Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3088: Choose to surrender and die!

The image of two powerful men in the realm of Heavenly Emperor being caught in the hands of the same person struggling is enough to make everyone completely plunged into despair and panic.

"I have been waiting for this moment."

The low and hoarse voice, like the friction of rust, came from the mouth of the Moon King, and it even felt a little harsh.

It feels unfamiliar as if I have never spoken for millions of years.

Above the sky dome of the Moon God Palace, a blood-red moon appeared directly, exuding a strange light.

The entire space was originally in a distorted state, and even the laws of heaven and earth would be affected here. At this time, as the blood moon appeared, it was even more visible to the naked eye, and certain changes began to occur in the entire time and space.

Both the Demon King and the Ghost King had lost their resistance and still had their last breath.

Once as powerful as them, dominating the entire Undead City, countless powerful people can only surrender or die in front of them!

Now, it's finally their turn.

"What kind of existence is that!"

Only a few people were still alive, looking at the Demon King and Ghost King, who once dominated their destiny, like dead dogs, caught in their hands and pinched their necks, completely defeating all their fighting spirit.

The undead are not afraid of death, but when facing this terrifying Moon King, they don't know why, and they have awakened their long-forgotten fear of death!

At that moment, they once again remembered that they had faced the helplessness and despair of death, the fear of being deeply dominated.

"Stepping into the Moon God Palace is the biggest mistake of the old man in this life."

The supreme holy emperor under the Demon King directly gave up resistance. At this moment, he was actually already done, his whole body was almost drained, only the last breath was still hanging.

Originally, everyone was counting on the Demon King and Ghost King to suppress the most mysterious owner of the Moon God Palace, the Moon King.

However, in the end, it seemed that not only they were going to die here, but the two most powerful existences in the Immortal City in millions of years, the Demon King and the Ghost King, could not escape the same fate as them.

Suddenly, a figure flashed out.

"Extremely noble King of the Moon! I am willing to surrender under your command! Become your most loyal servant forever!"

At this time, everyone knows that the Moon King controls the lives of all of them.

The so-called loyalty and morality have never existed in the entire Immortal City! In order to survive and be more powerful, any means is taken for granted in their eyes.

The cultivation base of the opener is extremely powerful, even among the people who are still alive at this moment, one of the most powerful!

Li Ye's pupils shrank slightly. He was no stranger to someone who was still so decisive at this time. A closer look revealed that he was the young man who had once fought him briefly.

There is a kind of fear on his face!

It was not in disguise, but from the heart!

Even if his cultivation base is no longer under any great emperor, he can't get the recognition of Dao Dao and he can't step into the emperor realm. But the horror of its strength is number one in the entire Undead City.

"White knife! Do you dare to betray this king!"

Roar! The ghost king roars and roars, even if his life is controlled by people, but as one of the undead kings, his dignity is definitely not to be tarnished!

Especially, still being under his own!

White knife!

Li Ye's expression moved slightly. The people who were tortured by the curse in the Undead City all came from the Three Realms and Nine Realms, many of them even came from extraordinary origins, and they were distinguished! It is even the existence of the invincible peak of the Three Realms.

And the name of the White Sword reminded him of a powerful force in the Three Realms!

Moshan Baijia!

"Ghost King, the undead has always only surrendered to the strong, and now you are no longer the most powerful existence in the undead city! I have a good bird to choose wood and live, why not!"

A sneer appeared on Bai Dao's face.

The rest of the people who were still alive showed the color of struggle and hesitation, and they naturally didn't want to die!

Before, they dared not betray the Demon King and the Ghost King, but now, the Demon King and the Ghost King are hard to protect themselves. They naturally spare no effort to survive!

As if to prove his loyalty and sincerity, Bai Dao revealed a murderous intent!

"I am willing to personally offer the head of the ghost king to the Lord in order to prove my sincerity!"

Endless sword intent rages wildly!

A blazing white blade light emerged from the void, and the endless blade intent was extremely terrifying.

"Sure enough, it is Moshan Bai's Heaven and Earth Slash!"

Seeing this invincible sword light, Li Ye's expression flickered!

In the entire Three Realms, only the strong from the Moshan Bai family can cut out such a man of swordsmanship!

Moshan Baijia! Heaven and Earth! No one in the entire Three Realms knows everyone!

"Able to cultivate to the realm of Heaven and Earth Slash, this person is definitely not low in the Moshan Bai family!"

On the cold face of the Moon King, no feelings could be seen.


The ghost king suddenly broke out! The whole person shattered the surrounding void, as if about to escape into it!

However, in the shattered void, a white sword intent appeared in front of him.

"White knife! Do you think you can kill this king!"

A piece of Jiuyou Hell swallowed all things in an instant, even the invincible sword intent could not resist in front of that Jiuyou, and it was eroded in an instant!

"Heaven and earth are only me!"

An icy voice came from the mouth of the white knife. For countless years, he has never revealed his true strength! Even if it is surrendered under the command of the ghost king, it has been hiding!

At this moment, he finally showed his fangs!

"White knife! You can't kill this king!"

The roar resounded directly through the world! After all, the King of Ghosts is a King of Ghosts, and he is even more of a strong emperor. Even if he is seriously injured and his blood is swallowed by more than 90%, he is definitely not a Supreme Emperor who can kill him!

In the endless void, there seemed to be a Nine Nether Demon God! A palm split, completely shattered the endless intent of the sword!

The white knife spurted blood and was swept out!

After all, he underestimated the Ghost King, the Heavenly Emperor powerhouse, and even if he died frequently, he could easily destroy any powerhouse under the Emperor Realm.

No matter how deep the white sword was hidden, his body was instantly torn to pieces by the Nine Nether Demon God.

A primordial spirit fled out, even more terrified!

"The Moon King! Save me!"

However, without waiting for the ghost king to destroy him, he only saw the white sword's primordial spirit being swallowed directly by the moon king, and there was no more sound.

In that scene, the rest of the people watching were chilling behind one by one!

They didn't expect that the white knife who wanted to betray the ghost king and chose to surrender would end up in such a fate.

"Trash, no qualification to live!"

The monstrous expression of the Moon King is enough to show that this is not a bright master! Even compared to the brutality and coldness of the Demon King and the Ghost King, the Moon King in front of him is even more terrifying!

The demon king was hit hard, the ghost king was weak, and all of their lives were no longer in their own hands.

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