Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3111: Dog can't change eating shit

The grievances between Li Ye and Dongzhou Ye's family, Emperor Bingyi also guessed.

Although the little secret she had to say with Li Ye made her and Li Ye's relationship a bit awkward and complicated, she was also worried at the moment.

"Dongzhou Helan's house, you have long been murderous, and when you go there, it will be a lot of good luck and bad luck."

A Dongzhou Ye family, a Helan family!

Even the Saint Demon Gate must be weighed.

But Li Ye was alone, and if he wanted to go to Dongzhou at this time, it was undoubtedly a sheep's mouth.

In particular, the current cultivation base being forcibly suppressed by the Source of Chaos is equivalent to letting this danger once again increase.

"Little friend is going to Dongzhou?"

After hearing this, Emperor Gu Shi and Qing Ming were a little surprised.

Especially the Great Emperor Qingming, his eyes lit up, "If you are going to Dongzhou, you can go with this emperor."

It turned out that the place where the Qingming Temple was located was exactly on the border between Dongzhou and Zhongzhou Sanctuary.

It used to be very famous, and it was considered a relatively powerful imperial system among the Three Realms.

"Since Senior Qingming is going to the Qingming Palace, that junior can just go on the road with Senior."

Li Ye made up his mind, naturally it was impossible to change.

And he has been waiting for too long!

It is impossible to wait any longer.

Above the Undead City, the void opened a portal!

Li Ye can now directly control the world where the entire Undead City is located, including the Undead City in the Lower Realm!

However, it is impossible for him now to help countless people in the entire Undead City lift their curse.

"If I am strong enough! The strong people here can be used by me!"

Those undead in the Undead City are nothing more than that, now Li Ye can even control the golden armored guards in the Undead City!

The only pity is that these immortal beings, since the meaning of existence is to guard this royal city, it is impossible to leave.

Everyone stepped into the void portal, and the next moment, they appeared among the mountains.

"This is Nanjiang?"

After all, the Great Emperor Gushi was the invincible emperor of southern Xinjiang for millions of years. He almost knew where he was when he came back.

"I don't know when the little friend will leave?"

Emperor Qingming didn't have a lot of affection for Southern Xinjiang, after all, for millions of years, Southern Xinjiang had been a place where Human Race was unwilling to set foot.

"Three days later."

Li Ye obviously needs to make some preparations, and it is not wise to go rashly.

In particular, the immortal medicines he picked that had long been extinct in the Three Realms had to be refined.

"Three days! The emperor will set off with his little friend three days later."

Emperor Qingming smiled slightly, although Southern Xinjiang is not a place he wants to stay for long, but Immortal City has stayed for hundreds of thousands of years, and he doesn't care about these three days.

It's Gu Shi Great, who knows everything.

Although he came back, he felt a little sorrowful for a while.

Things are not humans, so he doesn't have anyone familiar with him staying in the world.

Li Ye wasn't stupid, he thought, and suddenly got an idea.

"Old, if you don't dislike it, you can stay at the Saint Demon Gate for a while."

The previous generation of Heavenly Emperors, even if they are now the peak emperors, is not wise to speak rashly. But the Great Emperor Gu Shi was not stupid. He understood the meaning of Li Ye’s words, and after a little hesitation, he nodded happily, "Also, the old man has nowhere to go now, and he had some friendship with the Great Demon Heaven back then. Live some time."

As a result, Li Ye felt relieved.

Although the Saint Demon Gate has a long history, all other imperial gates are all eyeing. Now he loves the house and the Wu, naturally he does not want an accident at the Saint Demon Gate.

With Emperor Gushi sitting in town, who would dare to take matters into the south?

Everyone went all the way back without any trouble.

In other words, Li Ye is really not afraid of trouble coming home.

The three great emperors are by their side. Unless it is a giant like the Valkyrie Yam King Palace, who would dare to stop them?

On the way back to the Saint Demon Gate, the atmosphere inside the Saint Demon Gate was tense.

"Yubao! It has been several months! Why hasn't the figure of Young Master Li Ye still been seen?"

"Yeah, we have been waiting for several months, this shelf is a bit too big!"

Obviously, although the various major sects in southern Xinjiang came with awe at the beginning, or a kind of temptation. However, in the past few months, the Saint Demon Gate did not mention Li Ye, nor did he see anyone appear, some people finally couldn't bear it.

More importantly!

Many people got news that the only demon emperor still in the Saint Demon Gate was rumored to be severely injured by a sneak attack by Emperor Sun Yao and died in the ancient realm of the demon!

If this matter is taken seriously, then the current Saint Demon Gate has really become a paper tiger, and it has done its work.

The world is always the weak and the strong. When the Saint Demon Gate is strong, they are in awe and fear. Now if it declines, some people will start thinking.

"Yes, I'm always here to visit Young Master Li Ye, and I have to wait for an explanation if I see it or not."

What happened at this time were all quasi-first-class and powerful sects, and several emperor sects had not attacked yet.

But it is not difficult to find from the expressions on their faces, and they are also ready to move, but they are still worried about the last reason, so they don't make trouble on the spot.

Among them, Qing Cangmen's side is indestructible, and he frowned slightly.

"Young Master, it seems that Young Master Li Ye is no longer at the Saint Demon Gate, why should we waste time."

Behind, an elder of Qing Cangmen leaned over and said in a low voice.

They Qingcangmen, now they don't even put the Saint Demon Gate in their eyes, how does an Emperor Sect Taoism without a great emperor compare with them! Even the background of the three emperors is definitely not comparable to a living emperor.

What they really care about is Li Ye, a peerless genius.

"Be calm, don't worry, the relationship between Li Ye and the Saint Demon Gate is complicated. Even if he is no longer anymore, those who want to take the opportunity to attack the Saint Demon Gate are nothing but clowns!"

A trace of sarcasm flashed across Jue Wuxi's face, and the foundation of the Emperor's Taoism was beyond ordinary people's imagination! Although Qing Cangmen is not afraid of the Saint Demon Sect now, he can't do it either!

Jiuyao Temple is a lesson from the past! Not to mention, how many imperial weapons and soldiers have been hidden in the Saint Demon Gate for millions of years, and how many ancestors of the supreme Saint Emperor’s cultivation are still alive, that are all unknown.

But he can see the situation clearly, which does not mean that others can see it.

"Yubao, what if Young Master Li Ye looked down on me?"

After returning from the defeat of the Jiuyao Hall, after the news of the fall of Emperor Sun Yat-sen, there was an uproar in the entire southern Xinjiang.

Countless people were frightened, especially those sects who had fallen into trouble at the Saint Demon Gate, they were afraid of stepping into the footsteps of the Jiuyao Hall.

Even more afraid of such a peerless evildoer like Li Ye.

But when I look at it now, a few months have passed, and it is all right.

Li Ye didn't appear either, and it was still unknown whether the Great Bingyi of the Saint Demon Gate was still alive, and suddenly made some people's minds active again.

"Dog can't change ****." Jue Wuxiang sneered.

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