Seeing Izuku Midoriya looking like a winner in life, Nangong Yue laughed out loud,

"ah! Midoriya, are you traveling with the harem?

Yoho~ It’s okay! Professor David’s daughter was given to you?!"

"...(#`dish’)..."(Erlang, eight million)



Don't make such a joke!!!!"(Green Valley)

Compared to the three immature boys and girls in the first year of high school, Melissa, who is already in her senior year of high school, looks much more mature. She stretched out her right hand in a formal manner.

"Hello, Mr. Nangong, you are the strong man from China mentioned by Teacher Matt! Nice to meet you~"

Nangong Yue stood up and shook hands as a return gesture.

"Professor David’s daughter?...Nice to meet you~"

After Nangong Yue let go of his hand, he glanced at Midoriya Izuku, and then,

"By the way, Uncle Yagi didn’t say anything bad, right?..."(Nangong)

"(Waving his hand)

I didn’t say anything, mainly describing your strength and personality.

By the way, your personality is really versatile!

It's just that, although his strength is amazing, it's a pity that he doesn't look like a hero at all,' Mr. Matt said.

Well~ (scratches his head)

It’s not like your experience will lead to you becoming a hero....Ahaha~" (Melissa)

"(Sitting down, patting Bad Li’s little head)

Yes, after all, I have been a gangster for more than ten years, and I am still in a place like China. I have long been accustomed to the thinking of ‘self-preservation and self-interest’~

Besides, I don’t intend to After changing it, wouldn’t it be nice to live a leisurely and free life with the support of strong strength?

Even if he joined the Heroes, he only agreed to repay Uncle Yagi for his help in constructing a legal file.

Furthermore, although they are said to be students, they are actually teachers in the guise of 'students', responsible for training these promising young talents in our class.

Alas~ None of them make me worry-free. If others don’t tell me, you’ve seen Midoriya’s hands, right?"(Nangong)

"(pull out the seat and sit down)...Thanks a lot..."(Melissa)

‘We started chatting...’(Bad Li, Ye Yin Tou)

Seeing that the girls were basically in place, Nangong Yue pulled up Midoriya and looked at Bad Li and Ye Yin Tou beside him,

"OK, let’s not just have a pleasant conversation between girls~

Naori-chan (touching her head), get along well with your sisters~

Midoriya, please sit somewhere else"

"Hi!"(Bad reason)

"Just leave it to me~" (Ye Yin)


Listening to the happy conversation of the girls behind him, Izuku Midoriya let out a long sigh of relief.

"Great~ The misunderstanding is finally resolved......"

"You think too much, young man!

No matter what, you have spent a lot of time alone with a beautiful woman, so if you should think about it, you will still think about it unconsciously~

So~ Come on~..."

After Nangong Yue took a sip of the juice in the cup, he hit her mercilessly

"why is it like this!!! (Going crazy)" (Green Valley)

At this moment, the cold drink that Green Valley ordered was delivered.


"......Shang Ming?!

(Lowers head)

And Mineta?!"(Green Valley)

"Why are you here?!"(Erlang)

"Well~ These two are here for the exhibition quota, and they happened to be recruiting temporary workers here, so they came over.

Needless to say, Kaminari's speed is quite efficient in the service industry, but this guy Mineta......"(Nangong)

Suddenly, the two people saw Melissa and quickly pulled the talkative Midoriya aside.

"Green Valley...How did you meet that pretty girl?"(Shang Ming)

"introduce to me...hurry up!"(Mineta)

"......"(Green Valley)

Seeing this, Nangong Yue is not ready to continue playing house with these children. There are still things to do tonight.

Also, the death handle wooden crane and metal need to be confirmed.

(Note: The official name of the villain is not provided)

If something goes wrong, it will be difficult for him to help because All Might is present.

"Okay~ Naori-chan, Toru-chan, let’s go and finish shopping here first~

(looking at the others)

Well, everyone, I’ll see you at the drinks tonight.~"

"Eh?! Wouldn’t the squad leader (Nangong) act together?"(Eight Million, Erlang, Liri)

"Well~ we have something to do here. We need to collect a lot of information to improve the use of 'priority'. It's not just for fun.

(You can use your personality freely and collect many spells at once.~)"

"Bad reason will follow Onii-chan!"


So everyone, I’m sorry~

It’s a rare date after all~

Even though there is a small light bulb..."(Ye Yinteru)

"snort!"(Bad theory)

Nangong Yue waved his hand,

"Anyway, that’s it, I wish you have a good time~

Also, Melissa, you are more familiar with this place, so I’ll leave it to you to do their tour guide job~"

Melissa stood up and agreed with a bright smile.

This is temporarily After getting it done, Nangong Yue directly launched the 'Heaven Shift', and the three of them returned to the different space.

"Toru-chan, Badori-chan, you guys stay here for now.

There will be a battle in the center tower tonight.

A large number of defense robots will be dispatched tonight. Your current strength and capabilities are not enough to cope with tonight's situation.

Bad Li's spells are all targeting people; and Touchan's invisibility is useless under infrared scanning."

"...Oh well.

Sister Tooru! Play games with me!"(Bad reason)

"Hey~ let’s go play first...

Remember ~ your practice mission today has not been touched yet!"

"Know it! Bad Li has already arranged the time! Go play first! Go play!!!"...

Seeing Bad Li dragging Ye Yintoru into the video game room, Nangong Yue chuckled helplessly, and then appeared in the sky above 'My Island'. As usual, he turned on his clairvoyance and monitored the entire island.

The screen shifts to the dead handle wood hanging side....

On the rooftop apron of the central tower, a portal opened, and six figures, including the Dead Handle Wood Crane, and the current Feng Linhuo team, emerged one after another. Then the portal deformed and turned into a seventh person.

Looking around, he gave orders to the wind,

"Feng, look for that piece of scrap metal."

A breeze blew by, and ten minutes later,

"Right in the control room.

Acridine~ The ventilation duct is very well sealed, even air is so difficult to penetrate."

After getting the exact location, I ordered the death handle wood hanging,

"black mist..."


After getting the coordinates, Hei Wu quickly opened the portal for everyone. At the same time, in the control room, a dark spiral portal appeared.


Look~ This is not that adult’s student! how? Don't worry about us?"

Watching several people from the enemy alliance walking out of the portal, Myrtle, who was so confident because he got the 'muscle enhancement' given to him by AllForOne, teased the enemy alliance with some contempt. Shigengmudiao ignored this The rational waste swallowed up by the 'power that has not yet been mastered' directly asked the hacker who was penetrating the network firewall about the progress.

"How about it, can we get it done before the cocktail party starts in the evening?"

This hacker is sensible and knows that the person who is asking him now is the real boss, and his boss is still far behind.

However, since his fighting strength is not good, he will let his boss continue. Seeking death.

The hacker understands that he will be recruited by the enemy in the end. If he is honest now, his status will be slightly higher and he will be less involved.

Think clearly, the hacker will continue to work and calmly reply to the death handle. wooden hanging,

"If you hurry up, you can complete control of the security system a few minutes after the party starts.

At that time, the sovereignty of this island will be temporarily in our hands."

Seeing that the dead man Muziao ignored him at all, the metal young man was a little annoyed, but due to the other party's identity, he did not dare to take action.

Then, the dead man Muziao, who knew his first mission, faced the black mist And I was ordered by the body to cross,

"The black mist, with its 'yin', brought David Hilde to the teacher, and afterwards asked Nangong Yue to brainwash him. This was the only thing he could do as he was a die-hard member of All Might.

Then, 'Yin', you used your original personality to disguise yourself as Professor David, sneaked into the drinking party, and acted like 'David Heard' before retreating."

Then, looking at Myrtle,

"As a reminder, I advise you to be careful when taking away Professor David at the cocktail party.

I don't want the leader of the team to be gone before you are recruited."

While Shibeng Muziao was speaking, Du Gao was transformed into a black shadow, and his own shadow suddenly poured in. Then he emerged from Myrtle's shadow, and pressed a shadow-shaped military thorn against the aorta of his neck. Go up.

At the same time, he stabbed slightly and got this guy's blood.


(What a weird personality!)

Original personality...So, little girl, is this the new personality AllForOne has given you? It’s really a waste of money....

I'll be polite, but the little girl needs to act better...."

The sudden life-and-death crisis made Mertel sweat all over his head. He finally calmed down from his overwhelming self-confidence and cast a vague glance at the dead wooden crane.

‘An inconspicuous subordinate is like this, then the leader...’

Hearing this, Watari transformed from the penumbra into a human body, and licked the blood on his right index finger.

Then to prove something, he transformed himself into Myrtle, and said in his voice,

"Hahaha...Don't worry, I am still somewhat confident in my acting skills."

After saying that, she changed back to the cute little girl again.

Seeing this, Myrtle shuddered. He knew exactly how much advantage this kind of personality has in assassination, coupled with the 'shadow' personality...

He was sure that this girl, who looked like an ordinary high school girl, was a super powerful assassin!

After seeing me finish my work, Black Mist opened the portal,

"Cross me, let's go"......

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