Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3472: Settle after Autumn

Believe it or not, since Li Ye speaks out, he is ready for an endless battle with the five major forces!

The powers of Jiujue Mountain were pale, and the expressions of resentment were more of a deep fear!

Yes, at this moment, they are scared! I'm really scared!

The fear that grew in their hearts even made them forget that no one's attention was on them at the moment, and they could escape!

What if I escaped?

"Li Ye! No one in the world can check and balance you!"

Yi Longtian screamed in resentment, he learned from Huoyun Mountain, this time it was one of the five forces that besieged Li Ye.

Now that Li Ye has openly written the battle book! He didn't care whether he would offend Li Ye, and snorted.

The Dragon Sword was expressionless, and among the five forces, his Master Six Sword Sovereign was the weakest. Although the cultivation base is the strongest among these holy monarchs, the other major forces are all a sect.

Only the Six Sword Saints are alone!

Today, Li Ye was angered. Not only did he not kill Li Ye, but he got into great trouble!

Others threatened, they could sneer and laugh.

However, Li Ye's threat made everyone's heart only a deep chill, like ten thousand years of Xuanbing, almost freezing the heart and lungs.

Those great teachers who had not taken action against Li Ye before are now secretly grateful!

"Wanshou Pill! If this pill really exists, it would be too bad!"

"A longevity pill that even the emperor and even the emperor can take! If it is spread today, it will definitely make the entire East Continent, no! The entire Three Realms and Nine Regions will be completely moved!"

Even the emperor and the emperor of heaven can take longevity pills that have never been heard for millions of years!

It's almost a consensus! Even though the existence of the Great Emperor has been recognized by the Dao of Heaven, it can use a small part of the rules of heaven and earth! Really stand in the supreme realm above the sky and the earth.

There are gains and losses! The life of the emperor, in the eyes of the world, is almost a long history, but it is not immortal!

On the contrary, the emperor's use of any immortal medicine and pill that promotes longevity will not have any effect!

For countless thousands of years, I don’t know how many emperors have spared no effort to continue their lives! But no one succeeded after all!

As time passed, no one felt that there were exceptions in this world!

Until the appearance of Li Ye!

"King Li Dan deserves to be a unique evildoer in Dongzhou for millions of years."

The Taoist Sage took a deep look at Li Ye. This young man, after World War I today, let alone among his peers, even if he is an ancient existence that has lived for countless tens of thousands of years, he dare not underestimate him. It is the communication between the two sides on one level.

He didn't dare to put on the posture of a senior man, and it could even be said that if it wasn't for face issues, he would be willing to put down his figure for the pill.

Although the sage monarch didn't say anything, why couldn't everyone hear the dazzling sound?

Someone's eyes flashed with shock!

The sage of walking is clearly a decision!

At this time, what else can make him decide?

"My Lord is looking forward to the next meeting with King Li Dan."

There was a smile on the old face of the Taoist Sage, and then disappeared into the void. At his level, even the second elder of the ancient family might not be his opponent.

Regardless of the realm of cultivation, at the level of the saint, there is actually not much difference between them. What really determines the level of strength is the amount of laws and regulations that can be used!

The reason why the emperor is invincible!

One is the golden body of the emperor! There is hardly anything in the world that can cause harm! And more importantly, the emperor can use some of the laws of heaven and earth!

At that moment, it almost represented the way of heaven! How do mortals resist?

And Shengjun, although unable to do what the Great Emperor did, he could barely borrow a small part! It's just that compared to the emperor, what borrowed is after all just borrowing, but it is enough to suppress the world.

See you next time!

Everyone's hearts flashed in shock!

The meaning of the words before the journey of the saint departed, he clearly wanted to make a deal with Li Ye!

Use Shengjun's head! Come in exchange for Wanshou Dan!

No one would doubt the determination to exist such as the Taoist Sage!

Not to mention the mere mere Pill of Longevity, he can be satisfied!

Even the Longevity Pill can increase the one hundred years of life! But how can it compare to the attractiveness of Wanshoudan's Millennium Lifespan?

As for the head of the saint! It is not what Li Ye needs to consider.

"Jiujueshan and other sects, perhaps joining hands today is their biggest mistake."

I don't know who suddenly sighed, but no one retorted after hearing the words.

Five powers, two of them are great families! The other three great teachers!

Five saints!

With this kind of formation and handwriting, any one who changed, even those arrogants on the emperor list, would definitely die!

But Li Ye survived!

Not only survived, but even caused the five major forces to lose a lot!

It's more than that!

Now Li Ye clearly wants to settle accounts after autumn! And once it was shot, it was shocking!

Even the people who were still hesitating whether they wanted to hunt down the five powerful holy emperors for the pill, are now all thinking!

"Haikongcheng! This time, it looks like Dongzhou is going to be in chaos!"

Since some people will make a move, the rest will naturally not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

No matter how powerful the five forces are, it does not mean that they have no enemies!

In this world, sending charcoal in the snow is commendable, but getting to the bottom of the well is easy.

Even if the holy monarchs dare not mess around, what about the holy emperor?

The ordinary holy emperor is extremely powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but it does not mean that he can't kill!

After today, how many powerful but not many existences will appear one by one, no one knows.

They only knew that Li Ye didn't even have to do it himself! It only takes a single sentence to directly expose the five major forces to what threats.

Those great teachers left one after another.

Regardless of whether they will secretly hunt down the five powerful forces, at least for now, they are absolutely unwilling to offend Li Ye! On the contrary, before leaving, they expressed a few compliments, hoping to make friends with Li Yeyou.


The strong man in Jiujue Mountain just wanted to leave, but after all he did not leave.

A huge black sickle that suddenly appeared in the void directly slashed the soul.

The strong of Huoyun Mountain is no exception, even faster than the strong of Jiujue Mountain!

Only an old man in the Xiao family, at a critical moment, burst out with a ray of invincible will, and turned into a terrifying body, blocking Li Ye's death sickle, leaving with serious injuries and unwillingness to escape.

For a time, the five major forces really suffered heavy losses.

Several holy monarchs were injured and fled, and many holy emperors died!

"Now, it's just the beginning!"

Li Ye's icy eyes fell on Dragon Sword, Yi Longtian, and a young man from the Xiao family.

Since he has done this this time, there is no possibility of reconciliation between the two parties! But Li Ye didn't kill these people, because now the pride of heaven in the eyes of the world is not even qualified to let him take the shot himself.

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