Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3066: So immortal

"The curse of immortality is actually a person's soul."

I don’t know if it’s because Li Ye’s powerful soul invades the sea of ​​consciousness, or the undead’s soul itself is extremely fragile. In less than half a stick of incense, the undead caught by Li Ye is like a puddle of mud. Without any perception.

Take a closer look, there is no longer any interest.

"Sora has a strong cultivation base, but so fragile."

Those who can survive here are without exception the top powerhouses in the world. However, in Li Ye's eyes, these undead were fragile, at least their souls were mutilated and corrupt.

However, there are also exceptions!

"It seems that ordinary undead people don't even know the secret of the immortal curse."

Even a holy emperor didn't know how much information about the Immortal Curse. It was so difficult for Li Ye to find a way to release the Immortal Curse when he stepped into the Immortal City this time.

He thought of the young man he had first encountered before, who was also undead, but the strength of the opponent was far beyond the other undead he had come into contact with.

The same corrupt soul exudes an extremely powerful aura.

It didn't take long for the corpse on the ground to gradually react, waking up again in a slight twitch.

During this period of time, Li Ye noticed that there were other people approaching, obviously attracted by the delicious soul exuding from the death of a holy emperor.

Only after a few corpses were left, no one dared to come near.


A palm lightly pressed against the shoulders of the resurrected undead, like a huge weight, firmly suppressing him from moving.

"You can choose to resist, although the undead will never die, but I believe that the end result of dying several times is clearer in your heart than I am."

In a short sentence, the other party suddenly calmed down.

Although there was anger and unwillingness in his eyes, he wisely chose to give up.

But being so threatened by others naturally makes the other party very upset.

"What do you want!"

"Don't worry, I said that I am not interested in the soul. Although your soul is still intact, it has no effect on me."

Seeing the unbelief and sarcasm in the opponent's eyes, Li Ye naturally saw that the opponent did not believe him at all.

But in the face of absolute strength, even if the opponent doesn't believe it, they can only stay aggrieved.

"As an undead, you don't need a soul! Even a three-year-old child won't believe this, your Excellency!"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. The important thing is that there are too many undead people like you in this undead city. If you don't want to, I can find another one. I think it's not difficult."

Li Ye smiled but made the other party silent.

As Li Ye expected, the man in front of him was somewhat different from the other undead.

Strength is on the one hand, and more, because the other party still retains a little rational thinking.

This is where he is concerned!

As for the other undead people, in his eyes they were no different from dead people, except for some corpses that could walk and kill.

"what do you want?"

Although he didn't believe it, there was no doubt that Li Ye's actions did not seem to be robbing his soul. This is not an enemy for any undead, at least temporarily.

"I have entered your sea of ​​consciousness, and your soul has almost told me everything you know."

Enter the sea of ​​one person's knowledge! Interrogate the other's soul!

This is definitely the cruel punishment and method in the Three Realms and Nine Regions, but here, the other party has no anger at all, but frowns slightly, revealing a touch of doubt.

"You really don't need a soul! Since you have entered the sea of ​​my consciousness, you can completely abolish my soul and plunder everything!"

After the other party finished speaking, a slight hesitation appeared. Soon, the vigilance and hostility on his face gradually disappeared. Although there was still a touch of precaution in the depth of his eyes, at least it was a little more kind than when the two met.

He took a deep breath, "You are the only and most special undead I have seen here!"

Li Ye didn't make any arrangements, nor did he specify his identity.

On the contrary, the other party, as if misunderstood Li Ye, nodded slightly, "Yes, with your current strength, you don't really need the soul, but how long can you last? Any undead here will never come to an end. , No one can be spared in the end! Even if it is as powerful as you, even those great emperors come, there is only one ending!"

"End? Become the walking dead outside?"

"It seems that you haven't been here for a long time, so you can stay sane like this. But thanks to you, although I lost a part of my soul, I can still wake up for a short period of time."

After speaking, a touch of sarcasm came to his face, "Although I want to declare myself, I have forgotten who I am and where I come from. If possible, call me Zhuo Lie."

"Zuo Lie?"

"This is the only name I still remember. It's ridiculous, right? I don't even know who the name is. Maybe it's myself or someone else."

Zhuo Lie showed sarcasm and shook his head slightly, but he revealed a kind of pain and confusion.

Li Ye has seen this kind of expression a lot during this period, and he can see a similar expression in almost everyone in the Immortal City.

Many people even looked more serious than Zhuo Lie.

"Although the undead cannot die, every time they die, they lose part of their souls, and even forget some memories and even feelings. Although you have only come here not long ago, you should have discovered this."

Zhuo Lie lowered his head and groaned, showing sadness from time to time.

Li Ye nodded, "Indeed, but obviously, you are different from the others."

"Different?" After hearing the words, Zhuo Lie was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed, but the laugh was extremely painful!

"It's no different. One day, I will become like that group of people! I will even be thrown out of the Undead City and become the disgusting monster outside!"

Li Ye frowned slightly on the disgusting monsters outside. Although he had seen a similar scene before, he heard it from an undead population, and he could still hear the deep fear and sadness.

"At least, you are still sane now."

Hearing this, Zhuo Lie shook his head, "I can't remember how many years I have been here, how many times I have died, and I almost almost forget who I am. Maybe the next time I die and resurrect, I will completely lose myself. "

After Li Ye heard the words, he was slightly surprised, and at the same time, a pair of eyes faintly exudes a strange light.

"Don't you want to get rid of the curse on your body? Leave this ghost place?"

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