
"Then you still treat him like this!!!

Can the kind of gravity just now be tolerated by ordinary people?!!"

After swallowing the sashimi and taking another sip of the matching sake, Nangong Yue glanced above first, then looked at All Might,

"Uncle, you have to be clear...

The relatives of my relatives are not my relatives; the classmates of my classmates are not my classmates; the friends of my friends are not my friends.

It's true that Professor David is your best friend, but that has nothing to do with me.

We have no friendship with him at all, and what has he provided me?

Everything must be conserved, and every effort must be rewarded.

Even if I treat such a serious injury for you, you know what I will be paid in return.

Just relying on his friendship with you, uncle? Sorry, you don't deserve any special treatment from me.

Pooh...Moutai is still delicious..."

After hearing this, All Might was completely speechless. This was not the first time that he had faced Nangong Yue's 'absolutely rational' thinking mode.

In the past, he also believed that this mode was the most ideal and effective way of thinking, and he even admired Yu Nangong Yue for being able to do this.

But when he actually encountered the victim, All Might realized how terrifying this ideal thinking mode was!

"Nangong boy...When it comes to outsiders, it's really too much to be as rational as you are.

Look at the strangers around you, don’t you think your world is too small?"(Yagi Toshinori)

"Come on~ What?

Did a stranger eat my rice? As for letting us chase people every day?

Especially those weak strangers who have no friendship and little value. At best, they are just numbers filling human society, just '1'.

It's not even as good as the gangsters in the Sanzhuang Zone. At the very least, they who wander between life and death all year round can also be used as actual combat training materials, how good it is.

Small world? Sorry, my world only needs friends and relatives, that's enough.

At most, a group of subordinates must be added, and the minimum value must be maintained.

Only my relatives and friends are qualified to feel my sensibility. Others who I judge as"worthless" can only face my rational side."


(Fortunately, at least Nangong Boy is not exactly that kind of rational monster.’)"

After receiving Nangong Yue's reply, All Might let out a long sigh of relief, probably thinking that Nangong Yue could still be saved.

Others, including professional heroes, looked at Nangong Yue like a 'monster'.

Of course, Nangong Yue doesn't care whether these are present or not.

Everyone present did not want to cause trouble for Nangong Yue, so they kept silent cooperatively, for fear that Nangong Yue would make a prank again, which would be uncomfortable.

Just when All Might was debating whether to act, a flash of light hit his eyes. When he looked up, he found Izuku Midoriya, looking at him anxiously, using the flash.

Midoriya Izuku also reminded Nangong Yue before, but after Nangong Yue glanced at him, he continued to immerse himself in eating and ignored him at all, so he could only place his hope on All Might.

‘Green Valley Boy?! '

After confirming that All Might noticed him, Izuku Midoriya looked at him with a complex expression and said to Erlang Xiangxiang who was listening next to him with an equally complex expression:

"All Might noticed, and so did Nangong.

It's just that Nangong doesn't seem to care about these things at all....

Nangong, what do you say? Erlang

Xiangxiang was silent for a few seconds and concluded:

"In short...Ahem...

‘The life and death of the trash fish has nothing to do with me, so I might as well enjoy the delicious food and feel free~' (imitating Nangong Yue's expression and tone)

That's what it means.

Hey~ This is not the first day we have met him. Besides friends and people he thinks are interesting, who else has Nangong paid attention to?"

Midoriya Izuku was silent for a while and sighed,

"Why...It's up to us.

Maybe, if we make more noise, Nangong's interest will be raised...

Only in this way can Nangong take action"

"......Come on!"(Er Man)

Midoriya Izuku nodded, turned around and looked at All Might who was curled up on the ground, pointed to his mouth, and then placed the tiger's mouth on his ear with one hand, indicating that he could hear. The experienced Or Might Matt understood instantly and immediately whispered:

"The enemy captured the central tower and took control of the island's security system. Everyone on the island was their hostage, and the heroes present were also controlled.

Well~ Young Nangong is special. He killed four enemies instantly. Did you see that pool of blood?

That's caused by the gravity field! The whole person was gone in an instant!"


Erlang Xiangxiang covered her mouth and tried her best not to spit it out.

But All Might continued,

"In short, it is very dangerous! You need to escape from here as soon as possible!"

At this point, Erlang Xiangxiang pulled out the plug of the earphones plugged into the ground.

"This is bad! Green Valley!"......

Entrance to the central tower...

"We have received a message from Teacher All Might. I think we should follow his advice and escape from here as soon as possible."(Tenya Iida)

"I also agree with Iida-san. After all, we don’t have a hero license, and we don’t have Nangong’s strength and courage to ignore everything and cannot fight the enemy."(eight million hundred)

"That is to say, we should ask for reinforcements?"(Shang Ming)

And Melissa, who is familiar with the structure of the central tower, said with a sad face:

"It's not that easy to escape....The security system of this island is very high, similar to that of Tartarus Prison Island, which is dedicated to detaining international felons. It can be said to be an iron wall!"

"Then we can only wait for rescue...What?..."(Shang Ming)

"But, is this really good?

Shouldn't we help save people? Self-defense and fighting are different, right?

Besides, this island has to have its own personality!"(Er Lang)

Hong Jiao Dong, who had been silent for a long time, looked at his left hand and muttered:

"Our goal is to become heroes..."

"but! We are still far from professional heroes now!"(eight million hundred)

"We have a considerable level of strength, and among us, Kaminari, Midoriya, Iida, and I, conservatively estimate, can defeat many professional heroes long ago.

However, with such fighting capabilities, is it really okay for us to just do nothing?..."(Hang Jiao Frozen)

"......"(Everyone is thinking)

"I want to save people!"

Izuku Midoriya started a really heated discussion....In the end, the students still couldn't defeat the two powerful factions, Midoriya and Todoroki Todoroki. After thinking about their original intentions, they still followed Midoriya's decision.

After unanimously deciding to rescue people, the next step was the action plan. After a few minutes of rapid discussion, they set two main goals: escorting Melissa to the control room and retaking the island's security system; the battle was inevitable. At this time, divide the troops to hold back the enemy troops, and at the same time try to create enough noise to attract most of the enemy's attention. It is best to lure Nangong Yue over.

Then, the first step of the plan, climbing the stairs, two hundred floors......

The control room on the top floor...

The door to the control room opened, and Myrtle and three of his men walked in with 'David' and Sam.

At the first moment, the soldier behind 'David' immediately put down his gun, and then his body immediately changed back to its original appearance, which shocked Professor David's assistant!

"Who are you? Where is the professor?!!


Plop! (He fell to the ground dead)

Seeing how this fat man actually dared to question the elites of the enemy alliance, plus this fat man was indeed useless. The strong soldier behind Sam also had a look, and directly turned his right hand into a sharp blade, stabbing It pierced Sam's heart.

Seeing a large pool of blood on the ground, which was almost flowing to his feet, he was bored to death, with a trace of disgust in his eyes, and he casually shot the fat blond man's body with an energy bullet. , in less than two seconds, the fat man's body, together with the blood on the ground, turned into gray dust.

When I saw Sam being dealt with, I jumped away and asked for help.

"Then, I went to open the lock of the storage room~ Apart from the amplifying device, what else is there?

Really been waiting~~~ that whoever! keep up..."

Then, following the route in David's memory, I took the lead in walking out of the control room and heading to the storage room.


Why......However, Lord Yin, that device will be for me to use later...."

(Metal Youth)

The metal man saw me going out directly, and quickly commanded the 'sharp blade' to catch up with him.

"Don't worry ~ Don't worry ~ I'm not even going to open that box.

Remember Black Mist’s ability?"(Watawa)

After hearing this question, Myrtle's face was surprised at first, and then quickly collapsed.


Hey hey hey~ If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have had to go to such trouble.

You can take things away completely without anyone noticing...."

"Hee hee hee~~~

Don’t you know it too? This is all a test for you. Of course you can't rely on our capabilities, otherwise what's the point?

To be honest, we have played with that device a long time ago. how to say...Not bad, but..."(cross me)

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