"Okay then, I wish you a pleasant meal..."

After bowing and standing up, Myrtle looked at the large pieces of steak beside him on the buffet plate. He couldn't help feeling nauseated, and quickly covered his mouth and looked away.

Then he stood there and asked the hacker for relevant information about Nangong Yue.

At this time, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Nangong Yue.

Nangong Yue's dining behavior was extremely normal and standard no matter which Western restaurant he was in.

However, in line with the current scene, the red color of the place, and his presence at this time, completely suppressed the four surviving robbers!

It's like Nangong Yue was originally the leader of these people!

At this time, All Might, who was lying on the ground, did not dare to look at Nangong Yue, for fear of being known about Nangong Yue's relationship with him.

After all, normally speaking, as a student of Xiongying, Nangong Yue must stand on the 'heroic' side.

In this way, although those people will not take action against Nangong Yue after this battle, they will take action against ordinary people!

However, Yagi Toshinori, who knows Nangong Yue,���He said, Nangong Yue doesn’t care about the life and death of the people on the island at all!

And he also speculated that Ye Yintou and Bad Li must not be on the island, but in Nangong Yue's different space, and they would not be caught at all!

In this way, Nangong Yue has no worries at all and can come wherever he wants.

At this time, Myrtle also received relevant information from Nangong Yue.

He turned to Nangong Yue and joked, looking like he wanted to add some trouble to Nangong Yue.


Unexpectedly, you are still ranked first in the first grade of the Neon Hero Hero Department~

No wonder you are so strong!

It's just that your actions don't look like a hero at all~

Also, what's the 'priority'? What an incredible personality...."


Hearing this, everyone present started talking in a low voice with malicious intent.

"This demon is actually a reserve hero?!"

"This kind of person is not worthy of being called a hero at all!"

"He should be locked up! Lest he do evil!"...(This is the general public)...

"Pity...He's obviously very powerful, but he's not a hero...."

"You just ignore the rules...."

"However, as far as I know, he does have the strength to make the officials give in...."

"However, at his age, how could he be so indifferent to life and death?"...(These are professional heroes)...

Just as he finished the last bite of steak, and after swallowing, he took a sip of red wine, Nangong Yue stood up to get another plate of food, and he also finished the red wine.

"hehe...When talking about others, keep your voice down....

You know, the priority definition has not been revoked yet...." boom!!!

"Poof!!!" (ordinary people)


Suddenly, everyone felt an abnormal gravity acting on themselves, and all the hostages were pressed to the ground, or lying flat on the ground.

The professional heroes were okay, their physical fitness was good, and no one was injured.

But ordinary people couldn't. They all vomited blood due to internal injuries!

The three mercenaries, plus Myrtle, were suppressed and half-kneeling on the ground, staring at Nangong Yue, while the metal man had a flash in his eyes. have no choice

‘Sure enough, this guy doesn't care about other people's lives at all....

And his personality...It looks like he can no longer shoot!

Oops~ Trouble...’

In the eyes of everyone, Nangong Yue walked slowly to the neon cuisine area where he had not eaten before, and used tongs to pick up sushi and various sashimi.

"Remember this pain well...

In front of a strong man who could easily decide his life or death, he actually didn't shut up and openly talked about him?

If this were replaced by China's King Soul, or Neon's AllForOne, you would be dead....

But we are not devils either...For the first time, it's enough for you to be slightly injured. remember! If you do it again, have you seen those four pools of blood? This place will be completely dyed red~"

After stabbing the salmon, and finally squeezing a little lime juice, Nangong Yue returned to his original seat leisurely and picked up the new chopsticks. , and continued to taste.

As for the metal man who was half-kneeling on the ground, the hacker's prompt sounded in his headset, indicating that he was ready.

After receiving the information, the metal man raised his head with difficulty, tried to lower his posture, and asked Nangong Yue:

"Sir, can you let go of the four of us? When our operation is over, these people will be safe.

Well~ Although I know, you don’t care about this, sir...."

Nangong Yue said nothing because he had just eaten a piece of sushi and was chewing it.

With a wave of the hand holding the chopsticks, the gravity field on the four people of Myrtle was released, while the others continued to suppress them.

Feeling his body light up, he looked at the people on the ground, who still looked in pain, and a few of them had fainted. The corners of the metal man's mouth twitched, and he quickly bowed to Nangong Yue.

"Thank you for letting me go."

Turn around and look at the fat man with blond hair and narrow eyes who was lying on the ground with a painful look on his face.

"You're the researcher here, Sam Abraham."

The fat man lying on the ground replied weakly:"Yes....Yes..."

"Well, take him away."

A soldier stepped forward. It was the man who had defeated the building guards before and could turn his arms into sharp blades. He dragged the fat man towards the door.

While dragging, the soldier discovered that the weight of the fat man was not as heavy as expected. It couldn't be dragged like that.

Looking at the fat man being dragged, the metal man thought to himself.

‘It seems that gravity only acts on the human body itself, and does not affect the local gravity field....It's terrible...’

"What are you going to do?! no!!!"(‘David') cooperated with Nangong Yue's performance. Duwo, who was pressed to the ground, raised his head with difficulty and yelled at Mertel.

"He is my assistant, what do you want to do to him?!"

The metal man looked down and said,

"oh?! Isn't this David Heard? Well, you come too.

Tow away!"

The metal man ordered, and saw a soldier grabbing David's ankle with some difficulty and dragging it slowly. He couldn't help but look at Nangong Yue, who was still eating, with a hint of help.

Nangong Yue looked at the metal man. With a look of laughter, he replied:

"We haven't done anything to spread the influence of our personality to the whole island.

As long as they exit this door (point with chopsticks), the gravity field on both of them will become normal."

Then, Nangong Yue took a sip of sake, but it didn't taste very good....

The metal men who received Nangong Yue's reply, especially the one dragging the fat man, also breathed a sigh of relief.

After the two soldiers dragged the two people out of the door, sure enough, 'David' and Sam both stood up, and then walked towards the elevator with guns pointed at them.

Before the metal man walked out of the door, he turned back to face everyone, mainly All Might, and warned:

"Don't think that because there is no one here, you are free.

Once someone does something out of specification, have you seen the hole where the restraint belt is emitted? From these holes, deadly nerve gas will be sprayed."

After Myrtle walked out of the door, the metal door of the venue was closed. After seeing that the enemies had left, even though he knew that there were surveillance cameras pointing at this place, All Might, who was curled up on the stage, still looked at Nangong with an ugly expression. Yue said:

"Nangong boy, please remove the gravity field.

It may be fine for professional heroes, but it is too difficult for ordinary people without systematic training!"

Nangong Yue, who was chewing food slowly, glanced at All Might, nodded, raised the hand holding the chopsticks, and waved to relieve the gravity field.

After swallowing the sushi in his mouth and taking a sip of sake, Nangong Yue said His face is boring,

"never mind...The pain of the miscellaneous fish cannot bring me any pleasure at all.

Moreover, we don’t care what the trash fish thinks."

As he said that, he looked at All Might,

"To be honest, ordinary people are really ignorant.

All Might, this is the result of being spoiled by the word 'peace'. He talks about everything, speaks without restraint, cannot see the situation clearly, and becomes lifeless.

Look at how energetic we are in China.

Even if there are battles every day, those who are defeated are all very shrewd and are not trying their best to improve their overall quality.

How could you behave like this to these people, knowing that you might die and still talking nonsense?"

"But if you act like this, it will have an impact on Xiongying...."(Yagi)


Too...How about we make them all lose their memory? The physical kind?"(Nangong)


"Uncle...Don’t you know better?...

This is a world that only cares about results. Look, aren’t these people living well?

Even if they were injured, they were beaten by gangsters, right? Um?"

Facing the huge pressure that Nangong Yue suddenly spread, all the ordinary people nodded desperately.

"Yes Yes Yes!!! The gangsters are so abominable!!"

"Damn gangster! My belly is full!!!"......

Only the professional heroes held on with ugly faces and said nothing, for fear that if this moody little monster were to attack them again, it would be too unfair.

Then, All Might stared at Nangong Yue with an ugly expression.

"Nangong, you know, David is my best friend...."

Nangong Yue picked up a piece of fish and dipped it in soy sauce.

"Um. Know..."

Then eat the sashimi and chew it beautifully.

As for All Might, his mentality was a bit unbalanced.

"Then you still treat him like this!!!

Can the kind of gravity just now be tolerated by ordinary people?!!"

After swallowing the sashimi and taking another sip of the matching sake, Nangong Yue looked at All Might....

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