It's okay if you don't look at it, but look at the two humanoid creatures lying unconscious on the ground, with their clothes burned and their whole bodies burned. You can barely see the human form. Without looking at the equipment, you can't even tell who is who. Mo Bei will inevitably be furious! Personality almost out of control.

These two didn't have such strong physical fitness. Although they barely survived, they were much miserable compared to Mo Bei!

I saw that there were actually three people alive, although only one could fight.

In order to prevent Mo Bei from increasing the vitality of the two people who fell to the ground a hundred times and allowing them to recover quickly, Nangong Yue also started to clear the place.

Nangong Yue landed slowly and stopped fifty meters above Mo Bei's head.

"What a tenacious vitality~

Well~ If it hadn't been for that apparation, this nuclear explosion should have completely solved it.... never mind...(space modeling, shock wave)...

Shinra Tianzheng."


If you look at it from a distance, the 'mushroom' that was originally 100,000 meters high quickly expanded into a huge hemisphere with a height of 150,000 meters!

Then, it expanded to a radius of 200,000 meters, covering nearly 100,000 meters. Halfway through the Taklimakan Desert, it calmed down.

Such a huge thing had long been captured by satellites of various countries. Not only that, all cities around the desert could basically see this spectacular scene, although all countries wanted to see the situation inside. , However, using this mushroom cloud as raw material to create a huge isolated battlefield is Nangong Yue's real plan, although it is only a follow-up.

After all, if everyone is killed, there is no need to fight at all and they can just leave. That's enough~

After clearing the field, Mo Bei on the ground looked at Nangong Yue in the air.

At this time, the space barrier that barely saved the lives of the three people was clearly broken. , you can see shock, anger, hatred, fear and other emotions from Mo Bei's eyes. Then, Mo Bei half-knelt, raised his head and shouted:

"Is this you now? King soul!!!!!

Are you clear? You have committed a heinous crime!

To this extent, not only the Dragon Kingdom, you will be surrounded and suppressed by the whole world!!!"

At the same time, he tried his best to recover his condition, not even caring about treating the two comatose comrades!

After all, in his impression, Wang Hun was extremely good at positional warfare, even as good as fighting against the world! God knows what he will do later What to face!

Nangong Yue doesn't care about being recognized as a king soul, but there is no point in hiding it now

, so Nangong Yue decides to let him die. point

"Hahaha...Mr. Mo, you are exalting that king soul too much.

Although you can control all things by giving them souls, you are indeed like a god.

However, the spirit body is his greatest weakness!

As long as the soul is stronger than him and the attack is directed at the soul, it will be easy to deal with him.

By the way, that old guy's personality is quite fun to use."

Nangong Yue frivolously revealed an astonishing amount of information, which stunned Mo Bei, and even the movement of his personality came to a standstill.

However, due to his overwhelming strength advantage, Nangong Yue did not take action, but waited for Mo Bei's response. react after a few seconds....


Didn't expect that...A real monster appears in the world again...

Young man...You are not the AllForOne from the island country, are you? Then, can you let me, the old man, understand better?"

Regarding Mo Bei's show of weakness and a series of small actions to treat the two people, Nangong Yue pretended not to see it.

After all, the two wounded people had been locked by a space clone, and in addition, the person who would fight with him later , and it’s not him, Nangong Yue, but he can’t let Uncle Deadwood come over to make soy sauce and pick peaches with his bare hands.

"AllForOne...Well, we are indeed not...

The boy's name is Nangong Yue. He is from the Dragon Kingdom and is just a gangster.

As for AllForOne, Death Handle Wood is my partner.

As for the purpose, this nuclear explosion is enough to explain everything~

By the way, just save your old personality and other little tricks, 'double' it?...Also quite useful.

But~ even if they recover from their injuries, they are still incapable of fighting.

After all, what is consumed is their own physical strength and vitality.

Moreover, this place has become a communication isolation zone. Not to mention electronic equipment, even communication-type personalities are of no use!"

Mo Bei, who was originally using his half-kneeling feet to gently touch the two of them to multiply their vitality, was shocked.

This made him realize that his personality should be completely understood.

And According to Nangong Yue's code words, it is very likely that the young man above has acquired his own personality!

Thinking of this, Mo Bei slowly stood up, raised his head, and looked directly at Nangong Yue with anger and hatred. To add some trouble to Yu Duo, Nangong Yue did not directly start a fight, but continued to ask questions knowingly,

"So, for such a dangerous matter, why do you, the leader of the country, come here in person?

Wouldn't it be nice to sit in the office and wait for the results of your subordinates?"

And when he heard Nangong Yue's innocent question, Mo Bei couldn't help but laugh out loud,


Child! This idea of yours should have been eliminated hundreds of years ago when individuality began to become popular!!!

Now, it’s a world where power determines everything!

The era when those in power were supreme has long passed!!!

‘Power is not important, boxing is important!!!

As long as there is enough power! Wealth, power, and a good spouse are all at your fingertips!

And, only with great power can you have the right to choose!

Only then can we protect, destroy, develop, and guide according to our inner thoughts.... child...Don't think I can't see it. Just like that AllForOne, you are also the kind of bad person who can destroy everything in pursuit of personal pleasure!!!

No! Maybe subconsciously, you already think that you are superior to others and regard yourself as a 'god'!!!"

This old guy is right. Recently, he has also realized that since his life level evolved, Nangong Yue can't help but feel arrogant and contemptuous when facing ordinary creatures.

Only when facing people he recognizes , will truly treat each other as equals. Yes, even Nangong

Yue himself does not realize that putting others in the same position as himself is already the highest level of treatment!

Self-supposed respect, worship, admiration...None of them exist!

Faced with Mo Bei's questioning, Nangong Yue just chuckled a few times and motioned for him to continue.

"Cough cough cough!!!! (Vomiting blood)

(Sorry, the complications of nuclear radiation are almost unbearable)

So! In the current Dragon Kingdom, the most powerful old man is the king of this country!!!

And Ling Feng, Diao Chang and the others are all my subjects!

However...The purpose of King Soul is to blatantly tear apart the soil and seal the king in this country where a 'king' already exists!!!

This, only this! This is something I will never allow!!!

As for why I came here personally?...

Isn't it obvious?...I have to admit that in this country, no one can suppress the king's soul except me!

Even in this world where individual combat power is paramount, it is difficult to refute that nuclear deterrence still exists, and its presence is extremely strong!!!

I will never allow the country's nuclear weapons to be controlled by outsiders!

Why...Although, it has failed......"

Having said this, Mobei put on a posture of gathering strength, and at the same time, his power was rising steadily!

"Young man! Your purpose is the same as that of the king soul that you solved...

No!!! You need to be more thorough!

Your purpose with AllForOne! He is plotting to seize the entire Dragon Kingdom!!!!!

Old man! You will never allow your country to be taken away by outsiders!!!

(A hundred times faster, a hundred times stronger!)"

In the blink of an eye, Mo Bei almost teleported to Nangong Yue!


Just like All Might, Mobei blasted out a shock wave that was enough to shatter the mountains!


The shock wave directly skipped Nangong Yue, because Nangong Yue was not prepared to fight Mobei and was always 'penetrating' state and all perceptions rely on his clairvoyance’


What the hell kind of personality?! penetrate?!!!"

The attack was ineffective. Mo Bei was afraid that Nangong Yue would use some crazy attack method, so he quickly stepped on the air and retreated.

After flying back a hundred meters, he was in the air level with Nangong Yue, constantly stepping on the 'moon step' he had developed. , confronting Nangong Yue, and Nangong Yue still teased frivolously,

"Don't be so anxious, Mr. Mo~

Since you are the only one with the fighting power on your side, I am not going to fight with you~

Anyway, we can't let our partners pick the peaches with their bare hands. Bar~"

‘one person?...... not good!!!!! '

When he realized something, Mobei rushed to the two wounded people. As a result,...

"Nangong Yue!!! You must die a good death!!!!!!"


In the blink of an eye, Mobei, who was in an enhanced state, flashed in front of the space clone, and then...



A straight punch came out. Mo Bei, who calmed down and was breathing heavily, faced only two comrades whose bodies were separated, and not far away, he was blown to pieces by him, floating in the air. In mid-air, facing him, mocking him silently, the translucent space clone slowly dissipated......

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