Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3082: Tomb of the Strong

The five ancestors of Qiankun Palace!

Seeing the sculpture that was only one step away from the steps, Li Ye couldn't help taking a breath.

"At that time, Emperor Qiankun had only five disciples in his life, and all were at the pinnacle of peerless existence. Although none of them finally proved to be a great emperor, they were also the most invincible emperor in the world."

Such a terrifying pinnacle figure is now turned into a sculpture, even if it is touched by someone, it will instantly fall apart and become the thick ashes on the ground like volcanic ash, and only the descendants will step on it again. Entering the Moon Shrine, leaving deep footprints on it.

Wei Wei felt a trace of regret. After all, Qiankun Palace has always had a good reputation in the Three Realms and Nine Regions, especially the fifth ancestor of Qiankun Palace, an ancient holy emperor that everyone admires. Now one of them died here, and even if it hadn't been for Li Ye to discover the fallen Qian Yuan Ling, who would have thought that one of the five ancestors of Qiankun Palace, who was the most powerful in those days, would eventually fall here.

"It is rumored that the Qianyuan Order was made by Emperor Qiankun. If five Qianyuan Orders were collected, it would be equivalent to the descendant of Emperor Qiankun."

Regarding Qiankun Palace and Qianyuan Ling, it is no longer a secret.

It's a pity that Emperor Qiankun was at least an ancient emperor millions of years ago, and even a generation of emperors! However, none of his five disciples could inherit his mantle, and he finally left five Qian Yuan decree to his five disciples, so that he could get his inheritance when someone from later generations appeared.

"For so many years, the Qiankun Palace has never heard of anyone getting the inheritance of the Qiankun Great Emperor. Even the Yuan Great Emperor and the Quhua Great Emperor of the Qiankun Palace of the later generations, although they have proved that the Great Dao has entered the emperor realm, they are just ordinary Great Emperors. It is impossible to become the emperor of a generation like Emperor Qiankun."

For the people of the world, there is no one in a million to become a martial emperor, let alone become a great emperor! In the eyes of the world, the emperor is an invincible existence, but he does not know that there is a realm of the heavenly emperor above the emperor.

Receive the Qian Yuan order and step onto the stage.

Different from Huangquan Road just now, when he stepped onto the steps, he had already arrived in a palace.

"Twisted time and space?"

The Moon God Palace is too mysterious, no one knows what exactly exists here.

Li Ye can only be cautious. After all, the Moon God Palace was opened, and in just a short time, two consecutive murderous intents killed at least 70% of the strong who stepped into the Moon God Palace.

No one knows what else is waiting for them.

This is a glorious palace, at least once. Right now, it seems extremely cold, without any popularity.

It can be vaguely seen that there was once a spectacular scene of 10,000 people worshiping and the Three Realms surrendering.

"It seems that this immortal city, this Moon God Palace long ago, there should have been a strong dynasty."

Stepping out of the palace, everything in front of him made him seem familiar.

However, he soon understood why he felt so familiar.

As soon as he stepped out of the palace, he felt a few terrifying cold killing intent staring at him!


Without any warning, the power of terror fell from the sky!

The void was completely torn apart, and even everything around it began to freeze.

"This way of welcoming is unpleasant."

After avoiding the fatal blow, Li Ye's forehead was slightly sweaty.

Right in front of him, there appeared a few enemies dressed in strange armors, full of killing intent. Seeing him, without a word, kill him with the sword!

Li Ye tried to shoot, but quickly turned around and left.

"Damn, what is going on in this Moon God Palace?"

There is only one reason for him to turn around and leave. Those enemies in strange armors are at least in the realm of the Supreme Saint Emperor! Even more so that he didn't want to be entangled, the armor on their bodies seemed to isolate all power, whether it was true essence or divine consciousness, there was no fluctuation.

Invulnerable to swords, guns, fire and water!

How to fight this?

The entire sky showed a dark side, but strangely, the entire Moon God Palace was as bright as day.

Only the cold atmosphere makes people uncomfortable.

"Sure enough, time and space have been distorted!"

Li Ye found that he was no longer in the Undead City where he was originally, but appeared in another world! Or, this is the real Moon God Palace!

And he is definitely not the only one here!

After getting rid of the few invulnerable enemies, Li Ye found that in this Moon God Palace, some bones could be seen everywhere. Many of those corpses had no divinity for a long time, just like dry corpses and even only one skeleton.

However, beside these corpses, the magical soldiers left behind by them can be found. Although most of them have long been broken and turned into scraps of copper and iron, it is enough for Li Ye to find the identity of these corpses.

Feijian Palace, Huashengmen, Jiuzhai Spring, Tiancang Palace!

The iconic **** soldiers or other treasures of the Invincible Sect that were once incomparably powerful in the Three Realms and Nine Regions can be found everywhere in the Moon God Palace in front of you!

"So far, how many strong people have ever come here?"

These sects, any one of them, are all emperor sects! You know, how much is the Taoism of the Three Realms and Nine Regions?

Although some imperial door traditions have long since disappeared in the long history of millions of years, they have been brilliantly dominated for countless years.

Those who can come here are at least the existence above the Supreme Holy Emperor. And it's not the kind of supreme holy emperor, people with weak cultivation base can't even walk that section of Huangquan Road.

But even so, the invincible powerhouses who have stepped here for so many millions of years have finally become bleak corpses, lying here forever, no one collects the corpses and no one knows who they are.

One of the bones aroused Li Ye's attention.

Because there was a piece of jade pendant on the bone, Li Ye's expression changed slightly after seeing it.


Above, there is only one leaf, but in the entire Three Realms and Nine Realms, this jade pendant represents only one place!

Ancient Dongzhou! Ye family!


Even if it was a bone, it turned into powder in front of Li Ye.

"Anyone with this kind of jade pendant, even in the Ye family of Dongzhou, is at least the bloodline of the direct lineage."

A sarcasm came into Li Ye's ears. I don't know when, a figure appeared in front of him from afar, looking at the scattered ashes on the ground, showing a weird smile.

"Do you know Dongzhou Ye Family well?"

Looking up, Li Ye vaguely remembered that the person in front of him was once one of the many followers who followed the Demon King.

"Is it weird? Although I have lost too many memories, only the Dongzhou Ye Family still vaguely remember a lot."

The smile on the opponent's face was extremely dangerous, more like a beast that looked at the end of the prey, and it also emitted light.

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