Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3089: Emperor Bingyi is dead?

Winner and loser, no one can resist the only king of Moon God Palace at this time.

The horror atmosphere enveloped the entire Moon God Palace, and the crowd could not breathe.

"It's terrible! What is the origin of this King of the Moon!"

"Are we all going to die here today?"

Everyone's eyes revealed the color of fear, and even themselves, have forgotten what it was like to be afraid.

Since being cursed as undead, they have forgotten the feeling of death.

Anyway, no matter who was killed, he could be resurrected in a short time.

It's just that every time you die, you will lose a part of your memory and reason. As time passes, the awe and fear of death will become more and more shallow, and finally there will be no fear of death.


Such an unfamiliar feeling began to wake up from the depths of everyone's hearts at this moment.

Especially, they discovered an astonishing fact with horror!

"Wait, why didn't the people who died here come back to life?"

I don't know who suddenly roared, his voice filled with panic and inexplicable. When the rest of the people looked at it, their faces turned pale instantly!

How many people came to the Moon God Palace?

Although many died on Huangquan Road, many people stepped into the twisted world of Moon God Palace.

But looking back now, few are still alive! Almost all are the cultivation base and strength above the Supreme Holy Emperor, the invincible powerhouse who once stood at the top of the Three Realm Pyramid.

"They, could it be!"

I don't know when, the entire Moon God Palace ground was stained with a layer of gray dust. At first glance, it looked like a beautiful snow scene, and the entire Moon God Palace was covered by snow.

But apart from the icy cold, one step on it, you can see that those are padded with countless ashes!


Suddenly, everyone found that snow began to float in the sky.

Then someone yelled in horror, "These are not snow!"

Li Ye stretched out his hand and touched it, but saw that the white snow falling in his palm was also countless ashes!

This is obviously not snowing, but the entire Moon God Palace is beginning to be enveloped in endless ashes!

"Where did the ashes come from?!"

Everyone was unsure, although the Moon King didn't kill them immediately, but this kind of masterlessness and fear of being in control of life and death at any time made them almost crazy.

Especially, the changes in the Moon God Palace at this moment!

The Moon King seemed to be unaffected by these effects, even closing his eyes slightly, a look that no one could understand appeared on his face.

I was immersed in it, but his body began to show red brilliance. Upon closer inspection, it was like countless beating flames that started to burn.

Although I don't know what a change this is, I tell Li Ye instinctively that if he doesn't escape at this time, what is waiting for him is to die here!

While the Moon King was not paying attention, Li Ye directly slapped the Great Bing Yi with a palm!

Since the Great Bingyi was controlled by the Moon King, he could only stun her directly and forcibly take her away!

"As long as you leave the Moon God Palace, you have a chance to escape the control of the Moon King!"

He didn't know why the Moon King caught Emperor Bingyi, but he was not interested in knowing it at the moment.


The endless sea of ​​blood turned into heaven! Its horror is even more impressive than when the ghost king and the demon king were fighting with the moon king!

"That kid has been hiding his strength!"

Seeing Li Ye suddenly showing such a terrifying power, everyone was incredulous, and everyone's eyes widened.

"What does he want to do?"

Seeing Li Ye's action, it was not to deal with the Moon King, but to deal with the woman beside the Moon King who seemed to be silent. For a while, everyone was completely unclear about the reason.

But one thing!

The Demon King and the Ghost King took a look, and at the same time discovered that as Li Ye started, the immersed Moon King suddenly burst into invincible light! He even looks furious!


If you don't make a move right now, when will you stay!

The two undead kings also know that if the Moon King is not killed today, both of them will die!

Especially the King of Ghosts, who had already been sucked up to 80 to 90% of his blood, and there was one last breath left!

Fight hard!

The Wanzhang Flood Dragon once again soared into the sky, and the thick dragon tail swept out! Even the void was instantly cracked, turned into countless time-space fragments and burst apart!

When everyone saw it, they knew that the Demon King was desperate! I only saw that the Demon King's body even started to burn, it was an expression of burning his true essence and soul, forcibly increasing his strength again.

The ghost king is not idle either! He opened his mouth and vomited, and a ghost face appeared on his face instantly!

"Emperor Soldier!"

Seeing that ghost face, someone exclaimed!

And at first glance, it is the imperial soldier refined by the ghost king with his own soul!

Sure enough, as soon as the ghost face appeared, the ghost king's momentum climbed above the demon king incarnate as a dragon.

"Nine Nether Abyss!"

In an instant, the heavens and the earth turned into white bones, like falling into purgatory on earth, countless bone claws stretched out from the white bones, and grabbed them toward the Moon King!

The terrible roar of the evil ghost, enough to smash the soul of the holy emperor, will be deprived of life in a moment of a million miles!

This is the most powerful counterattack of the two undead kings!

The Moon King roared, apparently he did not dare to underestimate the dying counterattack of the two undead kings. The strange flames all over his body burst out all at once, but it was different from any flame in the world. It was more illusory but with a horror enough to make the soul fly away. power.

"The Moon King! You have lived long enough! It's time to go to sleep!"

The Wanzhang Jiaolong in the Demon King's incarnation uttered words, and he saw countless dragon breaths squirting out of his mouth!

Although he can no longer transform the dragon in this life! Become the real supreme divine beast, but cultivated to such a point, even the real dragon divine beast is not his opponent.

"Hey, King of the Moon, the only remnant of the previous era, I didn't expect the legend to be true! It's a pity that it's not that era anymore. Today's Immortal City is completely in ruins!"

The origin of the identity of the Moon King is obviously not simple. However, Li Ye took advantage of this opportunity to directly engulf the Great Bingyi, and before the opponent resisted, directly invaded the depths of her sea of ​​consciousness with an incomparably powerful spirit.

"Impossible! The soul is not in the sea of ​​knowledge?"

What surprised him, however, was that Emperor Bingyi was like a soulless puppet, unable to find any trace of the soul.

The unbelievers once again spread the divine knowledge to the sea of ​​knowledge of the Great Bing Yi, but there was no movement.

"No! No! The soul of Emperor Bingyi must still be somewhere!"

The absence of primordial spirits is equivalent to flying ash annihilation! Even if the body is still there, it is no different from death!

Could it be that Emperor Bingyi was already dead?

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