Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3085: The oldest king

A total of three people appeared in front of Li Ye!

Two of them are no longer under Ye Yangquan before! The sharpness of the last person and even a pair of terrifying eyes instantly penetrated time and space and directly fell on Li Ye's body.

"The Great!"

Li Ye's eyes narrowed!

Only the emperor could be stronger than Ye Yangquan!

He didn't expect that a place like a hidden dragon and a tiger in the Immortal City would be far more terrifying than he thought!

Here, the holy emperor is not an absolute master!

The supreme holy emperor can only surrender to a stronger existence!

There is no doubt that the most powerful of the three species in front of us is a great emperor! The horrible breath rushed toward his face, as if the Wanli Mountain Range was directly pulled out by him and pressed towards Li Ye!

At this moment, a brilliance flashed suddenly, and Li Ye was taken away in the next moment.

"Senior ancient."

The person who took Li Ye was ancient, and he was the only one who had the ability to take people away silently in front of a great emperor.

"I said kid, you really are not afraid of death."

"Senior seems to have found nothing?"

The entire Moon God Palace was ancient and mysterious. At least Li Ye hadn't found the real entrance. From the ancient face, he also saw that this period of time should have been blocked outside.

"Boy, dare to do something in this place of Moon God Palace, you really want to die!"

"Senior, what's your answer?"

"You haven't met the black knights in the Moon God Palace?"

black Knight?

Li Ye nodded slightly. After stepping into this space and time, he saw the enemies who had no breath, but were extremely terrifying in dark armor.

Intuition made him not want to run into these things, and judging from the ancient face, it was obvious that his intuition was not wrong.

"It seems that your kid has encountered it before, but dare to do something here! It is a miracle that you are still alive!"

"Senior knows what those are?"

The black knight is indeed a very apt description. However, he always felt a little familiar.

"Black Knight! No one knows what it is, and even the old man doesn't remember whether he has been here, but I advise you kid, if you encounter those things, take a detour! If you still want to survive."

Li Ye couldn't help being a little moved when he saw that even the ancient peak emperor was so jealous. "Senior played against them?"

"Fight against? The old man still doesn't think he lives too long."

Without waiting for Li Ye to ask, Gu shook his head directly, "Boy, I wish you good luck, I hope the old man will not see your body somewhere in the Moon God Palace by then. Remember, if you meet the Demon King and Two ghost kings, don't provoke them!"

Seeing that he was about to leave, Li Ye couldn't help asking, "Senior, how powerful is the undead king in the rumor?"

"Undead King?"

The ancient figure paused, revealing a touch of deep thought, but finally gave an ambiguous answer, "Now you, in front of them, there is only one result of being killed."

As the ancients left, Li Ye soon saw the so-called black knights in the ancient mouth, how terrible they were!

In the blink of an eye, a certain strong man who stepped into the Moon God Palace was torn apart, and the original spirit was forcibly extracted from the Sky Spirit Cap by the black knight's hand, and was instantly swallowed by the black knight.

"Are you the ancient guard of the Moon God Palace?"

After observing for a long time, Li Ye discovered a pattern.

Throughout the Moon God Palace, these terrifying black knights can be encountered everywhere, no matter who encounters them, they can't escape the fate of being killed! Only a handful of powerful beings can escape.

Li Ye tried to attract a black knight, but after a few moves, he left without saying a word.

"What is the origin of this Moon God Palace! Even these black knights have the terrifying power of the lowest emperor?"

The lower emperor! That is also the invincible emperor in the eyes of the world!

However, in this distorted time and space, there are these terrible existences everywhere. No wonder, after the ancient times took him out of danger, he looked at him with surprise!

"Working with people here is no different from looking for death."

Before doing anything with Ye Yangquan, he didn't alarm the black knights, but now it is a kind of luck to think about it.

Otherwise, both of them might be in danger.

Just when Li Ye and everyone were lost in the vast space of the Moon God Palace, suddenly somewhere in the Moon God Palace!

A strong beam of light rising into the sky instantly chilled the entire sky.

"That is!"

Seeing the beam of light rising into the sky, Li Ye and the other strong men looked moved!

So far away, you can feel the monstrous and terrifying power contained in that beam of light!

Just imagine, who can have such invincible power? And in this Moon God Palace, so unbridled release?

Just as everyone wanted to move towards the beam of light, another beam of light that was not weaker than before rose into the sky!

Like twin stars shining, the sun and the moon contend for glory!

Two invincible beams of light shine in the photo, and they seem to chase each other!

"Demon King and Ghost King!"

Li Ye reacted quickly. At this time, there were only two undead kings who had such invincible power! Demon King and Ghost King.

Obviously, when they were lost in the Moon God Palace, the two undead kings had already gained something.

When everyone arrived, they all showed dumbfounded expressions.

I only saw a huge palace floating above the sky like a city in the sky!

Under the sky city, there is only a throne.

Above the throne, I saw only one person wearing a moon gown and a crown, like an emperor over the world, waiting for all things to worship.

In the front, the two terrifying figures are the Demon King and the Ghost King.

The two invincible beams of light just now are undoubtedly the work of two people.

But at the moment everyone saw it, they were shocked!

Because these two can almost be regarded as invincible powerhouses in the Undead City, but they are both injured! There was blood on the corner of his mouth.

Among the crowd, the ancient and other strong people all rushed to it, and were shocked by the scene before them.

Only Li Ye, after appearing, almost his pupils shrank rapidly!

Under the throne, there was a pretty figure standing. Although she was wearing a white palace dress and a golden crown, her face had already been covered by a layer of veil, but Li Ye revealed the moment she saw that figure. The color of surprise!

"Emperor Bingyi!"

Now that I saw Emperor Bingyi, the identity of the person sitting on the throne was already ready to be revealed!

"The King of the Moon! Is this your way of hospitality?"

Sure enough, the Demon King snorted coldly. As one of the three undead kings, no one had ever hurt him! However, here, he and the ghost king joined forces, and they didn't even take advantage of the man on the throne!

This had to make him and the ghost king extremely shocked!

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