Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3086: Blood sacrifice

King of the Moon!

Sure enough, the figure on the throne slowly raised its head, and suddenly an extremely old face imprinted in everyone's eyes.

What a vicissitudes of face, it can even be said that if everyone hadn't seen him slowly turning his neck and raising his head, at first glance, he would have thought he had seen a corpse!

The wrinkled and dry skin completely lost its moisture, directly showing a dark brown like a zombie.

But just such an old man who looked like a corpse and was not strong, but was as thin as wood and was about to die. In his eyes, there was a horrible light that was repeatedly inspiring.

Except for a handful of people present, they screamed almost at the moment they met that terrifying gaze!

I only saw the strong tremors all over the body in pain and violent tremors, and the body seemed to have evaporated, and bursts of blood mist radiated from them.

"He is sucking our blood!"


One of the strong roared!

Although the undead will not die, the loss of too much energy will damage their souls!

Not to mention, with the loss of more and more blood, the person sitting on the throne gradually began to plump up.

Observing carefully, I only saw the person on the throne, with the exuberant blood radiating from the crowd, all of them went towards the throne and directly entered the body of the moon king!

More and more blood poured in, making the original thin body of the Moon King seem like a long time nectar, his dry skin began to plump, the color gradually changed from dark brown to a human appearance, and the breath of the body became more It's getting scarier.

"He is trying to **** us up to perfect himself!"

Another strong man roared again and again, as the supreme holy emperor, at this moment, it is like fish on the chopping board, let anyone kill!

No matter how they struggled, everyone found that it was as if their whole body was held up by others, except that they could roar and couldn't move!

There are only a few who can come here, and they are the most powerful people in the world.

With the vigorous vitality of the people, let alone whether someone has the ability to control and **** up one by one, even if it can be done, who has the ability to hold such a strong vitality?

However, in a short time, two of them fell to the ground, and when they looked closely, they turned into mummies, without any breath at all.

The Moon King, who had sucked up the two in an instant, had already become a bit popular from just like an ancient corpse. Although he was still very weak, he looked at it, no longer half-dead, and the terrible light in his eyes was even more impressive. It skyrocketed a bit.

This was a bitter for everyone, and it was already unable to support it before. Now that kind of power has strengthened again, and several people suddenly screamed.

"Kill him! Otherwise we will all die!"

Everyone came here for only two purposes!

Find the most mysterious moon king among the three undead kings in the rumor, and find the secret of the legendary undead city, the undead city!

Obviously, the Moon King was right in front of them, and even before he made a move, everyone was horrified!

This! It is the method of the most mysterious Moon King of the three undead kings! In front of them, the supreme holy emperor was like nourishment, without the strength to fight back.

One or two, when another strong man fell to the ground and turned into a corpse and died, the Moon King on the throne finally showed a hidden smile.

Finally, the demon king and ghost king were no longer silent.

Although the power of the Moon King to devour the blood of the people was not enough to affect them, watching the Moon King's aura became stronger and stronger, the two undead kings also felt danger.

"Moon King, hand over the key to enter the royal city!"


The ghost king appeared in front of the throne like a ghost, and in an instant, countless horrible ghosts behind him came down to the world like a hell, and rushed towards the moon king on the throne!

The reason why he is called the king of ghosts is because more than one strong man died under this trick! Even the existence of the great emperor is still in his surpassing all phenomena, completely becoming a part of his power.

"Shen Luo Vientiane! Sanshou Palace!"

Li Ye was slightly surprised when he saw the ghost king's move! Because what the ghost king cultivates is the peerless supernatural power of the Dimen Taoist Sanshou Palace!

Wind and fire make the sky, and everything will happen!

This is alluding to the two imperial Taoisms in the center of Shengzhou of the Upper Three Realms and the most powerful Sanctuary of Zhongzhou!

Wind and Fire! Sanssouci Palace!

The former has four emperors, and no one can shake it for millions of years!

The latter was once more than three million years ago, second only to the two holy places, Wushen Mountain and Yaowang Palace! One door and three emperors!

It is a bit stronger than Fenghuo City! It's because Sanshou Palace once passed down three great emperors in succession! In three consecutive eras, the emperor was born! Known as the most exaggerated school of all the imperial Confucianism!

There are different opinions about the legend of Sanssouci Palace! However, Li Ye saw from ancient books that if it weren’t for the later generations of Fenghuo City to give birth to a Tianhuo Great Emperor, and kill the direct disciple of Wushou Palace Juewu Great Emperor, even the Three Realms and Nine Regions would appear one after another for millions of years. In this era, the peerless martial art of the Great was born!

Although the four emperors of one family are terrible, if the four emperors of one family are passed down in one line and passed down from generation to generation, and the four eras are connected together, it will be enough to change the pattern of the entire Shenshengzhou three million years ago!

It's a pity that Fenghuo City rose strongly after that, and it was the second generation of Fenghuo City that Emperor Tianhuo killed the peerless genius who was most likely to become the fourth emperor in Wushou Palace. The beginning of a miracle in millions of years.

At the same time, Fenghuo City and Wushou Palace have become everlasting enemies of life and death!

Although Sanshou Palace today is not as strong as it was three million years ago, it is also the sect at the top of the Pyramid of the Upper Three Realms.

"This ghost king actually cultivated Sen Luo Wanxiang of Sanshou Palace! Could it be that he was originally the descendant of Sanshou Palace?"

Not everyone can practice! Even in Sanshou Palace, only a handful of people are qualified!

There is no doubt that the ghost king has an amazing background.

Thousands of ghosts roared, like the ghosts of countless peerless powerful men! Even if the emperor saw him, he would turn around and run away!

God! The horrible aura of the ghost king has long surpassed the peak of the emperor, and only the emperor of heaven has such power!

"The King of the Moon! Hand over the key to the King City!"

The ghost king has a sullen expression. Few people in the entire Undead City can see the three undead kings taking action, not to mention that these three are still fighting each other!


Another terrible roar tore the sky apart! Amidst the roars that resembled a dragon but not a dragon, everyone saw a behemoth that surpassed ten thousand feet and directly appeared in front of everyone.

Those extremely terrifying huge eyes, like the stare of death! The endless evil spirit almost obscures the sky!

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