Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3473: Li Ye! You are too conceited!

"Li Ye! Do you really want to live with the Xiao Family and other forces?"

Gu Tian asked himself the kind of arrogance, there is little in this world that can make him bow his head, he is arrogant, and he is also from the ancient family of the great emperor.

But now, he found that in front of Li Ye, everything he was proud of was just a joke.

At least he changed him to Li Ye, it is absolutely impossible to be so bold and anger several great teachers one after another! Including the Xiao family, Washington DC, and Lin family!

In his eyes, this is not just conceit, but a lunatic!

Even the heir of the great family, the dignified emperor, clearly angered any family, maybe he still doesn't care! But several forces have been angered one after another, let alone him, even a holy monarch, dare not say that they can be safe and sound!

"Huoyun Mountain and the Six Sword Saints are fine. Although Huoyun Mountain is a great teacher, after this time, in your name, Li Ye, unless the other sages of Huoyun Mountain lose their minds, they will not May continue to be your enemy!"

Gu Tian took a deep breath, "The Six Sword Saints are now hard to protect themselves, and not too threatening. But Jiujue Mountain, after all, is the old man of Jiujue standing behind! Do you really think about it?"

It wasn't that he was concerned about Li Ye's life and death, but it was an insoluble emotion in his heart that made him unable to help but ask.

Yes, Gu Tian’s question is exactly what everyone has in mind.

The five major forces joined forces to besie Li Ye, which indeed broke the seeming peace of the two sides.

It is impossible to give up after changing anyone!

But Li Ye now severely injured several holy monarchs, even beheading several holy emperor-level experts!

It definitely made the five powers lose their wives and broke down, and no matter how angry and resentful the five powers were, at least on the surface they couldn't find any reason to embarrass Li Ye!

"Yes, although King Li Dan's actions today relieved his anger, it also completely caused the Xiao family and others to lose all their worries."

An old man sighed, and this time the five major forces' moves were at least morally untenable. It's just the weak and the strong. If Li Ye falls today, no one will say more.

Now that Li Ye had survived, it would naturally become the five major forces that lost the first place.

What everyone was puzzled by was that Li Ye's fame in the first battle was a relief from previous worries and shocked the forces that were ready to move.

At this moment, he was aggressive, and even more so he wanted to fight with the five major forces.

Is it worth it?

"It's not that Li Ye is aggressive and doesn't give people a way to survive! It's that some people, from beginning to end, have always regarded me as a soft persimmon. If that's the case, then let some people really see me. Is Li Ye really at the mercy of others as they think!"

Everyone was silent, and Li Ye's voices with great will, they couldn't refute.

At least this time after Li Ye became famous in the first battle, and even a few sages could not help him, even if he was a person who disapproved, now he would not think that such a junior Li Ye was too blind and conceited.

"King Li Dan's words are reasonable. This time, the Xiao family and others have indeed passed it a little bit. The saints have lost their status when they acted! And if the world will be like this, if the world will be like this, wouldn't it be broken for millions of years The rules?"

Similarly, there are also strong people who disagree, but feel that Li Ye, a junior, is so proud that the cultivator should be so.

These powerhouses, who came from a big educator, now intend to show favor to Li Ye.

There are also some Sanxiu Sage Emperors and Supreme Sacred Emperors. They have been oppressed by those great religions for a long time. Now Li Ye's battle has severely damaged those great religions, which can be said to relieve them a lot.

Naturally, they are now not talking about becoming a firm force behind Li Ye, at least faintly, they have Li Ye as a leader of casual repair and small sect!

Gu Tian hesitated again and again, and finally just shook his head.

"Li Ye, say it all. Although you survived today, don't underestimate those great teachers! As for the Xiao family and the others, you'd better think about it!"

Before leaving, he finally said, "The background of the great emperor family and the emperor family is beyond your imagination. Even if one day you reach the emperor realm, you may not be able to easily dominate the fate of any emperor family or the emperor family."

Regardless of whether Li Ye could listen, Gu Tian took Gu Lie and left directly.

It was the two sages of the ancient family who had changed their attitude towards Li Ye at this moment.

But for some things, they naturally wouldn't express their opinions easily, but smiled slightly, "King Li Dan is a distinguished guest of the ancient family. If someone wants to be disadvantageous to King Li Dan, it is equivalent to wanting to attack my ancient family!"

Leaving these words made many people's faces slightly changed.

The two elders of the ancient family meant nothing more than that they wanted to repair the rift between them and Li Ye because they hesitated to stand by.

Li Ye knew this very well. But he didn't refuse this kindness. After all, what the ancient family said, the foundation is still there.

And there is no conflict of interest with him. Although he is so confident that he does not put the five forces in his eyes, it does not mean that he is really arrogant and ignorant.

One more ally, one more enemy, he naturally has a balance in his heart.

As soon as the people of the ancient family left, the rest of them naturally also left.

And before long, this battle spread throughout Dongzhou City!

Even spread throughout Dongzhou soon!

Countless people fell into a long silence after receiving the news.

Become famous! ?

No, this can be regarded as a Conferred God!

"Five saints!"

I don't know a certain ancient existence, faintly uttered.

The exclamation and complexity in that tone may be the most instinctive reaction of many people who learned the news.

Even though, one of the five holy monarchs was desperately entangled by the descendant of the Shi family!

But the remaining four sages, but it is true, was played by Li Ye alone between applause!

What is that concept?

Ordinary strong people may not have a clear understanding!

But the real powerhouses who have reached a certain level have almost one reaction!

Take a breath!

"Holy Monarch! That is the existence of the nine supreme realms! Four people join hands! Even if they meet the emperor, they all have the power to fight! This son, really is the chosen person?"

Some people don't want to believe it, but that's the truth!

Five major forces, join forces!

Even the saints disregarded their status, and several people joined forces to deal with a junior.

This spread out to make the world contempt! But even so, it actually ended up with the five major forces defeating Huashan and losing his wife and breaking down.

Who can expect such a result?

Not to mention the major forces that have just received the news, even those who have witnessed all this process with their own eyes, still feel that they have not recovered.

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