Just when Mobei was feeling overwhelmed by the loss of his comrade, suddenly, a hand was placed on Mobei's shoulder, and then a whisper came from behind,

"call~~~The space ability user dies. I can finally use my space ability~"

Mo Bei, who felt the hair on his body stand up as a result of conditioned reflex, turned around sharply and swung out a fist! However, the arm he waved passed directly through Nangong Yue The body.

Now, Nangong Yue is not using the"Penetration" technique, but the"Void" extended from the different space of the"Tian Shift", which is also immune to physical attacks, but at the same time cannot use physical attacks. state.

And, as long as the energy is sufficient, there is no time limit! It can even allow others to enter this state! Mo Bei quickly pulled away and distanced himself. It is worth mentioning that Cong Diao Chuan and Ling were also happy.

The spirit crystals extracted by Feng and the others were almost equivalent to the spirit crystals of hundreds of people, and the quality was at the fourth level.

Then, next to Nangong Yue, a space door opened, revealing the tall dead body Mu Yu. He grabbed it and walked out slowly

"(Huh? Like this...

Radiation absorption, energy conversion, super regeneration. )

Nangong boy, your plan actually succeeded....

Sure enough, if the plan is simpler and clearer, with fewer variables, will the success rate be higher?...

So, my opponent is the old man across from me, right?"


You are old, but you haven’t really done anything for a long time~

Let me see how powerful the dark emperor who has risen since the dawn of the supernatural is~" (Nangong)

After Nangong Yue finished speaking, he saw the dead wood The uncle, who had been keeping a close eye on Mo Bei, who was waiting for him, didn't bother to care. He slowly flew up to the sky to watch the battle, leaving the battlefield to the two people on the ground. Climbing high, he soon surpassed Mo Bei who was almost out of ammunition!

After all, AllForOne was facing a strong man of the same level who was forced into a desperate situation!

No matter how bad Mo Bei's condition was, as long as he was willing to burn his own energy! Life can still explode with power far beyond its peak state. Therefore

, for the sake of safety, Shigangmu Yuduo is ready to directly adjust his state to the peak. In this case, whether it is an instant kill or a toy, it is up to him.

When the energy activity in the body reached its highest state, AllForOne spread his hands and slowly walked towards Mobei, a hundred meters away.

"Lord of the Dragon Kingdom...do you know...Before this battle, Nangong boy was originally planning to hand over your personality and Ling Feng's personality to mine. but i refused...Do you know why?

Very simple...The personality of the king of the dragon kingdom must be snatched away by the new king himself!

Well~ although I know very well that when I really decide on a major matter, I still have to discuss it with the One in Heaven...."

Looking at AllForOne walking slowly, Mo Bei felt tremendous pressure. He was a legendary big shot!

In fact, according to his secret investigation, the former leader of the Dragon Kingdom was secretly killed by AllForOne! The reason is just that that person’s personality is more interesting!

Facing the slowly approaching AllForOne, Mobei couldn't rush to attack first. After all, he didn't know what kind of methods he was about to face.

However, as AllForOne gets closer, he has no choice but to take action

"A hundred times the shock wave! Drink!!!!"


Just like All Might, a long-range shock wave blasted towards the dead wood.

However, although it was a shock wave that was a hundred times amplified, its intensity was comparable to that of All Might. It was just a flat blow with all his strength.

It was also because of this familiar attack that AllForOne immediately lost most of his interest. Looking at the oncoming shock wave,

"Impact absorption, kinetic energy absorption, retardation, hardening, protective cover..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the shock wave passed through his body, but it did not cause any damage.

After failing to succeed, Mo Bei quickly retreated, but...

"Like All Might, once a shock wave of excessive intensity is blasted, the body will fall into a state of rigidity.

So, don't run. Gravity field!!!"


Suddenly, Mobei groaned, the excessive gravity caused his body to sink, and his feet crushed the ground.

But Mobei, who should have hurriedly retreated, was suddenly stunned for a few tenths of a second because of this ability. In less than half a second, he was already tightly entangled. As for the reason!...

"this...This is the personality of the old leader!!!"

"oh? Do you know that old guy?...

However, it is such a useful personality. Whether it is attack, defense, assistance, or even practice, it is very useful~

Compared to that old man, you can't do it....

Even if everything is enhanced a hundred times, your attack is only less than half a percent stronger than All Might over there. I feel ashamed of you~ Master Mo!

It's a pity that the 'Multiplier' cannot be put to considerable use in your hands.

So, let me take it away myself!!!

(Think acceleration, teleportation)"

Suddenly, the dead wood tree appeared behind Mo Bei, who had some difficulty in moving.

"Gravity field!

Immobilization, dizziness, attraction, muscle and bone clockwork, explosive power, value-added, hypertrophy......"

Just when AllForOne's giant right hand was about to touch Mobe,


"The lightness is enhanced a hundred times! A hundred times more powerful! A hundred times faster!"(Mo Bei)

At the critical moment, Mo Bei escaped the fatal blow of Death Beam Yusuo!

In an instant, Mobei appeared two hundred meters away from Death Beam Yusuo!

Mobei's body was damaged by nuclear radiation. The deterioration, coupled with the fact that he was already on the verge of exhaustion and he had to expend his energy rapidly, caused him to collapse on his knees with his head down, breathing heavily, regardless of the harmful substances in the air.

I panted for nearly ten seconds and looked into the distance.���AFO, who was waiting for him to recover, smiled bitterly a few times, then finally figured it out, and his eyes became firmer, staring at AllForOne.

"You all want me to die, right?...very good!!!

Anyway, because of this damn radiation, I am not going to die soon!

So finally, let me go crazy with you!!!

Watch it! Two immortal monsters!!!

Take a look at how dazzling the power of human beings burning their lives is!!!

Security restrictions lifted!!!

A hundredfold response! A hundred times faster! A hundred times better physique!

Ahem!! (Vomiting blood)

A hundred times more powerful! A hundred times better quality! A hundred times lighter! Heart rate a hundred times higher!...

A hundred times more muscle elasticity! A hundred times stronger than bones! A hundred times more explosive power!..."

Following Mo Bei's command, his hair quickly turned white, and his originally normal skin quickly aged and shriveled. It looked like he had aged dozens of years in just a few seconds!

"really...You are all beings whose life levels have evolved....

Unexpectedly, I have barely reached the realm that I have spent decades unable to break through, even after burning all my life.

Two inhuman monsters! hehe...

That's all I have!

AllForOne!!! This is the full blow of China today! Pick it up for me!!!

This is it! Open the sky!!!" boom!!!!!

‘Hundred...A hundred times the shock wave!!! '



Impact absorption, protective cover, impact reversal, shock wave, hardening, arm strength enhancement, explosive power, air push, value increase, enlargement, gun bone, crushing, gravity field, super regeneration...

Still a long way to go!!!"(AllForOne)

Boom!!! (Crack!!!)

"oh?! interesting...


This life-burning blow far exceeded the previous limit.

The King of the Dragon Kingdom, who had been in power for decades, shattered space at the end of his life with only physical skills!

At the moment of collision, the two space-shattering impacts of Death Handle Wood and Mo Bei produced a shock wave comparable to the previous nuclear explosion, directly causing a second huge sandstorm, which hit the surrounding cities. Push it flat.

It was also during this collision that a large area of space was shattered and a huge suction force was generated, causing the hemispherical dust isolation cover with a radius of 200,000 meters to severely collapse towards the inside!

If Nangong Yue hadn't imprisoned himself and the space around AFO in time, the two of them would have been thrown out of the world long ago!

The shock wave came and went quickly, and the many space cracks closed in less than five seconds due to the repair of the world itself.

In order to prevent the dust rich in harmful substances from pouring back, Nangong Yue opened a space protective shield with a radius of more than a hundred meters to protect himself and the dead wood before the space cracks closed and the dust spread back.

Then, looking at AllForOne, who had half of his body broken due to recoil and was rapidly regenerating, Nangong Yue joked:

"The personality of the Lord of the Dragon Kingdom will be collected personally by the new king!!! (imitate)

Haha...How about, sure, corpse���The spatial turbulence was completely shattered.

Multiplication, where to get it from?"

The helmet was completely shattered, and from the dead head of Mu Yuduo, the corners of the uncle's mouth were twitching.

"...It’s too big to play...I wanted to see what this guy was like and wait for him to explode with all his strength....

As a result, something almost happened...

However, it is also a good thing...Nangong, in that last encounter, I had already touched the edge of a higher level and was almost able to pierce it!!!

Soon! You'll be ready to start soon!!!

This riot spread all over the world!!! huh huh huh huh....

Uh hahahahahaha!!!"

Looking at the dead man who was laughing loudly, Nangong Yue clasped his fists, opened the space door at the same time, and controlled it to swallow the two of them....

"Well, congratulations~

(The physical breakthrough is coming soon!!!)"

After saying that, the two of them disappeared into the riddled Taklimakan Desert, the center of the explosion that was the most severely damaged.......

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