The perspective shifts to Midoriya Izuku's side...

While Todoroki Todoroki and the others were ambushing the enemies in the elevator, Izuku Midoriya blasted a gate to pieces. Looking at both sides, they were indeed sealed.

"You can’t get through here either!"(Iida)

"Done! What to do!

Isn't this like a mouse in a cage?!"(Mineta)

Unlike the pessimistic Minoru Mineta, Izuku Midoriya, who had always been calm, looked up and saw,

"Melissa! Is there something like a trap door on the ceiling?! There it is!"(Midoriya)

Melissa looked in the direction of Izuku Midoriya's finger,

"Over there is the entrance to the daylight system maintenance room...."(Melissa)

"That structure! There should be an escape ladder in the maintenance room!"(Iida)

"There is indeed a manual escape ladder inside, but it can only be opened from upstairs!"

Going back to the connecting bridge from the corridor, everyone looked at the ceiling of the botanical garden, which was still more than twenty meters away.

"still have a chance! You can even go to the roof!"

After taking a few glances at a vent on the ceiling of the Botanical Garden, 8 million made an adsorption grenade and accurately hit the metal baffle of the vent, blowing it open. At the same time,

"You can get out through the gap in the vent and climb to the top floor from the outside of the building.

As long as there are vents on the upper floor as well, you can go back indoors again."(Eight million)!!!!

However, if you have to pass through such a narrow vent and then climb all the way to the top of the building...

Although Uraraka Ochako's 'weightlessness' allows her to easily float to the top of the building, her body is still a bit big, so...Everyone turned to stare at Mineta Minoru, who was trembling and slowly retreating.......

In the end, under the influence of Kaminari Denki, Mineta actually thought that this would make him more famous and more popular, and he would be able to meet many girls, and he would climb up as hard as he could.

Just as these people climbed up the ladder to the upper level, they were greeted by a large number of abnormal guard robots.

Outside the laboratory door on the 130th floor, Midoriya Izuku and others looked through the window at the densely packed robots in the laboratory, and they also felt a headache.

"It seems that the plan has changed and the enemy is no longer going around in circles....Rather, they want to grab us directly."(Iida)

"It should be that the enemy has determined our identity and knows that we are Yingying's students."(Midoriya) saw that the object was a robot. Eight million made a square insulating cloth with a side length of three meters. Then he looked at Shang Ming Electric,

"If the enemy is a robot, Kaminari, I'll leave it to you.

However, these robots may also have the function of 'anti-shock'. You must pay attention to your power reserve and don't become a fool!"(Eight million)

"Leave it to me! I will flash directly to the power source to replenish the battery at any time.

Moreover, if the voltage exceeds 1.5 million volts and it is useless, I will switch to close combat."

Shangming Electric gave a thumbs up and agreed confidently.

"Well, let’s implement plan A first."(Iida)

Then, Tenya Iida kicked the gate to pieces, and Kaminari Electric covered the package with electricity.


The moment he broke in, Kamiming Electric moved to a place ten meters away from the central power supply of the laboratory in less than a second.

When he landed, all the nearby robots surrounded him.

"Hahaha...Lightning strike field, 1.5 million volts!"


In the blink of an eye, the irregular-shaped electric shock field enveloped a large number of robots.

The large group of robots that received the electric shock retracted their top covers with cameras and stopped in place.

However, the red ceiling light It did not go out, proving that it is still working normally!

"cut! The quality of this thing is also very good!"

Complaining, Shanming Electric hurriedly rushed to the power source, shot out a current from the index fingers of both hands, connected to the positive and negative electrodes of the power source, and began to charge quickly.


It's just that the power is too high. Even though Shanming Electric has a considerable degree of lightning resistance due to its personality, the whole body was still slightly burned by the current.

Although it was slightly injured, in the few days before the robot resumed work, In seconds, Shangming Electric has also replenished the lost power.

"Haha~ (a cloud of black smoke stands out)

Green Valley! Plans changed!"

Shouting to Midoriya and others under the insulating cloth, Kaminari Electric immediately covered his body with lightning and began to destroy the robots one by one.

Not to mention, although it was impossible to destroy these robots through electric shock from the outside, and the robot's armor was still Especially high.

However, the index and middle fingers of Shanming Electric's hands are like swords. With the blessing of lightning, this penetrating power is enough to penetrate into the camera on the robot's head! Camera, discharge, retreat, and quickly eliminate these robots. However

, there are too many robots. If they can only be eliminated individually, even if they can be recharged, they will only be delayed here!

, also took action immediately.

First, Eight Million Hundred created a large number of smoke bombs. The three girls, Erlang Xiangxiang, Uraraka Ochako, and Melissa, took these smoke bombs and threw them at the robot crowd. Smoke bombs are not conventional smoke bombs. The components in the smoke can hinder the propagation of radio signals.

When the signal propagation is blocked, the robot's actions become stiff, the information processing speed is greatly reduced, and the 'reaction' is also slowed down.

This also allowed Kaminari Denki, who was already very fast, to destroy the robots even faster!

Not only did Mineta use the power of eight million, but Mineta kept throwing super sticky balls on his head to stick each robot in place. , formed an obstacle, blocking a large number of robots, and just when Mineta was excited about his combat results, he was slapped in the face by the robot....

Because robots can jump!!!

One after another, the blocked robots jumped over the stuck robots and continued to rush towards the students.

Seeing the increasing number of robots, Kaminari Electric's destruction speed could not keep up with the speed of robot reinforcements. Tenya Iida quickly ordered,

"Shang Ming get out of the way! Green Valley! It's your turn!"


After receiving the order, Kaminari Denki was exhausted due to frequent high-speed movements and attacks, so he quickly jumped out of the encirclement and flew back to where his classmates were.

At the same time as Kaminari landed, Midoriya Izuku rushed forward. ,

"OneForall full coverage!

With this gauntlet, use 30% of your power first!


When he was less than one meter away from the robot, he quickly punched out with his gauntleted right hand, knocking back the nearest robot. At the same time, a shock wave knocked back all the surrounding robots!

See this wave. The robot was cleared, and Iida quickly asked Erlang Xiangxiang, who was monitoring the robot for reinforcements.

"Erlang classmate! What about the robot guards?!"

Listen carefully for a few seconds,

"Coming from the left!"

After receiving accurate information, everyone immediately ran to the right. Soon, everyone rushed along the escape channel and rushed to the 137th floor.

Control room...

The hackers who were staring at the screen at this time, because Midoriya and the others destroyed the cameras first and then ran away, and the cameras were not very densely distributed, they had no idea of the specific movements of the little heroes.

In addition, although a large number of security robots were dispatched, no reply message has been received since the 130th floor, which gave the hackers a headache.

On the other side, Siobengmuzao, who was leaning against the wall in boredom, looked at Heiwu and waved his hand. Heiwu took out a piece of information and handed it to him.

"Erlang Xiangxiang has a personality of"headphone plug". There are headphone plugs on the earlobes of both ears.

The pin has strong penetrating power and can easily penetrate rocks.

Insert the pin into the wall or the ground, and you can hear distant sounds in detail."

He briefly explained the reason why the heroic students were able to evade the robot, and handed the information in his hands to Kurogiri.

Myrtle, who was waiting for me to unlock the lock in the storage room, received the hacker's report.

"Sure enough, he has a personality for listening....

Well, Master Yin, how long will it take to unlock the door?"

I was thinking hard at the console and replied impatiently,

"Don't get in my way! I'm trying my best to search for that professor's memory!

Besides, if it really doesn't work and those people come looking for me, although I can't take out the box, small objects like the amplifier device can still be taken out.

South...Now~ Mr. Diao said that personality training must be done at all times!"

".....Okay, you go ahead. 'Blade'! You go over there and deal with those brats!

Remember, follow the hacker’s instructions!"

Hearing the boss's order, 'Sharp Blade', who had been preparing for soy sauce for a long time, felt happy that he finally had something to do. He responded loudly, turned around and rushed out of the storage room....

After staying on the 137th floor for a few seconds and waiting for Erlang Xiangxiang to confirm the movement of the security robot, Midoriya and the others soon arrived at the server room on the 138th floor.

Just when Izuku Midoriya broke through the door and rushed out twenty meters, the gate on the opposite side opened, and then countless robots poured out of it!......

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