In a mansion in a different space, Nangong Yue and Allforone were sitting on a single sofa respectively.

Nangong Yue picked up the brewed tea and took a sip.

"So, next, on the bright side, only one person can act as Mobei.

In terms of the degree of deformation, currently it is better to change my original personality.

We have extracted all the necessary information from Mobei's blood, as well as multiplied it, and given it to you.

Well, I don't like taking care of things either, so I'll leave it to you."(Nangong Yue)

"Well, from now on, China will be our base camp. but...What an irony...After leading the underground forces for so many years, he was suddenly about to truly take over a big country.

This is also thanks to the decisions of several generations of Chinese leaders over the past hundred years, which have finally transformed this superpower into a giant that completely advocates strength!

It just so happened that it was convenient for us to take over, so even if they knew that Mo Bei was killed, they probably wouldn't have anything to say.

In fact, they will admire you even more because you defeated Mo Bei, who has been suppressing them for decades!

At most, he was put under symbolic house arrest for a few years because of the crime of"unlawful homicide." After he was released, he still successfully took over the country.

However, you have to leave the control of the top management of the Dragon Kingdom to you, because a large number of clones need to be dispatched at the same time to completely take over before they can react.

However, I only have 'double', and the clone I created is not very obedient, and your perception ability is much stronger than mine, so I can only rely on you."

Nangong Yue finished tasting the small cup of tea and stood up.

"It's because we can't waste a few years in vain that we planned this operation and the takeover plan that was hidden from the public.

If they really want to dismount 'Mobe' in an honest and fair manner, don't they have an official leader to challenge him to a duel? Let's put on a show, or if I really defeat you who only uses 'Multiply', won't I just take advantage of the situation and get the upper hand?..."(Nangongyue)

"That's true...

However, I will not lose to you easily, especially since I have broken through to the level of destroying a country!

Also, the death of Ling Feng, who was well known to the Chinese people, is a problem.

After that, we announced to the outside world that the"test explosion was successful". People who are too well-known can't be in trouble on the surface."(AFO)

"It's okay, there will be a space clone to take his place.

As for the duel, let’s wait and see~

Let’s get going without further delay.

Just work harder and walk back from here.

After all, Mobei can't teleport. As for the specific plot, it's up to you."(Nangong Yue) opened the space door connecting the coordinates of the edge of the explosion crater, and signaled the death handle Mu Yu to seize the starting point.

"Then tonight, it’s all your fault."

With that said, AllForOne flashed out of the different space, transformed into a different shape, and rushed towards the nearest military base.

After closing the space door, Nangong Yue separated into two space clones and looked at one of them,

"Then, you kid, are the new Zero.

He can change his appearance at will and continue to act as the 'King Soul' to integrate the underground forces of the Dragon Kingdom.

We are not satisfied with just mastering Baidao. We still don’t have enough manpower...."

Then he looked at another space clone,

"As for you, you are No. 10, replacing 'Ling Feng', assisting and supervising the seizure of the dead wood.

Watch him for me! It would be bad if one day his brain is not normal and he suddenly plays a big game and makes it difficult to end.

Okay, let's get to work...I'm going back to sleep first. I have to go to 'My Island' to check out the spots tomorrow...."After (the main body) gave the instructions, Nangong Yue opened the space door and returned to his mansion in Neon.

Nangong Yue didn't take care of the child tonight, and Bao Buqi was still practicing....

After the main body leaves,

"Why~~~Fortunately, there are 'double', which can separate a large number of low-quality, but fully functional clones, otherwise they will die suddenly."

Then, the clone in Space Zero, through 'double', separated out a hundred inferior clones,

"Okay, everyone, you know the specific operations.

No nonsense, just use 'mechanized mind' to modify their souls and brains, and the permission settings are the same as 'Thunder' and 'Renovation'.

Let's do it..."(No. 0)

After speaking, he took the lead in launching the 'Sky Shift', found the coordinates of a central high-level official, and moved there....

The remaining clones looked at each other and smiled bitterly, and had to leave quickly...

At this point, the vast China changed its owner overnight!!!......

Early the next morning, all the news pages around the world were read,"China's new weapon was successfully tested in the Taklimakan Desert!"!! 'Dominates the headlines.

On the Internet, it is completely a debate meeting between major keyboard warriors.

The battle scene probably looks like this:

‘I am a big Chinese NB!!!!!!’

‘Strongly condemn China! In peaceful times, we are still researching such terrifying weapons! Request UN sanctions!!!!!!’

‘There is such power! I am number one in China! If you are not convinced, come and argue!!!’

‘I heard that that thing was blown to pieces along with the space! Look at the final appearance of that cloud. It is obviously collapsing sharply inwards!!!’

‘It looks so scary.....’

‘Oppose armed violence!!!!!!’

‘Save it, we in China believe in the supremacy of strength!’

‘That is! UN sanctions?! Do they have that ability?!!!!’

‘of course! As long as Lord Mobei is here, China will be invincible!!!!’

‘Well, although China has become more powerful, I still have to say MMP that the subsequent sandstorms will be too big!!!’

‘I am a resident of the desert and I strongly protest...’......

At nine o'clock in the morning, Nangong Yue was still lying in bed, with his mind speeding up, looking at the many messages on his phone, especially those on the dark web. After looking at them for about an hour, he stopped paying attention after making sure there were no problems.

Even if something happens, China's eleven space clones are no joke.

Looking at the little guy in his arms who was dragged back from the training ground in the middle of the night and was still in a deep sleep, Nangong Yue decided to wait for her to wake up and have lunch together before setting off to the island.

However, thinking about the invitation letter he received, Nangong Yue finally decided to go with his classmates.

There is such a thing as a flaw, less is better......

On the morning of the third day, in the first class cabin of a plane...

"Oh~ Our world's strongest man, All Might, has also been invited to visit the 'My Expo'."

Nangong Yue, who was sitting near the aisle, joked to All Might, who was seated on the right.

"Well~ Young Nangong, I don’t dare to be number one in the world....

I can admit it as a hero, but in terms of strength?...I don't have much confidence.

You also know that that superpower is so unique that it doesn't even prohibit 'personality'!

Therefore, the concept of 'hero' is not popular.

Over there, there are only 'warriors', no 'heroes'.

Well~ Even if I want to say that I am a 'hero', no one will refute me.

By the way, Nangong Boy, the Dragon Kingdom cannot use personality, so once someone uses personality to hurt others, how will it be dealt with?"

Nangong Yue took out a bottle of juice from the storage space and took a sip. After putting it away, he replied:

"According to what I have seen and the relevant laws I have explored...

Although it is a bit cruel, in China, when it comes to harming people, it is not illegal as long as it does not cause disability or death.

After all, in their opinion, how can there be no injuries in a battle with a small difference in strength?!

Of course, if public property or private property is damaged due to fighting, compensation must be paid at the price.

After more than a hundred years, under the subtle influence, more than 99% of the people of the Dragon Kingdom believe that being 'weak' is shameful, and that people who are ineffective do not deserve to live at all!

At the same time, because under the long-term guidance of leaders, they all believe in"strength first", the original rigid concept of the younger generation has long been indifferent.

In other words, the strongest one is the senior, even if he is just a child who has just awakened his personality!

Therefore, basically everyone in the current Dragon Kingdom has something to offer more or less.

Even if they don't have a 'personality', they still exercise their bodies from time to time, which has also created a large number of strong martial arts and swordsmen.

Even among the top ten in Dragon Kingdom's official strength rankings, there is a swordsman with no personality!"

Gudu...(drink juice)

"Originally, China's actions were strongly condemned by other countries.

But at that time, they were too busy taking care of themselves at home, and it was just a war of words.

More than ten years later, after they stabilized, the United Nations, headed by the United States, discovered that China had expanded into a super giant that was completely impossible to target!!!

Think about it~ During a war, when the army rushes into the city, the first reaction of all the citizens is not to run, but to immediately, like setting off fireworks, a lot of colorful attacks come just like that. How about fighting? What a ghost!

If it weren't for the Dragon Kingdom's huge warhead reserves, the United Nations seemed to have planned to launch a nuclear war twenty years ago.

It's just that at that time, Ling Feng, with Mo's enhanced personality, broadcast a live broadcast to the top officials of the United Nations and executed a slash that destroyed the giant island, which frightened them out of their wits.

Well~ I'm a little off topic.

In short, although the Dragon Kingdom is martial, it still pays attention to order.

The law stipulates that as long as a person's actions affect more than 10 people, he or she will be sentenced to 10 days of forced labor; if more than 100 people are affected, they will be sentenced to 100 days of forced labor; if more than 500 people are affected, then they will be sentenced to lifelong forced labor.

Well~ It is said to be a lifelong labor camp, but in fact it is forced to join the army and then work for the country until death."

"...That's true...Incredible..."(Yagi)

"......"(Izuku Midoriya looked a little ugly)

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