Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3471: Sea and sky city

Millennium birthday!

It turned out to be a thousand-year longevity!

At that moment, everyone was shocked!

Including those ancient powerhouses who questioned before!

In their eyes, even the three pill pattern longevity pill that promoted the hundred years of life of the strong under the emperor was a miracle medicine!


What concept?

Mortals in this world may not necessarily experience a thousand years of time for a whole ten lifetime!

A mortal powerful dynasty will completely collapse in a thousand years! Replaced by people!


Those holy emperors, supreme holy emperors, and even older existences are not calm at this moment!

Facing the three pill pattern longevity pill, they have shaken their hearts!

At this moment, a longevity pill! It is ten times the effect of the three pill pattern longevity pill!

Do not!

This can no longer be used to describe the comparison! After all, it is a three-point poison, even if it is an elixir, if it is taken more times, it will gradually become ineffective! What's more, it is an elixir to improve longevity!

The strong man present is not the world's Qibao who has experienced tens of thousands of years and can improve his lifespan, and he has hardly let it go!

Even ordinary life pills can't improve their lifespan.

But the longevity pill with three pill pattern is different! That is handed down by Emperor Danwu!

In the eyes of everyone, it is almost the most powerful life pill in the world!

Now, there is a pill that is more terrifying than the longevity pill about to be born?

"Millennium birthday! Sigh! Li Dan, are you serious?"

The voice of the ancient vicissitudes of life came out faintly, and the supreme majesty contained in that voice even made the holy emperors faintly tremble!

The fact that no one came out alone made everyone shocked!

Holy King!

This is definitely the existence of the holy monarch!

Only the existence of the holy monarch, with every word and deed, can trigger the laws of heaven and earth, although not as pure as the emperor, but under the emperor, it is almost invincible!

"Sage of the Way!"

"It's actually him!"

"This is a peerless figure one hundred thousand years ago! There have been rumors before that the sage of walking is already dead! I didn't expect to be alive!"

Holy King!

And only the strong at the level of Saint King is qualified to trade with Li Ye for Wanshou Pill!

The rest of the people are powerless even if they have the intention!

Li Yesi was not surprised, there was a Saint-Sovereign presence hidden in the dark!

This time the five major forces joined forces to besiege him, naturally arousing the attention of many forces and existence.

These people, even if they didn't have any grudges with Li Ye before, they still attached great importance to the result of this battle.

And obviously, Li Ye survived! Even make the five major forces disgraced!

At this moment, it is more anti-customer!

Using his means, the five forces that joined forces to kill him this time were driven to a dead end!

An ancient being slowly revealed his figure from the void.

The bright moon behind that is unique to the sage, representing the perfect state of the road of reincarnation.

"Sure enough, he is a sage of walking!"

"This is the ancestor of Sea and Sky City!"

Haikongcheng is also a great teacher! And it's one of the most powerful big teachers!

Even if it is a big teacher, it is naturally divided into three or six or nine classes!

There is a sect in which a sage sits, and it can be called a great religion!

But there is a clear gap between a holy monarch and several holy monarchs!

Great teachers such as Huoyun Mountain and Tianya Yidaogu are among the best! At least two or three holy monarchs are still alive!

However, as soon as the sage monarch appeared, the expressions of the other powerful masters changed!

"The holy monarchs who walk the way are still alive, and there are at least seven holy monarchs who are still alive in Haikong City!"

Seven saints!

When this remark came out, how many people were frightened!

Even if it is the Taoism of Emperor Men, there may not necessarily be so many sage characters!

The ancient family can be regarded as the great emperor family, but it is also two holy monarchs!

"More than that! The sage of walking can live, and the other two sages of the sea and sky city of his age are very likely to be alive!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar again!

In this way, the strength of the sea and sky city is really too terrifying!

Even compared to the emperor's Taoist family and the emperor's family who have passed away, they are several times stronger!

Nearly ten sages living alive, even in the entire Three Realms and Nine Regions, they are definitely one of the pinnacle sects!

Not to mention everyone's horror, the only thing that the saint of action cares about at the moment is the Wanshoudan in Li Ye's mouth!

When Li Ye saw the other party at first glance, he understood to some extent why the ancient sage in front of him would not hesitate to expose his traces.

"Senior's birthday, it seems that there are not many."


The ancient sage in front of him, although his aura is still like a vast void, boundless! It is even more profound than the five saints who besieged him before! Even the Six Swordsman is not as good as the old man in front of him.

But no matter how vast the cultivation base is, it is difficult to hide the shadow of death revealed in it.

In particular, Li Ye, who has understood the will to death, can more clearly perceive which kind of cold smell can only be produced near death.

The Taoist Lord's complexion changed, but then he showed a wry smile.

He did not deny, nor did he need to deny.

If not, he would not be here.

"I don't know if King Li Dan mentioned before, can I know something about it."

Everyone is shocked!

No matter how many lifespans are left, as long as he is still alive for one day, even the emperor comes, and he dare not say that he can be suppressed to live!

This kind of holy monarch, who has lived for a hundred thousand years or even longer, sometimes even dare not look down upon the methods used by the emperor.

You really have to work hard, if there are still one or two imperial artifacts in your hands, you can't say that even the emperor can make a direct wave.

"What the seniors worry about is whether the Wanshou Pill really has the effect that the juniors said."

The Taoist Lord did not deny it, and this is also the worry in everyone's hearts.

Then, Li Ye smiled slightly, revealing an absolute self-confidence, "Longevity Pill! Even the emperor can increase your lifespan by five hundred years! Even if it is the emperor, although it can't improve that much, it has more than one hundred years. The promotion of Shouyuan!"

The implication is that the emperor and even the emperor can take longevity pills! What about the existence under the trivial emperor, even if it is a holy monarch?

After all, the saints are just like Wuhuang realm! It just walked out of another road of cultivation that seemed to be of no return.

But Li Ye said it was simple and easy, but the elder body of the Taoist Sage trembled slightly!

There was only the thick gasp in the entire void!

Wanshou Dan!

Under the emperor! Promote the Millennium Life! Even the emperor can increase his lifespan by five hundred years! Even the Emperor of Heaven can live more than a hundred years after taking it!

Unheard of!

Do not! For millions of years, I have almost never heard that there is such an elixir in this world!

Now, it is in front of them?

letter? Still don't believe it?

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