"...... how to say...That amplifier device is quite useful....

Several people from our enemy alliance have tried it, but the degree of increase for each person is different.

In short, the stronger the strength, the smaller the increase. Is there any specific reason?..."(cross me)


Before the Dead Handle Wooden Crane arrived at the central tower, Nangong Yue's body once separated a space clone to temporarily monitor the entire island on his behalf.

As for Nangong Yue, he was a person who joined forces with the enemy and entered the storage room together.

Because there is no fingerprint of Professor David, it is impossible to open the lock directly.

But Nangong Yue has three space ability users here.

Well...I can't move anything that's too big. It's obvious that the box is oversized....

Nangong Yue, in order to test the training results of the 'Penetration' technique, partially blurred his arm, passed through the steel plate, and touched the safe.

However, relying on 'penetration', it is not possible to give foreign objects the property of 'penetration' yet. In the end, we still used 'transformation' to get the box out.

Then, moving the personality amplifying device to his hand again, Nangong Yue first put it on his head, randomly selected a single personality, and tried to run it for a while while analyzing the specific functions of the clothing....

"(take it off)

Huh~~~To be honest, I'm a little disappointed, but it's reasonable.

In general, this thing is not an amplification device, but an activation device!"(Nangong Yue)

"???"(Union of enemies)

"That's right, this thing cannot really enhance a person's personality.

However, it can activate a person's energy circuits that are not being used.

I am quite special. I can see the complete personality circuit network clearly. The moment I get it, I am the complete body of personality.

After that, you will really be modifying your personality.

And the vast majority of people, including you, will probably not be able to activate all their energy circuits until they die.

From this perspective, it does have an amplifying effect.

Okay, I understand the principle. This thing is useless to us, but it is useful to you.

Black Mist and manufacturing materials are sent directly to China's headquarters and handed over to the scientific research team."

As he said that, he handed the removed device to the dead handle wooden crane.

"Try it one by one and feel for yourself how far you are from fully developing your personality.

I'll leave first and monitor the whole island. The clone may have a hard time."

After saying that, Nangong Yue disappeared directly.

After Nangong Yue left, it was the enemy and the United people who felt the effect of the headband one by one.

In the end, the restoration work was left to Heiwu...】

"In short, if you fully develop your own personality, then this device will be useless...."(Water Wo)

When the metal man heard this, he was silent for a few seconds.

"That's good, I think there should be a lot of room for development of my own personality.

So, this thing is useful to me!"

During the conversation, the three of them had arrived at the door of the storage room.

At the same time, the little heroes arrived at the 80th floor, but were blocked by the metal gate.

Then, Grape, who was in debt, actually opened the gate directly, and that was The hackers in the control room were alerted.

At this time, the big kid, Xiang Mudi, couldn't sit still and meditated boringly, so he stared at the screen with interest.

"oh? Finally something has happened. Let’s bring up the screen and take a look...."(Hang)

The hacker obeyed the order and quickly recorded the movements of the little heroes on the big screen.

On the screen, not long after Xiongying’s classmates ran out of the safe escape passage,

"Close all the gates on the 80th floor and dig holes’、‘Purple Giant', you go and fight the enemy."

At this time, Myrtle's instructions came from the hacker's headset.

Next, as instructed, the hacker controlled the security system and closed all the gates on the 80th floor.

However, a step too late, Todoroki Jiao Dong cooperated with Iida Tenya, Todoroki Todoroki blocked a gate blocking the road with ice. Tenya Iida rushed out and smashed open the door of the 80th floor botanical garden with a whip.

To be honest, this botanical garden takes up a lot of space!

One floor is about five meters high, and this botanical garden occupies six floors and is thirty meters high!

"This is the college's botanical garden, used to study the impact of personality on plants...."

Just when a few people ran close to the elevator, Erlang Xiangxiang, who was very perceptive, noticed the situation of the elevator, stopped urgently, and interrupted Melissa's introduction.

"etc! Look! The elevator is going down, someone is coming!"

On the digital screen above the elevator door, the numbers were rapidly decreasing from 200.

At this time, Hongjiao, who was quick to react, made a decision.

"You guys, take my ice and go to the upper level first!

My personality is suitable for group battles. I can definitely hold off the enemy. Hurry up!"

Seeing that the elevator had reached the 150th floor, Midoriya Izuku gritted his teeth.

"Boom, please!"


Subsequently, a rapidly rising icicle appeared under the feet of Green Valley and several others, lifting them to the edge of the upper connecting bridge.

At the same time, Todoroki Todoroki quickly sealed the elevator door, and then quickly thickened the ice layer. Soon, the elevator column in the center of the floor turned into a huge iceberg!

While Midoriya and others stepped onto the connecting bridge, the two enemies also took the elevator and reached the 80th floor. However, the elevator door could not be opened....

Coincidentally, Bakugo Katsuki and Kirishima Eijiro who got lost here saw such a conspicuous iceberg and immediately recognized whose personality it was and rushed to the iceberg decisively.

"Yin and Yang face! How is this going?!"

Seeing Bakugou and Kirishima running over, and Bakugou Katsuki asking unclear questions,

"Didn't you listen to the radio? The tower has been occupied by the enemy.

In fact, the enemy has already arrived, but they are blocked in the elevator. It is not known whether they can come out."

"What did you say?!"(Kirishima)

"I’ll talk about it in detail later,���exist..."(Hang Jiao Dong)

At this time, in the elevator...

"Um?! The elevator door won't open?!"(Purple Giant)

"Also, this temperature is too low, and the air conditioner is not very cold!"(dig a hole)

"If you say so..."(Purple Giant)

"According to the information provided by the leader, it should be that Todoroki or something....It's his personality.

His ice jammed the elevator door transmission...

It's up to me..."(Dig)

As he spoke, the tall and thin 'Dig''s right hand instantly enlarged, bursting the glove, and turned into a giant hand with webbed fingers, several times larger than an ordinary hand, facing the metal elevator door. Swing a claw over...Then, a light blue, transparent energy wave rushed out... choke!!!


Forgot about the quality of the elevators here...Can't dig it out at all..."(dig a hole)

"What to do?

Um? The door is open!"(Purple Giant)...

Back to Hong Jiao Dong here...

"Now, Midoriya and the others have reached the upper floor. I must unblock the elevator and deal with these enemies here.

Otherwise, the enemy will be released to Midoriya and the others! so..."

As he spoke, the left half of Hong Jiao Dong's body caught fire. While the ice on the right half of his body melted, the huge iceberg in front of him also quickly turned into water vapor.

"Hidden, it's best to subdue the enemy with one blow!"(Hang Jiao Dong)

"cut! knew!"(Bakugo)

"Hey Hey hey! Really?"(Kirishima)

After watching the two people move quickly to the bunker, Kirishima still had some doubts, but he still hurriedly followed to avoid the trouble of waiting for the order to be dropped.

Not long after the three of them hid, the elevator door opened, and a Two figures, one tall and one short, came out.

"cut! Do water vapor and ice crystals block vision and make the body stiff?...

You transform first to avoid being attacked by surprise."(Digging a hole)

After receiving the advice, the purple giant didn't say anything and turned directly into a giant state.

However, although he is a giant, that is, three times the height of an ordinary person, he is very strong, especially his upper body, and his arms are simply taller than his own thighs. Thick! His fist was bigger than his own head!

At this moment, the purple giant was still digging a hole diagonally to the side of the elevator door.

He sensed the scorching heat in their position and turned his head.

After receiving the instructions, Bakugo Katsuki showed a 'bright' smile, and continued.... boom!!!!!


"Nani?!!!!"(Purple Giant)


A sudden huge explosion, as well as a compressed jet of flames, not to mention a close range hit! The explosion seriously injured the two of them and caused them to pass out.

At the same time, the shock wave of the explosion and the high temperature of the fire caused all the ice crystals and water vapor in the air to vaporize, making the vision clear again.

After their vision returned to normal, the three of them looked at the two people who fell to the ground with severe burns about 20 meters away. Hong Jiao Dong quickly froze them.

"Okay, let's go upstairs quickly. There must be enemies upstairs and the students need help."

After trapping the enemy, Hong Jiao Dong reminded the two people around him, and then hurriedly walked towards the stairs.

"cut! Not so good either?...Even if there were elements of a sneak attack, it couldn't handle an explosion of this level......."(Bakugo)

"Bakugo, please save it, my old-fashioned personality is of no use at all!"(Kirishima)

Although the two complained a little, they were both sensible people after all. They quickly followed Todoroki Todoroki, quickly left the botanical garden on the 80th floor, and met up with the students on the upper floors as soon as possible.

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