Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3065: The effect of the soul on the undead

Before the other party spoke, he suddenly revealed a sense of confusion, and then shook his head violently, denying himself, "No, there can be no people other than the undead here, only those who have been hit by the immortal curse can come here. "

Li Ye was noncommittal. The response of the other party was obviously different from that of normal people. His eyes showed confusion and pain from time to time, but he quickly became cold-blooded and ruthless with a hint of greed.

"No matter who I am, at least, I don't need your soul."

Li Ye interrupted the other party's mumbling. He saw that although the man in front of him retained a more complete mind than the others, he had begun to deteriorate gradually.

"You don't need a soul?"

"Yes, the soul in you is useless to me. At least, at this point, I am not your enemy."

Anyone here is selfish, cruel, and unscrupulous in order to **** the souls of others.

At least Li Ye tried to find a few undead people, trying to communicate well, but they were all unsuccessful.

At least the man in front of him gave him a little hope.

"Are you not my enemy?"

"Yes, I am not your enemy."

Li Ye tried his best to make himself look harmless, but obviously he still underestimated the other's vigilance. Or, an instinct.


Space is broken.

Looking at the surroundings that were almost flattened, Li Ye couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Holy Emperor's cultivation is rare."

The front was empty, and the cold man before was nowhere to be seen.

But the shock to Li Ye was great.

A dignified emperor, but ended up like this.

"However, it seems that the stronger the cultivation base, the more rational and human nature can be retained."

Previously, he had encountered some undead people who were not very good at cultivation. Almost in his eyes, there was no difference between the group of people alive and dead. Like a ghost who climbed up from hell, there was no smell of alive.

But now I have encountered a different one.

"It's rare to meet one and let you run away. It's not that simple to find the next one."

It took him so long before he met one. How could he let the other person escape?

The figure flashed, directly shattering the void in front of him.

At the same time, an embarrassed figure fell from mid-air, panting, with a trace of panic in his expression.

But before he landed, he suddenly made the person tremble, because in front of him, a person appeared.

"I am not your enemy, but it seems that simple explanations are not effective."

It was Li Ye who appeared and blocked the way.

Here, although everyone's cultivation base has been strongly suppressed, it is not difficult to catch up with a muddle-headed holy emperor.

"Go away!"

A roar!

The opponent's eyes are all killing intent!

However, Li Ye had been prepared long ago, his eyes instantly turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the terrifying waves directly swallowed the opponent.

"Since words can't calm you down, take a little effort."

With the strength of his primordial spirit and the horror of mental power, even the emperor was caught off guard, and he could not possibly resist it.

The extremely powerful divine consciousness instantly entered the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness.

Chaos, darkness.

As soon as he entered the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, Li Ye felt like falling into an ice cave.

If he could not vaguely feel the other party's spirit fluctuations, he would even mistake him for hell.

"Is the undead's sea of ​​consciousness like this?"

Soon, he found the other party's soul.

It's just that when he saw the other's soul, he was obviously shocked!

Holy Emperor strong! When placed in the upper three realms, they are all considered top powerhouses!

Even some quasi-first-class sects are considered powerful ancestors!

Even though he couldn't compare with the primordial spirit who had survived the ninety-nine world destruction, the primordial spirit of a holy emperor was absolutely extremely powerful!

But right now?

That almost weak thing with only a vague light and shadow, could it be the soul of a holy emperor?

"What a weak soul."

The light and shadow in front of him, in his opinion, let alone his cultivation base, even a lower emperor can easily tear this group of souls apart.

Especially when he saw the dark clouds surrounding the group that represented a holy emperor soul, vaguely, let him know what it was.

"Isn't it curse?"

The mere approach made him feel the biting danger, even his hairs were erected.

"who are you?"

A weak voice came from the group of souls.

"I said, I am not your enemy."

"You are a little different from us."

Finally, the group of souls slowly turned into a figure, it was the cold man. However, it looked as pale as a dead person.

"Undead City, Immortal Curse, what exactly is it?"

Li Ye frowned slightly, the entire Immortal City was too depressed, more like **** than hell. In his opinion, the true rumored Jiuyou Hell is nothing but the same.

"Immortal City? Immortal Curse?"

There was a trace of confusion in the other party’s eyes, which made Li Ye frown, and then it really disappointed him. The other party shook his head, as if to say with some pain, "I, I don’t know, I can’t remember many things, Immortal City , Yes, this is the immortal city! I have an immortal curse on me, I am an immortal!"

The crazy appearance made Li Ye's heart sink.

This is the only time he has encountered a reasonably sane person after the very powerful young man who felt threatened at the beginning.

If even this person can't ask for some information, then all clues will be cut off again.

"Yes, you are undead! You are cursed! You can't die at all!" Li Ye's voice seemed to carry a trace of magic, as if he was guiding, and said dreamily, "Tell me! Immortal curse, in the end What is it! How to unlock the curse of immortality?"

The other's eyes gradually blurred, but it was more painful, and then numbly shook his head.

"I, I don't know."

"I don't know? You don't know how to unlock the Immortal Curse?"

Li Ye does not believe in evil! But the other person does not look like a lie.

"No, no one can leave. The undead will live forever and be cursed."

Eternal life!

Suddenly, Li Ye took a deep breath.

"Why do you take each other's souls from each other?"

All the undead madly wanted to plunder the souls of other people, and Li Ye believed there must be some reason for this.

"Soul? Yes, soul, only soul can keep us alive! I need soul! More souls! Otherwise I will forget who I am, and forget everything! Become those walking dead monsters outside the city!"

The other party looked excited, more like fear.

Need a soul? Forget everything?

Li Ye's expression was shocked!

All the behaviors of those undead, and their peculiar strange appearance, finally figured out the reasons!

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