Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3064: The lost world

The Immortal City, a desperate place where only the undead will stay.

When the last undead person who blocked his way was broken by Li Ye, the body was thrown aside, and the originally dilapidated street instantly quieted down.

No one knows how long this undead city has existed. It may be hundreds of thousands of years, or it may be hundreds of millions of years.

Everything here seems to have witnessed the rise and fall of the Three Realms. The once magnificent buildings and the tall towers with swords pointing to the sky are now nothing but ruins.

Abandoned place.

Li Ye frowned slightly. There were many undead people who were greedy for his soul, but most of them weren't his enemies.

"The souls of these people are strange."

With the strength of his soul, it is natural to perceive the difference between the souls of these undead and normal people more clearly.

The simplest is that the souls of these people are dying, without the vitality of life. More like a pool of stagnant water, full of rotten stench.

More importantly, after death, the souls of this group of people will separate a part from the body and turn into those black qi visible to the naked eye.

Once the black energy transformed by these souls appears, it will attract countless undead people to snatch, fight, and even flow in blood.

At this moment, there are enough to see dozens of dead bodies around Li Ye.

Those were the corpses of the undead who wanted to shoot him before and died in his hands, and at the same time, the strong black air was floating in the air.

"Can't hunt it?"

After trying several times, Li Ye found that he had no way to obtain these rotten and smelly soul fragments. As if turning a blind eye to him, passing between his fingers.

He can feel it, but he can't catch it.

"It seems that only the undead with the immortal curse can have the ability to hunt the souls of others?"

Although he has no interest in these rotten and smelly soul fragments, if these are beneficial to the person who has planted the immortal curse on his body, he will naturally plan ahead.

Princess Saint Demon Gate can almost conclude that she has been cursed with immortality.

As for why both of them were injured, only Princess Saint Demon Gate was cursed, but he did not.

The only explanation is that his body of five elements and his primordial spirit seem to be born with a strong rejection of this curse.

Since it was impossible to obtain these soul fragments, Li Ye would naturally not stay here to waste time.

As soon as he left, several shadows suddenly appeared.

Greedy ingesting the black energy that those soul fragments turned into, these people didn't dare to shoot before, because the people who shot were killed in the hands of an outsider, Li Ye, when Li Ye left, naturally there was chaos fighting each other again. scene.



The entire city is boundless.

It was completely filled with a cold atmosphere, and even Li Ye was amazed that there were a lot of undead here.

What shocked him even more was that these undead were not weak at all.

Those with the lowest cultivation base are at least the pinnacle martial emperor!

In addition, I couldn't see anyone whose cultivation base was weaker than the peak Wuhuang was still alive.

"Perhaps, those with a weaker cultivation base can't survive here for too long?"

I remembered what I had seen before, an undead man who had almost lost all his soul. After being resurrected again, he was thrown out of the city by other undead like a walking dead without feelings.

Why he walked all the way and didn't find a person whose cultivation base was too weak, he just explained it.

The weak, no matter where they are, have no room for survival.

The Three Realms and Nine Regions, perhaps still relying on the strong under the command of the strong, look at people's faces.

But here, there is no doubt that only people with real strength can live longer.

From time to time, there will be people who do not have long eyes who want to kill Li Ye secretly. But in the end, it all turned into a corpse on the ground, although as an undead person can be resurrected soon, it will lose part of the soul in the body.

Over time, it will be difficult to see anyone daring to make another move.

There was even a saying in the Undead City.

Another king was born.

Li Ye naturally didn't know, although he sensed that no one dared to approach him, it gave him time to investigate the immortal city.

It was so old that it hardly existed in any record of the Three Realms and Nine Regions.

Even the ancient books in Li Ye's inheritance space have never found a word about this place.

It seems that it doesn't exist in this world.

"Really weird, could it be that the time here is longer than the current Three Realms and Nine Regions?"

Now the Three Realms and the Nine Realms are definitely not the Three Realms that were transformed into the initial opening of the heavens and the earth. Although I don't know where it existed and created the current Three Realms and Nine Realms, even the Three Realms and Nine Realms created by humans are at least more than tens of millions of years old.

There is no record, no legend, not even any unofficial history.

This is a place that has completely disappeared into the world.

Here, the only thing I can see is the naked killing and plundering between people!

"These undead all want the souls of other people!"

He doesn't even remember how long it has been since he stepped into the Undead City. Almost every day he saw the most direct life and death between the undead.


Sneak attack!


Even stabbing in the back, betrayal, etc., the ugliest in the world can be seen here.

"The people here have already lost their humanity."

Humanity, even the most evil demon in the world, still retains a trace of humanity in my heart. But here, Li Ye couldn't see it at all.

Anyone lives only for themselves, or in order not to become soulless walking dead.

"Why don't you take other people's souls?"

What appeared in front of Li Ye was a cold man. Unlike the other crazy undead, Li Ye could somewhat see from his eyes that the other party still retains a trace of humanity.

At least, seeing that he didn't show murderous intent and greed for the first time, or turned around and ran away, but instead asked coldly, let him know that the man in front of him was the best way for him to understand this immortal city.

"Because those souls are useless to me."

Li Ye is ambiguous. During this period of time, he clearly discovered that as long as the people who appeared here were not normal people.

The so-called undead is just a title for this group of people.

"It's useless to you? Impossible! As long as you are an undead, you can't resist the temptation of the soul! Unless you are not an undead!"

Hearing Li Ye's answer, the other party was obviously a little surprised, but soon there was a hint of sarcasm and anger, and his voice fluctuated.

This allowed Li Ye to judge that the man in front of him was at least more suitable for conversation and understanding than the other undead who lost their humanity.

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