constraints, Mei Li was interrupted. Shah's words

"Melissa, hold on tight to Xiaojiu!"(Liri)


Then Reihi moved away two meters away, and Midoriya Izuku turned back and comforted Melissa with a smile,

"Didn't you say that it should only be used when necessary?...

(Full coverage! Eight percent!)"

Then, Izuku Midoriya jumped up and quickly approached the escape hatch!

"Ahhhhh!!!"(Melissa closed her eyes tightly)

And when the two of them in Green Valley were halfway up, a large number of guard robots poured out from an opened gate!

At the same time, they were the first to deal with the blast of the two enemies. Ryo, Bakugo Katsuki, and Kirishima Eijiro broke through another gate and rushed out!

Seeing this situation when they went out, Todoroki Ryou quickly took action before the robot approached Reihi, and decisively created a large amount of ice to freeze the robots present. At the same time, he also sealed the exit from which the robots came out!

After freezing a wave of robots, Hong Jiao Dong quickly ran to Li Ri to act as a guard.

"You're not hurt, are you, Liri-san?"

"It's okay, Deku and Melissa are rushing to the top of the tower now!"(Reihi)

At this moment, other gates were opened one after another, and a large number of robots poured out. Bakugou and Kirishima had no time to talk, so they hurriedly responded to the enemy.

Well~ This guy Kirishima finally sent in When it comes to use, both hands become hand knives, which can be stabbed accurately. The speed of destruction is faster than that of Shanming Electric!

"I saw it, then our task is to hold back these scrap metals! freeze!!!"(Todoroki Todoroki)

Click, click!!!!

Todoroki Todoroki turned around and froze a large number of robots....

As for Midoriya Izuku above,


Suddenly, Green Valley and Melissa were blown sideways by a strong cross wind in mid-air!

And when he saw the situation on Green Valley's side below, he quickly ran to the bottom of the windmill frame.

"Bakugou! Thruster!!!"(boom)

"Who are you ordering?!!!"(Bakugo)

Despite what he said, the super fierce and obedient Bakugo still did it.

Through continuous blasting, he quickly flew to a windmill and blew it down.

At the moment when the angle of the windmill was correct, Todoroki Todoroki aimed his left hand in the direction of Midoriya Izuku, and sprayed out blazing fire!

The fire drove the windmill, creating strong hot wind, and blew Midoriya Izuku and the two towards the top of the tower! When I was stunned for a long time,

"Deku-kun! Almost hitting the wall!!!"

Melissa opened her eyes and shouted, twisting her body so that Izuku Midoriya faced the wall.

".....Hurry up!!!

Full coverage! Smash!!!"


Midoriya Izuku smashed open the wall of the tower, and the two of them rushed in.

Seeing that the two of them successfully entered the room, Uraraka Ochako decisively released the 'Gravityless'’......

Just after Midoriya Izuku instantly killed the 'sharp blade' with one punch, the two came to a wall not far from the storage room.

After seeing the two figures in the safe room, Izuku Midoriya quickly grabbed Melissa and hid him.

"Hide! There's someone in the safekeeping room!"

Izuku Midoriya lowered his voice and said in Melissa's ear. Melissa quickly covered her mouth and nodded.

Then, the two of them stuck their heads out and looked at what was going on inside from a distance.

At this time In the storage room...

"Why...Just stand still and don't move."(cross me)


"The shadows nearby changed, and it was obvious that someone was coming."(Watawa)

Said, Watou walked towards the cabinet door of the amplifying device and stood still.

"Why...The result is still not found, so you need to use your personality to get it out."

Then, Watanabe's right arm turned into a black shadow, and then slowly raised it.

Then, from the black shadow, the headband just fell from the shadow, and was caught by Watanabe's left hand.

Watariga picked it up with his left hand The amplifying device looked at it, confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it, and handed it to Myrtle.

After the metal man took the amplifying device, he was a little confused.

"that...Where is the information?"

When I heard this question, I looked at the metal man like he was an idiot.

"I said...You are still the boss of a mercenary team after all....Use your brain.

Have you tried this device before, have you all tried this device? Do you think the information is still in that box?"


So, what to do next?"(Metal)

I rolled my hair on my temples with my fingers out of boredom.

"What should I do...

The little mouse that finally climbed here needs a good treat...."

Suddenly, Wataga's whole body turned into a shadow, emerging from the shadow not far behind Midoriya Izuku, and slowly walked towards the two of them.


The alert Midoriya Izuku quickly turned around to face Watanagi, pulled up Melissa, and jumped back!

"Oh~ the response is good~ little hero..."

Wataga was still walking unhurriedly towards the alert Midoriya Izuku.

As for Izuku Midoriya, after pulling Melissa to the ground, he took a step towards Watanagi and guarded Melissa in front of her.

"The people in Xiongying are really powerful~ They can actually bring a waste with zero combat effectiveness here~

No, this child seems to be the daughter of Professor David. Maybe the security system can be changed back...


Just when I was carried to a place ten meters away from Midoriya Izuku, I stepped on the shadow of the wall!

Behind Melissa, a long rope made of shadows tied Melissa up and quickly pulled her back!


At the same time, the end of the rope turned into a sharp thorn and pressed against the main artery of Melissa's neck!

Then, from the tip of the shadow thorn, a thin needle stretched out and slightly pierced Melissa's neck!

Less than In one second, the distance between Midoriya Izuku and Melissa increased to ten meters!


The sudden situation, because Izuku Midoriya didn't know the personality of Watanabe's body, he was completely unprepared, and was directly attacked by General Watanabe!

First he looked back and saw that he was tied up with a black rope and had a spike on his neck. Melissa, who was unconscious, confirmed that Melissa was safe for the time being, then quickly turned around, stared at Watagata who slowly walked to a stop five meters away from her, and yelled angrily:

"who are you?!!!"

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