Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3083: Provoke

"You want to kill me?"

Feeling the other party's killing intent, Li Ye sneered.

"You are smart, but there is no shortage of smart people in the Immortal City."

The terrifying breath even instantly shattered the surrounding corpses, especially the soul fragments still remaining on those corpses, which turned into strands of silk threads and entered the opponent's body.

"Your soul is coveted. Hand over half of your soul fragments and I can spare you not to die."

The indifferent voice is more like a kind of compassion from the superior to the weak.

Do not!

It should be said that it is a joke between applause!

Among the undead, there is only naked plunder and seizure!

"What if I don't agree?"

Throwing away the broken Ye Jiayu Pei, Li Ye smiled. In fact, from the moment the opponent appeared, he had already sensed the purpose of the opponent.

Even if he has no enemies with Dongzhou Ye Family, it doesn't even matter whether the person in front of him comes from Dongzhou Ye Family.

The other party wanted only his soul!

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you! Don't worry, I will leave you the last piece of your soul! It is enough for you to stay in this Moon God Palace for a long time!"

A cruel smile appeared on the opponent's face.

The coercion of the supreme holy emperor obscures the sky!

"Remember my name! Ye Yangquan!"


Ye Yangquan!

Obviously the other party still remembers who he is or who he is. And this name, undoubtedly, came from Dongzhou Ye's family!

Above the sky, Ye Yang's entire body shook slightly, but he seemed to have made tens of thousands of shots instantly!

That is the supreme profound meaning beyond the limit of the physical body!

Even if this piece of sky is bound by the Moon God Temple, as a supreme holy emperor, one shot will cover the sky and the sun.

Li Ye's pupils shrank slightly.

This is not the first time he has fought the supreme emperor!

But there is no doubt that Ye Yangquan in front of him is worthy of being the powerhouse of the Ye Family in Dongzhou. A single shot is enough to suppress any powerhouse under the emperor he has ever seen.

"Your soul, I laughed at it."

Ye Yangquan had a cold smile on his face, he had noticed from the moment Li Ye appeared outside the Moon God Palace.

In fact, he was not the only one who noticed Li Ye, many powerful men noticed the appearance of a powerful soul.

For the two undead kings of the Demon King and the Ghost King, there are obviously more important things that attract them, but for Ye Yangquan, there is no right to compete with the two undead kings for that thing.

Therefore, he focused on Li Ye!

Thousands of shadows come in an instant!

Even a holy emperor would instantly be overwhelmed by countless shadows.

"Want my soul? It depends on whether you can get it."

Li Ye didn't panic, his body turned into thousands of ways at the same time!

Each one is lifelike, just like the deity, but they are in charge of countless gods, and in an instant, they turn into a piece of sword shadow.

"Incarnate outside?"

Ye Yangquan's eyes condensed, but he didn't have any fear. Instead, an arc of indifference and sarcasm crossed the corner of his mouth.

Tens of thousands of shadows shredded the void, even though the sky could not contain such terrifying existence, under those shadows, they fell apart and completely annihilated.

However, from it, countless peerless sword intents blazed a trail of blood!

day! Under that sword intent, they were all overshadowed! Even if the sky fell, it couldn't conceal the invincible edge of that peerless sword intent.


There is no doubt that Ye Yangquan is very confident, or he has confident capital!

In this undead city, apart from the existence of three undead kings and a few, he has almost no opponents. But today, they are somewhat underestimating the enemy.

"It's interesting, no wonder no one has got your soul before, but this makes me look forward to it even more. If I get your soul free, maybe it will allow me to rise to the realm of the undead king!"

Although the original Ye Yangquan had great ambitions, he never gave birth to the arrogant idea of ​​rebellion and self-reliance.

Because he knows very well that no matter how strong he is, in front of the three undead kings, they are all ants! If you want him to die, he will die!

So he chose to surrender!

In his opinion, it is not weakness and timidity, but a kind of intelligence that knows the current affairs as a brilliant.

But now, the flame of ambition began to burn in his heart without any suppression!

Ye Yangquan's body showed a series of heaven and earth patterns! That is a phenomenon that directly controls the law!

The law of heaven and earth, even the holy emperor is difficult to directly control! Can only be used!

But there are still some peaks that can do this!

Like a god, Ye Yangquan walked directly down from the sky, surrounded by terrifying patterns of heaven and earth, turned into a supreme law, and screamed towards Li Ye.

"You are very strong, but in front of me, there is only the result of letting me kill."

No one is weak in the entire Immortal City! Because the weak have already turned into walking corpses outside.

Being able to live to this day, even maintaining such a powerful soul and rationality, is enough to see how many people Ye Yangquan killed and how many souls he took!

He now saw the soul in Li Ye's body that was so powerful that he was greedy!

"Your soul is almost equal to the existence of the undead king! As long as you get your soul! I can become the fourth undead king! Even get that power!"

A ray of madness appeared on Ye Yangquan's face.

He was unwilling! But you can only choose to surrender!

Now, he saw his chance to change his fate!

The invincible sword intent was directly swallowed by countless laws of heaven and earth, after all, this was transformed by heaven!

However, before Ye Yangquan showed a smile, his expression stiffened on his face soon!

"Sword! God kills Quartet!"

A touch of invincible sword light instantly slashed off, directly causing the sky to be split apart! The earth tears!

This is not just what the law can resist, it is the direction of the great road!

Even if Ye Yangquan was surrounded by the magic pattern of heaven and earth, under this sword, his soul was frightened! The whole person roared, no longer the calmness and unhurriedness of the past, the chance to win, playing with his prey!

"You actually cultivated the Great Dao! Impossible! You don't have the seal of the Emperor at all!"

Seal of the Emperor Chu! That is the great path of cultivation, a symbol given by the heavens! Only with the approval of the heavens can you have it! Even out of a supreme avenue that belongs only to oneself! Even heaven!

With the fragments of the heaven and earth law lamellae, Ye Yangquan spouted a big mouthful of blood.

But after all, he is the Supreme Holy Emperor, and he has swallowed the souls of so many powerful men in this immortal city. The cultivation base has long surpassed the scope of the ordinary Supreme Holy Emperor!

If it weren't for Li Ye's pervert, it would be difficult for an ordinary emperor to easily defeat Ye Yangquan in front of him!

At this moment, his gaze at Li Ye was no longer pure greed, but with a touch of panic!

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