Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3110: Set off for Dongzhou

The Source of Chaos Riot!

This is not in Li Ye's plan. After all, in his opinion, the chaotic fire on the two emperors is almost negligible, and a little bit of swallowing will not necessarily put him in danger.

But now it seems that he underestimated the first flame, the first flame, which was born from the chaos before the world was first opened!

At this moment, Li Ye's consciousness is almost turned into a sea of ​​flames!

His soul is like being burned!

Crazy is weakening.

At the critical moment, the mysterious power in Li Ye appeared again!

In an instant, it turned into an endless sea of ​​blood, suppressing the source of chaos that ran away.

I don't know how long it took, and finally Li Ye collapsed all over his body, and almost couldn't stand firm when his body became soft. But being held by a soft body, wisps of fragrance drifted into the tip of his nose, but it was a pity that Li Ye had no strength to see who it was, and finally fainted.

When he woke up again, it was as if his bones fell apart and he could hardly get up.

"Little friend, you finally wake up."

There was a hint of surprise and a bitter smile on the side, turning his head and looking, the Great Emperor Gu Shi was relieved of the worry on his face, and smiled at him, "You sleep, but the old man and Qing Ming are scared."

Today's ancient stone emperor, with white hair and gray hair, is like a candle in the wind, as if he might let go at any time.

Seeing Emperor Gu Shi, Li Ye was finally relieved.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Three days and nights."

"Three days and nights?"

Li Ye was startled, but it was not too long for cultivators to think of this time. But he quickly thought of other key points, "Old, are you now?"

"My little friend, don't worry, the curse on the old man and Qing Ming has disappeared. It's okay to temporarily support it for ten and a half months."

The two great emperors have lived for hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years. If it were not for the fire of chaos, they would have already turned into a pile of loess.

Now that the curse disappears, it is also the last period of their death.

After all, the body of the five elements is the body of the five elements, and Li Ye's weakness is more of a kind of exhaustion on the soul.

Soon he was able to move freely, but he quickly showed a wry smile.

"Now I, the primordial spirit is already so weak."

From the nine orifices of the primordial spirit, the body is golden! Almost immortal! Until now, his soul has weakened to an unimaginable degree.

Unless, he can get rid of the source of chaos!

Otherwise, he would never have the opportunity to step into a higher realm in this life!

Because of his soul, it is impossible to improve! Instead, he was imprisoned by the source of chaos.

It's as if he is carrying a time bomb at any time now, and he may be wiped out in ashes, and there will be no place to bury him.

regret? Li Ye shook his head slightly.

"Ancient, this is a drop of water of life, it should be enough to last your life for three to five hundred years."

The water of life is so precious! Even more precious than ordinary innate treasures countless times!

Even people like Gu Shi Great, who had long been ashamed, couldn't help being excited when they saw him!

"The water of life, I didn't expect that there really is such a **** in the world!"

Whether it is the pinnacle of invincibility, or the emperors and generals of the world, they will always pursue the almost impossible wish of immortality.

The elixir and miracle, longevity pills, all kinds of treasures that can increase a lifespan, have almost become the greatest pursuit of those who stand taller and stronger!

Even Gu Shi the Great, it is inevitable.

A drop of the water of life was almost visible to the naked eye, from a 70-80-year-old appearance, he quickly recovered to about 50 years old, looking even more energetic!

Although it is just a few hundred yuan longevity! But the emperor himself has a very long life! The longevity pill that could allow the emperor to improve his life, almost did not exist!

Sure enough, Emperor Gu Shi was full of surprises, "Little friend, you are now the old man's reinvention benefactor!"

Hundreds of years of life!

That is equivalent to a few lifetimes of a mortal! It is also possible to witness the rise and fall of the mortal dynasty and change dynasties!

Say no more, say less!

At least for the current ancient stone emperor, that is almost a gift of reconstruction!

Soon, Emperor Qingming also got news, and also used a drop of life water!

"Little friend's grace today, this emperor will never forget it in his lifetime!"

It's not just the water of life that gives them hundreds of years of life! Li Ye didn't hesitate to be dangerous, and transferred the curse from them to himself, which moved the two emperors even more.

Seeing them who are accustomed to intrigue, intrigue, and even the betrayal of their relatives, their kinship and feud, seem to arouse the purity in their hearts once again.

Idiots can see that this kindness is equivalent to Li Ye now having two extremely powerful emperors standing behind him. Moreover, he responded with a hundred responses, as long as he said a word, whether it was Emperor Gushi or Emperor Qingming, there would be absolutely no hesitation!

Two drops of water of life, in exchange for the favor of the two emperors, at least for Li Ye, it was a profit.

Now that the curse on the two emperor Gu Shi can be solved, Li Ye naturally cannot forget the emperor Bingyi and the princess Saint Demon Gate.

However, with his first experience, this time Li Ye was well prepared.

The same scene, the same source of chaos riot!

But this time, Li Ye just lay down for a day and night before waking up.

Li Ye's soul is getting weaker and weaker, and it can even be seen from the outside.

"Why are you so stupid."

Princess Saint Demon Gate is so cold and proud, almost all pear flowers bring rain, crying into tears. Even the Great Emperor Bingyi now showed some hesitation on his pretty face, and he didn't even dare to meet Li Ye's gaze.

There were also some small secrets that could not be shared between the two. When Li Ye lifted the curse on Emperor Bingyi, he had a special connection with the soul of Emperor Bingyi.

Stepping into the Ming Demon Ancient Realm, it can be said that Li Ye has accomplished his purpose.

Finding Emperor Bingyi, even the secret of the curse of immortality was solved by him.

However, for him, this trip to the Ming Demon Ancient Realm was a mixed blessing.

"What are your plans now?"

Now, it is not difficult for Li Ye to leave here! Even Li Ye can take everyone out directly.

"I'm going to Dongzhou."


How many years did he wait! Now, I finally have to face it directly!

"Go to Dongzhou!"

Princess Saint Demon Gate vaguely knew Li Ye's plan, after all, Li Ye had clearly revealed the grudge between him and the Dongzhou Ye family.

"Dongzhou, I have to go there!"

"But your current cultivation base..."

The soul was imprisoned by the source of chaos, which reduced Li Ye's strength by at least 70%! Going to Dongzhou in this state can be imagined as dangerous.

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