Nangong Yue picked up the empty plates and cups, and after picking out the food and drinks, he found a remote place to sit down and started eating.

At the same time, Nangong Yue used 'Existence Erase' to reduce the presence around him to close to 'zero'. In this way, this remote location became even less noticeable.

After all, Nangong Yue didn't want to be interrupted by a few fish with guns in the middle of the meal.

Time passed like this. After eating several plates of delicious food, Nangong Yuedu looked at the entrance of the building with his clairvoyance....

Because the students were late, Tenya Iida took a few people present at the meeting point and came here first, waiting for the students to arrive before they arrived.

"Sorry sorry!!! I'm late!

Um? ? ?"

Izuku Midoriya looked around and found that there were only four people: Tenya Iida, Kaminari Denki, Minoru Mineta, and Todoroki Todoroki.

"What about the others, who haven’t come yet?"

"None came! A bunch of unorganized and undisciplined guys!!!"

Tenya Iida's right hand turned into a sword and kept cutting the air....

"sorry...Accidentally late..."(evening dress Liri)

"Oh oh oh!!!!!"(Mineta, Kaminari, waiter version)

"I'm really sorry for everyone, it's Erlang and her..."(Evening dress costs 8 million)

"I wear clothes like this...Not feeling comfortable..."(Evening dress man)

"People depend on their clothes~" (Shang Ming, thumbs up)

"female killer..."(Mineta)

Then, when he heard the two people talking about him behind his back, Erlang Xiangxiang decisively used the headphone jack to directly insert it into the ears of the two people, and then...

The picture was so beautiful that Nangong Yue withdrew his gaze and continued to destroy the food on the plate.

Seeing 'Professor David' enter, Nangong Yue knew that the reservists were about to take action. control room...

At this time, Shibengmudiao was meditating and concentrating his mental power; Hei

Wu, who had rushed back after sending off the real Professor David, stood beside him to protect him;

‘Feng' is playing games online with Lin Heshan;

‘Lei' stood aside and waited because he had not received the order.

In the tree map on the big screen, the green boxes representing each area turn red one by one, indicating that they have been captured by hackers.

Obviously, it will take some time to completely rewrite the island's security system.

At this time, the reception venue on the second floor of the Central Tower...

"Dear guests, welcome to the cocktail party of 'My Expo'.

In the toasting ceremony at the beginning of the reception, we invite the world's number one hero, Mr. All Might, to give a toast!"

The emcee on the stage made a dedicated announcement

"Everyone, welcome him to the stage with the warmest round of applause!"

Bang bang bang!!! (Applause)

At the right time, Watanabe disguised as David, holding a glass of wine in his right hand, walked towards All Might.

All Might looked at his old friend’,

"David...Why are you still talking?"(Yagi)

‘David smiled bitterly:

"Everyone knows you are coming, so of course they will invite you up...."

Seemingly having no other choice, All Might had no choice but to step onto the center of the stage and pick up the microphone handed over by the emcee.

And at the moment All Might took the microphone, coincidentally, the entire island's security system was breached and taken over!

"Thank you host for the invitation. I am All Might. I won’t say too many polite words...."

Suddenly, a big red warning that occupied the entire screen was played on the big screen, and then the whole island was broadcast:

"Emergency announcement for My Island Security System!

We received a report from our security system that an explosive device had been placed in the expo area.

My island will soon activate the highest alert mode in all areas.

Residents and tourists are asked to return to their residences as soon as possible. Those who are still outside the city after ten minutes will be arrested.

Please be patient and don't go out.

In addition, for safety reasons, most of the main buildings will be blocked by security systems. repeat again......"

At this moment, Mertel walked into the venue with several heavily armed soldiers and guns.

"You heard it right! The security system has been controlled by our people!

Warn everyone not to try to resist, if someone acts rashly..."

Speaking of which, real-time conditions in various parts of the island were displayed on the big screen.

Everyone who is still outside the city has been intercepted by the island's security robots and can launch attacks at any time.

"Guard robots may harm innocent people on this island!

That’s right, everyone on this island of mine is a hostage! certainly...including you...Do it!"

Suddenly, a small hole opened in the ground next to all the professional heroes present, and sky-blue bandages shot out from it, wrapping them up!

Immediately, All Might was about to break it after being entangled.

And look. Seeing All Might's dangerous move, Tetsuo walked onto the stage and decisively fired a shot into the air!

"do not move! If you move again, I will kill everyone present!!!"

Then, he kicked the trapped All Might to the ground.

"shit!!!"(Yagi looked to David for help.’)

"very good...Everyone must give up resistance like All Might."

Seeing All Might's gaze, 'David' shook his head, indicating not to act rashly, and then stared at All Might firmly.

"Oh~ Wataga-chan’s acting skills are pretty good, even Uncle Yagi can’t tell...."

Nangong Yue, who was ignored by everyone, was still slowly savoring the food at the reception.

Not to mention, there is a wide variety of food here. Nangong Yue has eaten several plates and there is no duplicate of the food! choke! (Rifle raised, pointed at everyone)

"Don't worry, everyone, as long as you obey me, you won't be hurt.

When the time comes, we will naturally let you go.


Just when everyone was forced to kneel on the ground, Nangong Yue, who was still eating peacefully, even if he tried his best to erase his presence, he still stood out from the crowd.

"Who are you?! Don’t want to live anymore?!!! besides! Why haven’t I found you for so long?!!

Come here!!!"

Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah!"......

"Um? That's it..."(Nangong Yue)

Nangong Yue looked around and found that he was the only one, still eating peacefully.

However, Nangong Yue still ignored these gun-wielding trash, released the spell, picked up the cup and took a sip of juice, and then wiped his mouth with a napkin.

On Myrtle's side, looking at Nangong Yue's arrogant look, he decisively ordered:

"You, you, you, and you! Aim at that brat and shoot!!!"


Da da da da!!!

After releasing the 'Existence Erase', Nangong Yue entered the 'Thinking Acceleration' state. Looking at the many bullets flying slowly over,

"Hey~ Isn’t it good to live?

Definition, air is on top, metal is on the bottom."

In an instant, all the bullets that were fired basically stopped instantly!

The bullets of the people who fired the shots all exploded because the bullets could not be fired. As a result, the four people who fired the shots also lost their hands and palms!


The four people who lost their hands fell to the ground and howled in pain.

This sudden change made Mertel completely confused.

However, Nangong Yue's movements did not stop. Now that the needle could be heard, only Hearing Nangong Yue's indifferent words came out clearly,

"Parallel definition, gravity is on top and the human body is on the bottom."


In the blink of an eye, the four people who originally fired at Nangong Yue turned into blood-red flesh as if they were hit by a boulder. Even the internal organs could not be seen, and they were all shattered!

Moreover, Some even splattered on others!


The bloody scene made all the timid people scream! But Myrtle took this opportunity to calm down.

What's even worse is that a total of seven people were brought in, including himself, a total of eight people!

As a result, he provoked a hard man Stubble, reduce the number by half in an instant!

"Shut up everyone!!!

I can't kill him, but I can still kill you!!!"

Due to the situation where the barrel had just exploded, he did not fire. After shouting, the ordinary people present also covered their mouths in horror.

The professional heroes, including All Might, all looked at in shock. In this case, Nangong Yue actually started to use the knife and fork again and ate the steak.

But seeing Nangong Yue's appearance and his decisive killing behavior before, Myrtle knew that this kid didn't care at all. Take the hostage seriously!

Also, the reason why the metal man did not react was because Nangong Yue had no murderous intention at all when he killed someone!

As a mercenary, he knew that all such killings were without murderous intention. An out-and-out monster, at least one that can defeat an army alone!

However, now is not the time to start a battle with an unknown strong man, so he said as calmly as possible:

"Sir, we are very sorry to interrupt your meal.

But, may I ask, what is the purpose of coming here for a strong man like you?

If there is no conflict, we will no longer care.

After all, given the current situation, we don’t want to start a war with a strong person like you."

After swallowing a mouthful of steak and drinking another sip of red wine, Nangong Yue said frivolously,

"It's okay, it's okay~ Just do your business and just pretend I don't exist.

I just came here to visit. After all, there are a lot of cutting-edge equipment and a lot of information here.

If you read more, it will be somewhat useful for personality development.

Hmm~ This steak is good. There are a lot more there. Do you want to try it?"

Seeing Nangong Yue acting so arrogant, Myrtle felt angry and speechless at the same time.

After all, four big living people exploded so suddenly! Literally!

This big guy can actually eat it Meat?!

He must have seen it so much that he could be so indifferent!

Thinking of this, Mertel bowed politely to Nangong Yue.

"Well, I wish you a pleasant meal..."......

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