Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3087: Who is the real strongest in the Undead City

Demon Dragon!

Everyone was shocked, but found that the terrible amount of pressure that had imprisoned them was dissipated by the endless evil spirit, and they all retreated in a hurry!

"Is that the true body of the Demon King?"

Seeing that terrifying body floating above the void, Li Ye couldn't help his pupils shrink slightly!

Especially, when he saw the huge body gradually becoming clear and revealing his true face, he whispered directly.

"That's not a demon dragon, but it's almost about to transform into a dragon."

I don't know when, the ancient ghost appeared on the side, and when he saw the demon king reveal his true body, he directly showed a sneer.

Li Ye also discovered that although it looked like a real monster, dragon, and beast, it still carried a kind of tyranny and coldness.

This kind of breath is no stranger to Li Ye!


This is an ancient flood dragon almost about to transform into a dragon! It is even much older than Ao Tian, ​​such a huge body, enough to become the ancestor of the dragon family!

The two undead kings joined forces for only one purpose!

Kill the Moon King!

Or, stop him!

On the throne, the Moon King was expressionless, but directly stretched out a hand, and instantly pierced into the ghostly shadows.

In an instant, San Luo Wanxiang, the most invincible knowledge of Sanshou Palace, was completely shattered in front of him, and at the same time, he saw the ghost king spout a mouthful of blood, and the whole person retreated violently.

one move! Defeated the ghost king with the strength of the emperor!

At that moment, everyone felt a biting chill, bursting from their backbones.


The ghost king was defeated with one move, but the demon king turned into his own real body, a huge flood dragon!

The thick tail is thrown off fiercely! Enough to crack the earth completely.

"Unclean blood."

The Moon King stood up directly from the throne, grabbed the terrifying dragon tail with one hand, and uttered a low voice in his mouth.

Roar! Roar!

The huge flood dragon roared, more like a painful roar!

That invincible body was in the hands of the Moon King, but it was like a small snake, which was thrown directly out of the Nine Clouds, piercing the void.

How terrible! Terrible!

Everyone, including Li Ye, did not expect that this mysterious and unpredictable Moon King was so powerful!

Even Li Ye slightly compared the Moon King and the Empress Jinghong in front of him! However, I was horrified to discover that even if the Empress Jinghong came in person, it was still unknown whether she could defeat this mysterious and ancient Moon King!

"Boy, run quickly!"

The old one pulled Li Ye and turned around and left!

Even the demon king and the ghost king, the two powerhouses like heavenly emperors, were defeated, and they were defeated so thoroughly that the others who stayed behind were simply looking for death!

Sure enough, the Demon King and the Ghost Queen were defeated in just two strokes, and the Moon King's eyes once again bloomed with a strange light.

"Since it's all here, let's become the sacrificial offering for this king to return to earth."

The screams around one after another, in a short time, several strong men were swallowed up and turned into corpses and fell to the ground.

At the same time, the aura of the Moon King increased again.

Li Yehe Gu was also imprisoned.

"Sure enough, the Moon God Palace is full of dangers, boy, the old man can't take care of himself, you can only think of a solution yourself!"

A ray of light flashed, and the ancient disappeared in front of his eyes, obviously using some taboo power to leave here.

However, the ancients can go, but Li Ye can't.

Instantly crushed a teleportation runestone, but there was no response.

"Sure enough, this distorted space-time world has been completely isolated."

Although he didn't know how the ancients did it, since the teleportation runestones didn't work, the only thing he could do now was to prevent the Moon King from devouring everyone, at least to slow down his devouring speed.

As the Moon King left the throne directly, the entire originally dim space of the Moon God Palace seemed to become even colder.


The previously defeated Ghost King and Demon King appeared again. Although they were defeated, they were only injured.

"The King of the Moon! You really are that place..."

The Demon King had a hideous face, but his eyes revealed a crazy look!

The reaction of the Ghost King was similar. Not only did the two of them not be afraid because they could not fight the Moon King just now, they were even more excited!

In an instant, the three peerless powerhouses fought together!

"Sin Luo Wanxiang!"

The void instantly turned into a **** of Sun Luo! Countless ghosts and monsters roared out, as if turning the entire Moon God Palace into Nine Nethers, the endless ghost energy was enough to drain all the essence of the Holy Emperor in an instant!

At this moment, the ghost king no longer retains it. After all, he has lost once before, and now that he has to keep his hands will only make him die!

The Demon King was not idle either, and once again transformed into a ten-thousand-foot body, the huge flood dragon directly swallowed countless stars in one bite!

"Star pendant!"

The huge Jiao's head opened his mouth and it was starlight! That was the countless stars swallowed by the Demon King in one bite!

Two undead kings, two emperors!

Such scenes are rare for hundreds of thousands of years!

But at this moment, even though the Demon King and the Ghost King came out in full force, they still could not take any advantage.

Taking advantage of the fight of the three peerless powerhouses, Moon King could not be distracted to deal with the others, Li Ye directly broke free and appeared in front of Emperor Bingyi.

The demon king and the ghost king are determined to win the undead city, and everyone else has their own ghosts, but the only thing he wants to do now is to take the Great Bingyi away.

But just as he approached, suddenly Emperor Bing Yi slapped him with a palm!

Unexpectedly, Li Ye was blasted out directly, spouting blood.

The emperor is the emperor. Under this palm, if his five elements were not indestructible, it would be enough to cost him his life! Even any supreme holy emperor is enough to lose half his life here.

"Senior, it's me!"

Seeing that Emperor Bingyi actually shot himself, Li Ye couldn't help but shout in a low voice.

It's a pity that, for unknown reasons, Emperor Bingyi didn't react at all, and there was even no movement again. This made Li Ye understand in an instant! This is clearly being manipulated!

But at this time and here, it is possible to forcibly control and restrict a great emperor, and there are only three peerless powerhouses fighting at this moment!

Demon King and Ghost King are naturally impossible!

The only candidate is the mysterious Moon King!

Sure enough, as long as Li Ye gets close, Emperor Bingyi will show no mercy and kill the killer!

Although Li Ye is not afraid of Emperor Bingyi, who has been cultivated as an ordinary emperor, he still suffers from being unable to remove the source of her control.

At the same time, the void completely split!

The ghost king and the demon king were thrown out directly, and at a glance, they knew that they were still powerless under the cooperation! There is no way to stop the Moon King.

Even after the two were defeated, they were caught by the Moon King one by one, like a dead dog, and the endless vitality on their bodies was moving towards the Moon King!

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