Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3084: Prototype of Heaven

Seal of the Emperor Chu?

A trace of sarcasm appeared on Li Ye's face. The martial art path he practiced was already different from that of many powerhouses in the Three Realms and Nine Realms.

Even now, he is in another unprecedented realm.

Not Emperor Wu, nor Saint Emperor!

It's the Five Elements Hunyuan Realm! Only those who have cultivated the body of the five elements can open up an alternative cultivation path.

If you really want to count it, he is now equivalent to the holy emperor realm in the system of ordinary cultivators!

"The seal of the Emperor Chu, to me, whether it exists or not is not important."

The moment he was rejected by the heavens at the time when he had enlightened Daoya in the first place, it had already foreshadowed that his future path would eventually be a road of hardships that the world could not understand.

Even if rejected by heaven! Can't stop his path forward.

Ye Yang's eyes flashed. Although he was suppressed by Li Ye Wudi's sword intent before, he was not weak either!

With a sneer, after being initially shocked by Li Ye's horror, terrifying eyes bloomed from his eyes!

"You are very strong! But the stronger you mean that as long as I get your soul! I can make a qualitative leap in my cultivation!"

Greed is an original sin, especially for the undead, the existence of Li Ye is actually the biggest temptation.

Only seeing the endless void, a series of heaven and earth patterns appeared!

Each one is like a holy emperor alive, exuding an invincible and terrifying aura!

And above the sky, tens of thousands of ways appeared! It was like an instant, appearing in tens of thousands of incomparably powerful holy emperors, and the shock of that kind of scene was enough to make the emperor's Taoist all be moved!

"Among the undead, I didn't expect to have an alternative like you! It's a pity that you will eventually become the nourishment for me to step into the realm of the undead today!"

In an instant, thousands of heaven and earth patterns bloom!

The entire Moon God Palace that was originally shrouded by a dark moon is even brighter as day! Time and space are all reversed at that moment, just like the handwriting of the gods.

"Your soul! It's mine!"

Among the countless heaven and earth patterns, Ye Yang, like an ancient god, stepped down from the sky!

As he took a step, it seemed that the world began to tremble.

That is the supreme magical power closest to the avenue!

Even if he is not the emperor and the great emperor, and cannot comprehend the great path, he has cultivated another terrifying power in these countless years!

Heaven and earth pattern!

The splendid palaces in the Moon God Palace were unscathed in this terrifying destruction, as if everything had not disappeared.

It seems that there is some ancient power, shrouded in this twisted time and space, no matter how terrible it is, it can't damage a single point here.

Li Ye sighed softly, but his figure was completely transformed into a five-color light!


The terrifying killing intent swept the entire world, like the **** of slaughter descending to the world, killing the world and slaughtering everything!


It is the invincible power that blooms from the five-color divine light! Everything, in front of that power, fell apart, completely annihilated and disappeared, and even the palaces that were immovable among the thousands of heaven and earth magic patterns appeared to be shaken.


The magic patterns of heaven and earth burst and disappeared, and the invincible edges were completely destroyed!

Ye Yangquan was shocked, he didn't expect the young man in front of him to be so terrible! For countless years, only a few people in the entire Undead City could do that horrible picture!

Now, he finally understands that he has kicked the iron plate!

Kill! Collapse!

The two supreme avenues turned into the two most terrifying divine lights, destroying everything instantly! It shattered all the pride and confidence of Ye Yangquan!

With a screaming scream, in the **** fog, only one figure was in a panic.

That look like crazy, **** savage expression on his face is even more crazy.

"You can't kill me! I am immortal! No one can kill me!"

In the screaming scream, Ye Yangquan was swallowed and shredded instantly!

But the next moment, I only saw him appear again, although his face was a little paler than before, he was clearly unharmed!

Undead! It is not so easy to kill!

Even if you die, you can be resurrected!

However, after the resurrection of Ye Yangquan, the aura on his body was a lot weaker, and at the same time, some of the expression in his eyes was lost.

"Today's enemies will be returned a hundred times in the future!"

Ye Yangquan is not stupid. Although he can be resurrected after death, he loses part of his soul and power, even memory and reason every time he dies. If he continues to entangle with Li Ye, he will undoubtedly seek his own death.

Watching Ye Yang flee in a hurry, Li Ye's figure once again appeared in the void.

"This Hunyuan Realm is really different from before!"

Since his five-element body is great, it has taken a lot of time to truly step into another martial arts road that only the Golden Spirit Race can practice, just like today's Hunyuan Realm! It is the most powerful realm for practitioners of the Five Elements Body before stepping into the Emperor Realm.

Equivalent to the holy emperor!

What surprised and pleasantly surprised him the most was that after he stepped into the Mixed Origin Realm, the recovery speed of the true energy in his body was endless! Like inexhaustible inexhaustible!

"The power of the five elements is endless!"

Vaguely, it seemed to have realized something!

At the same time, within the small world of the Five Elements in Li Ye's body, lightning, thunder, and storms were even more!

The five giants that have appeared once again! But this time, it was holding the sky with both hands and stepping on the earth!

In the next moment, the five giants turned into five divine lights and merged into this nascent world. In an instant, the small world of the five elements seemed to be infused with life!

"this is?"

Li Ye's expression was shocked, because in his own small world, he seemed to feel a different from the Three Realms and Nine Realms Law of Heaven and Earth, another weak but obviously slowly growing rule!

"Could it be?" Li Ye's heart twitched fiercely. He had a feeling that if this peculiar rule was completely evolved in his small world, it would be incomparable! It even completely changed the illusion that he was not being seen by the heavens, and the so-called stagnant realm in the eyes of the world!

more importantly!

This belongs to him alone, and can even rebel against the chaos of the sky and evolve into another supreme power to fight against the heavens.

Perhaps it was attracted by the battle that broke out between the two before, and several powerful auras approached quickly.

Several silhouettes appeared, it was the strong ones who stepped into the Moon God Palace, and none of them were weak. After all, the holy emperor couldn't walk on Huangquan Road, and the five ancestors of Qiankun Palace fell halfway.

"Do it in the Moon God Palace! Who is so crazy!"

A roar also indicates that these people are not good.

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