Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3109: The Source of Chaos Riot

Curse of immortality!

No one can even trace the years of existence!

Just like when the Immortal City appeared, no one knows!

The only person who knew the truth was just a single seedling like the Moon King.

It's a pity that such a single seedling was killed by Li Ye. I have to say it is a kind of irony! It is also a kind of sadness.

It was not difficult for Li Ye to lift the Immortal Curse on the two great emperors, because the source of the Immortal Curse on them was the source of the weak chaos.

The two great emperors obviously had a half-trusted attitude about how Li Ye could lift the curse on them, after all, this was the source of chaos!

Not to mention a junior like Li Ye, even if it was them, they all changed their expressions.

"Little friend, how confident are you?"

Great Emperor Qingming's attitude towards Li Ye now changed from the original, and he did not dare to put on the airs of a great emperor.

After all, the young man in front of him, how far he can go in the future, has long been beyond his imagination. Even though he is a great emperor, he knows better than ordinary people that these three realms and nine regions are not the end of heaven and earth! But there is even more terrifying plane space!

"Senior Qing Ming, I dare not say that it is 100% sure, but there is still 60 to 70%."

Sixty to seventy percent!

The Great Emperor Qingming took a deep breath, but nodded quickly, "Well, it is enough to be sixty to seventy percent certain! The old man believes in the little friend's ability."

These words are purely polite and self-comforting, but there is indeed some sincerity in it.

After all, he has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, but he has never seen a younger generation who is as good as the young man before him. If he didn't know that he was no longer qualified to accept a genius like Li Ye as a disciple, he would be a little moved to pass on his own mantle.

On the other side, Emperor Gu Shi could see clearly.

For him, his disciples and his biological daughters lost all of his own hands, but now they have been living and struggling to the present, and they have seen many things.

For so many years, he has been suppressing the desires in his heart, never attacking other undead to **** their soul fragments, it is a kind of punishment for himself!

"The two seniors, if you want to eradicate the curse, you need the juniors to enter the two seas of consciousness and have direct contact with the primordial spirit, and hope the two seniors understand."

It sounds simple, but who in this world dares to allow others to invade the sea of ​​consciousness and approach the origin of their own soul? Even brothers, father and son, don’t necessarily trust!

Once someone takes the opportunity to attack the soul, the consequences are unimaginable.

But Emperor Gu Shi and Emperor Qing Ming did not hesitate, and nodded after hearing this.

"Little friend, let's do it, old man, this old bone can withstand the toss."

Emperor Gu Shi laughed, but made Emperor Qingming on the side shook his head with a wry smile.

But he did not refuse.

"That junior is offended!"

Li Ye took a deep breath!

In an instant, the primordial spirit turned into a clone and entered the sea of ​​knowledge of the two great emperors!

Control two clones at the same time!

The two great emperors were slightly horrified! They originally thought that Li Ye would come one by one, but they didn't expect to shoot at the same time!

"This son is really terrifying! Has his soul reached the strength of a heavenly emperor?"

The Great Ancient Stone and the Great Qingming were a little surprised, especially the Great Ancient Stone, who was once a heavenly emperor! It's just that for countless years, suppressing oneself and not taking other people's soul fragments, has gradually become weaker and weaker, falling from the realm of Heavenly Emperor to the present level.

"Even in the heyday of the old man, he may not be able to achieve this level!"

Depressing the horror in the heart, the most critical thing for them now is naturally the curse of immortality.

In the sea of ​​knowledge!

Li Ye's avatar will be transformed into his appearance.

"It really is the emperor! This sea of ​​knowledge is far from what ordinary people can compare!"

Everyone’s sea of ​​knowledge is a forbidden zone! It is even equivalent to an illusory world. However, the general sea of ​​consciousness is faint and imperceptible, even for a cultivator, it can't be vast.

But in front of him, there is a vast world without horizon, enough to see the amazing cultivation of the two emperors.

Soon, Li Ye found the souls of the two great emperors.

"It really is the source of chaos!"

The incomparably powerful primordial spirit in his eyes was like an old man who was dying of illness, clearly carrying a strong aura, but it seemed that he could lose everything at any time and disappear into this sea of ​​consciousness.

Especially, the flame that has repeatedly frightened him is not the source of chaos!

Most people will die if they touch it!

It is also because the two great emperors have a strong cultivation base, which can sustain them for so many years.

"The source of chaos! I hope it will not increase my current pressure."

Taking a deep breath, Li Ye's eyes burst into flames!

Just like some kind of strong call, I immediately saw the countless beating chaotic flames surrounding the soul, coming directly towards Li Ye's clone.

In just a few breaths, almost all gathered.

And after Li Ye collected these chaotic fires, the whole person trembled slightly, the sweat bursting out of soybeans on his face, and the whole person's face became weaker.

Lift the curse!

In fact, it does not exist at all!

The so-called lifting of the curse is actually that he replaces the cursed person to bear the burning of the source of chaos **** every night!

In the world, who can do this except him?

I don't know how long it took before Li Ye finally withdrew from the sea of ​​knowledge of the two great emperors!

In fact, at that instant, as long as he was willing, he could instantly kill two great emperors who were once invincible and the Three Realms! As long as he releases the terrifying source of chaos in his soul, not to mention that the two emperors have no defense at all, even if they are prepared, they will only end with hatred.


Li Ye's body trembled fiercely, and at the same time a terrifying fire of chaos appeared!

In an instant, the surrounding void changed into nothingness! It's like it never existed.

Great Emperor Gu Shi and Great Qing Ming also woke up at this moment, suddenly looked as if they were dozens of years old, but their faces were happy! Because they have felt that the curse of immortality that has tortured them for countless years has completely disappeared!

Just wanted to speak, but saw Li Ye's reaction.

"Little friend!"

The chaotic fire on Li Ye ignited instantly, terrifying!

"No! He swallowed the curse from us into his own body!"

The Great Emperor Qingming gave a low cry, a little moved and a little emotional.

After all, this kind of selfless saving, at least replaced by him, even anyone in the Three Realms and Nine Realms, is not necessarily willing!

The Great Emperor Gu Shi also took a deep breath, "If I had known this, the old man would rather continue to be tortured by this curse of immortality!"

As Li Ye swallowed the fire of chaos between the two, suddenly the source of chaos, which had been quiet in his soul, rioted again!

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