In the warehouse next to Professor David's laboratory, a portal opened. I walked out, and then the portal turned into black mist.

"Cross me and explore the situation outside"


Immediately, Watari was completely transformed into a shadow. The next moment, he moved into the shadow of the laboratory display screen, but did not appear.

In the laboratory at this time, All Might, who was strong but not as exaggerated as he was in front of the public, was lying in the detection machine developed by Professor David.

Looking at the curve showing the detection results on the screen, David Hilde was shocked.

At the same time, the detection ended, and All Might sat up from the device with the cover opened and looked at Professor David.

Professor David was silent for a few seconds. He sat on the swivel chair, looked at All Might, and pointed at the results on the screen.

"What happened to your personality score? Did it suddenly drop so much?

Logically speaking, hasn't your injury been cured by that Nangong Yue?

What's wrong with your body?!"


After being a hero for a long time, your body will naturally eat���It’s gone...

(You can’t tell him oneforall’s secret yet....Otherwise, both David and Melissa will be implicated! )"

David frowned, put his hand on the table into a fist, and was silent for a while.

"If this continues, the symbol of peace will collapse....

Neon's crime rate has always been very low, staying at around 6%, only because of your suppression.

In other countries, the crime rate is basically above 20%.

Although the Dragon Kingdom is relatively high, above 40%, because it has many powerful 'soldiers' and policemen, as well as their indispensable personalities, the overall strength of the people is very strong, and the speed of closing cases is also the fastest.

Even without the need for 'soldiers' or police to take action, the criminals would be easily dealt with by some strong man passing by.

Generally speaking, in the eyes of the Chinese people themselves, this is much more stable than neon, and many people even enjoy it!

They are eager for someone to cause trouble every day, and then they can join the war reasonably....

However, that is because the national conditions of the Dragon Kingdom are special and cannot be copied by other countries....

How many times have I wanted you to stay in the United States and not come back to Neon..."

After hearing this, All Might stood up optimistically, walked to David, and patted his shoulder.

"Be optimistic~ My dear friend, think of the bright side!

There are still many outstanding professional heroes, and there are also many outstanding behind-the-scenes supporters like you.

Don't look at me like this, my strength has not declined much!

Especially after recovering from the injury, the daily hero activity time has increased from two or three hours to nearly seven hours, and he can still maintain his muscle condition."

In order to enhance his persuasion, All Might turned back to his extremely strong appearance with a 'bang' sound.

"However, powerful enemies like AllForOne will appear again!"(David)

"david...Even for that day, I will never give up on becoming a 'symbol of peace'.

(Besides, there is still hope.

Because, oneforall’s will and the symbol of peace are passed on to the next generation....)"

Then, the two old friends who had reunited after a long separation started chatting and then slowly moved to David's office.

After I quickly informed the black mist, I moved into David's shadow and followed him.... dusk...

"So, David...Let's meet at the cocktail party!"

Then, All Might opened the door and walked out, closing the door smoothly. After he was the only one left in the office, David, with his back to the sun, turned around and sat down in the open space of the desk next to him.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the screen. The picture shown was a picture of All Might in his youth, recalling it...

At this moment, behind David, in the shadow of the desk, a black shadow emerged from it and turned into a human hand holding a thin needle, slowly approaching David's neck from behind.


The anesthetic on the thin needle quickly made Professor David unconscious. Then he crossed my body and emerged from the shadow. A thin needle extended from the index finger of his left hand and pricked the back of David's hand.

At the same time, he took out the phone from his pocket with his right hand,

"Black Mist, done..."

Then, a dark portal appeared on the ground beneath David, swallowing his entire body.

"Well, I'll go back to the Dragon Kingdom's headquarters first and meet with the dead man Muxiao later.

Your 'transformation' can read part of the body's memory. While there is still some time left in the reception, get familiar with it and don't expose it when facing All Might."

After the instructions, the portal disappeared completely.

After the black mist disappeared with David, I was licked away by my body and licked away a trace of blood on the shadow needle. I changed into the appearance of David, picked up the mobile phone on the ground and put it into my pocket.

Then, close your eyes and try to retrieve the visible memories... over the island...

"It's such a pity that we didn't start a fight....

To be honest, controlling metal is quite a good technique.

Although this guy has not been developed at all, no wonder it needs an amplifier.

Well~ Anyway, one of the protagonists tonight is this guy, so I don’t have to worry about not being able to record it."

Take out your phone and look at the time,

"It seems that I can't go to the cocktail party tonight. After all, if I go, I have to take action, and I am still on the side of the 'hero'. This is not okay.... cut...Continue to watch here? wrong! They will take everyone on the island as hostages! Isn’t this a valid reason for paddling?

Then, let's go, just in time to have a good meal~"

Then Nangong Yue dodged and appeared in the shadow of a rockery, walked out as if nothing had happened, and walked towards the venue of the reception, the central tower of the island....... control room...

Several people from the Alliance of Enemies each picked a chair and sat down, staring at the progress on the screen in boredom. After all, the protagonist tonight was not them, or in other words, it was not them in the early stage.

Furthermore, it is still unknown whether they will take action in this operation.

It mainly depends on the heroes. If they still retain considerable combat effectiveness after defeating Myrtle's group, then war is inevitable.

However, most of them still have to fight. All Might can fight them all alone....

Finally, the island's security system was completely taken over and could activate pre-entered commands at any time.

The hacker sitting in front of the screen is always in contact with the metal man who has set up the ambush through a wireless headset, as well as many heavily armed mercenaries.

"Already under control.

There were five guards in total, and the plan went smoothly."

Somewhere in the building, a member wearing a helmet and his right hand turned into a sharp blade reported this.

"The security system is still functioning normally, just put them under house arrest.

Right now, we're going to shut down the system."(hacker)

"Hum hum...It seems to be going pretty well..."

Myrtle put on the steel mask prepared in advance and informed:

"It's time for us to take action. Everyone who is united with the enemy, please enjoy our performance."

"Hey~ Even if you bring that crappy device, you can't beat All Might. I'll be right here in the control room, watching you roll over.

But don't worry, we will keep your life safe."(Dead handle wooden hanging)

"Hey Hey hey! Don't look down on people too much....

This building is my home court! Coupled with the personalized amplifier device, I will be very strong!"(Mettle)

"You're not fast enough, and it's hard to stop All Might's iron fist with just metal....However, you can hold off for a long time.

After all, there's plenty of metal here, enough for you to splurge on.

In short, just hit him as hard as you can, drain his energy as much as possible, and force him to use long-range attacks.

All Might's long-range attack only produces shock waves from his fists, and it consumes a lot of energy. You just keep using huge metal blocks and smash them as hard as you can without stopping.

Remember, never stop!

As long as you leave him a little gap, with his speed, you will be finished and we will have to rescue you!"(Dead Arm Wood Diao)

Tetsuo thought about the battle scenes of All Might in the video data. With his own strength, it seemed really suspenseful.


Thanks for reminding me, I will try my best.

However, we may not be able to fight tonight....After we get the device, wouldn't it be the end of our retreat?"(Mettle)

"Is it because the current plan is going smoothly and you take it for granted?

According to our information, there are quite a few strong people on the island, especially those attending the cocktail party.

Not just professional heroes, the heroic students from Neon are not simple things.

Also, this is your assessment. Let’s call it the Alliance of Our Enemies for the time being, but we won’t accept waste."(Dead handle wooden hanging)......

Nangong Yue here, after he passed the inspection and entered the building, he found that his classmates had not arrived yet, and they were probably still at the gathering place.

After looking with his clairvoyance, he found that Izuku Midoriya was far away from the gathering place.

Now Izuku Midoriya is in Melissa's laboratory and has received a piece of equipment made by Melissa. It seems to be a device that acts as a buffer, allowing him to use greater power.

Feeling that I was also hungry, I entered the venue first.

"Yo! Nangong boy! Are you here so early?

Hagakure-san, where is your sister?"

Toshinori Yagi, wearing a hero uniform, waved and greeted Nangong Yue.

"Well~ there is only one invitation letter to the cocktail party. They just came with me to visit the expo, and they are still playing games in the hotel. We came here on our own.

Uncle, you have to deal with a lot of things, so I won’t care about you and let’s start eating~" (Nangong)

"...Don't just talk about your troubles like this....Well, enjoy your meal!" (Yagi)......

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