Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3067: Royal castle

Untie the curse of immortality!

leave here!

Zhuo Lie was obviously trembling slightly because of emotional fluctuations, but soon calmed down.

"No one can leave, and no one can unlock the immortality curse."

The reason why he was waiting for Zhuo Lie's resurrection was because Li Ye could not find what he wanted in his soul. Unless it is to completely shred the opponent's soul, directly contemplate the soul.

But he chose a more moderate method, at least, before forced, he did not want to kill innocent people.

"Nothing is absolute."

"It didn't take long for you to become an undead, you don't understand."

Zhuo Lie sighed, "I vaguely remember that I used to have the same thoughts as you now, but that was impossible. No one can lift the Immortal Curse. It's just vain to even want to stop myself."

"Without exception?"

"Exception? No one knows how long this immortal city has existed, and how the curse of immortality appeared. Even the emperor has only one way to degenerate into a lunatic! Including me and even you! It is impossible to escape this fate!"

As he spoke, Zhuo Lie's expression began to become a little crazy.

His face gradually revealed his hideous expression, looking at Li Ye's gaze, there was no peace, a bit more tyrannical and greedy, and he started to flush slightly.

"You want to leave here! Everyone wants to leave! But no one! This is a paradise for the undead! Ah!! Your soul, your soul is so powerful, as long as I get your soul, I can become Stronger, even immortal!"


Without any signs, Zhuo Lie's whole body fell into a frenzy.

He who was originally the holy emperor is more like a lunatic at the moment.

How terrible a mad holy emperor was, Li Ye had to evade his edge temporarily.

In an instant, Baiyuan Baili turned into nothingness.

However, Li Ye had already disappeared, and Zhuo Lie, who had lost his goal, yelled to the sky, his eyes locked on the surrounding undead for an instant.

A massacre began.

The figure flashed, and Li Ye appeared again, slapped Zhuo Lie directly with a palm.


Blood spurted from his mouth, but what surprised Li Ye was that under such a serious injury, Zhuo Lie didn't react at all, turning around and killing him frantically.

Fortunately, Li Yexiu stunned him after a lot of hands and feet.

The next moment, the two disappeared at the same time.

No one knows how big the whole immortal city is.

It's like a continent.

In a dilapidated hall, Li Ye threw Zhuo Lie, who was like a dead dog, to the ground.

At the same time, Li Ye looked deep into the hall.

There, at this moment, there was a person who saw Li Ye appear, and a terrible breath came directly on his face.

Holy Emperor!

Feeling the hostility of the other party, Li Ye smiled indifferently.

In the hall is a woman. Although not beautiful, it is also charming and sexy, exuding a charm that only mature women have.

But for Li Ye, an intruder, obviously the women in the hall were not so hospitable.

"Get out of here!"

With a low cry, the woman in the hall looked bad.

"There are almost no other undead people around here, it seems to be within your territory."

It was not that Li Ye had accidentally ran into this place. After seeing the woman in the palace, he knew that he had found the right place.

"Get out! Otherwise, you will die here!"

The woman in the palace is not polite, and even the powerful killing intent has not concealed it.

However, it did not scare Li Ye at all, but suddenly smiled, "Let me guess, as an undead, the six relatives should not recognize it. If you encounter other undeads, you will either kill the other person to **** the soul, or Choose to leave to avoid its edge."

After speaking, Li Ye smiled again, "When you see me now, although you haven't done anything, you haven't left. What is the reason?"

"A final warning, get out of here!"

The woman in the hall was overwhelmed with chill, and the whole hall was like an ice cave.

The terrible cold even made the air condense.

"Everything is frozen in ice, and snow is flying."

Li Ye frowned slightly. The strength of the women in the palace did not interest him much. What he was interested in was that the opponent's hand was somewhat familiar to him.

Then his eyes lit up and finally remembered why.

"Ice Wind Valley!"

This is clearly the secret of Ice Wind Valley!

Unexpectedly, it would show up on the woman in front of him. There is no doubt that the woman in front of him should be a certain powerhouse in Ice Wind Valley, and even from the perspective of her cultivation, her status is not low.

Hearing the three words Bingfenggu, the woman in the palace obviously changed a little, although she was faint, she was caught by Li Ye.

"Leave him, get out!"

"Know why I can find here?"

Li Ye let the woman's breath in the hall stagnate at random.

"It is almost impossible for the undead and the undead to travel together, but it seems that there are exceptions, right?"

The reason why he found here is actually very simple!

This is Zhuo Lie's nest in the Immortal City! And the woman in front of me is clearly an undead!

At this moment, Zhuo Lie, who was knocked out, woke up slowly, but he had already woken up from the previous madness. When he saw where he was at the moment, he was suddenly shocked!

"Snow Lotus!"

The woman in the hall showed joy, and there is no doubt that the two have a close relationship. Even judging from the manners of the two, there may be a deeper relationship.

"Snow Lotus, he is not our enemy."

Seeing Li Ye, Zhuo Lie quickly understood what had happened. He quickly grabbed the woman in the palace and shook his head slightly towards her. But the woman didn't believe it, and had the same reaction as Zhuo Lie before.

I don't know how Zhuo Lie persuaded the other party, and finally made the woman guarding in the hall less hostile.

But from the way she looked at Li Ye, it could be seen that once Li Ye changed a little, she would definitely take a shot at the first time.

"Little brother, I know you want to find a way to solve the curse of immortality, but for so many years, many people have tried, even those invincible who once stood on the top of this world, want to find a chance to release the curse, but No one, at least, never heard of someone succeeding."

"Really no one?"

Zhuo Lie hesitated to speak but stopped, but he was called to be the snow lotus woman. After hesitating slightly, he stopped talking.

When she saw Li Ye's eyes looking towards her, she snorted, but still said in a cold voice, "There are rumors that in the imperial city of the immortal city, there is something to liberate the destiny of the undead. You can go there."


Li Ye was stunned, but after Zhuo Lie heard the words, he gave a wry smile, "Wangcheng, in fact, is just a legend circulating between us. No one has seen it. Many people tried, but they didn't find the entrance."

Snow Lotus on one side said with a sneer, "If you want to get rid of the Immortal Curse, go to the King City, as long as you can get in!"

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