Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3063: Immortal Castle!

The madmen fighting together seemed to feel fear, and after that voice appeared, many people actually chose to leave.

And the ones who stayed are the most powerful ones!

"Unbelievable, but here, this is a natural and inevitable reality."

Li Ye's eyes condensed slightly. It was a young man who appeared in front of him with a sunny smile on his face. His clothes were also clean, not the tattered and tattered like a group of lunatics, as if tens of thousands of years. Not cleaned.

But Li Ye still noticed that although his breath was well hidden, it was still somewhat similar to that group of lunatics, but compared to that group of people, the soul fluctuations of the young man in front of him were still more complete and powerful.

At the same time, what made him most vigilant was that this vitality was so powerful that it was definitely enough to threaten him.

"The new face seems to come from outside."

Seeing Li Ye not speaking, this person is familiar with him, and smiled slightly, "But I really don't know whether I should congratulate you or sympathize with you."

Suddenly, the young man's expression became cold, and a ray of killing intent appeared in an instant!

Li Ye had already prepared, and the horror sword intent was also instantly cut out!

In this world, any cultivator here has been suppressed in a certain way. Li Ye's whole body crushed a broken building, and this stopped his figure.

"Oh? It's good to be able to walk here and still maintain such a powerful soul."

The two were almost evenly divided. Of course, Li Ye didn't show real strength, but he believed that the other party was the same.

Seeing the hostility on Li Ye's face, the young man first suppressed the killing intent on his body, and a smile appeared again, "You are very strong, but how long can you stay awake in this immortal city? Ten years? A hundred years? Or a thousand years?"

As he spoke, a trace of sarcasm swept across his mouth.

"Immortal City?"

Li Ye frowned.

But it's apt to change my mind!

Those lunatics just now, and even the young man in front of them, undoubtedly have one thing in common!

There is an immortal curse!

"Undead City, only the undead can come here, but they can never find a way to leave."

"Undead! All the people here?"

People with the immortal curse will never die, and it is appropriate to be called an immortal. Naturally, Li Ye would not tell that he was not entangled by the Immortal Curse, but instead looked at the lunatics who were in chaos.

It may be that the scope of the fight between the two just now was too large. Many people were affected and were torn to pieces. For a while, black air emanated from their bodies, making those who are still alive show greed but dare not move forward. Come to snatch.

The young man directly stretched out his hand, and immediately a few strands of black energy fell into his hands, and then turned into a cloud of black mist, which he directly inhaled!

An expression of contentment appeared on his face, but the crazy people around him showed expressions of fear.

"You are special, you turn a blind eye to the souls of these people."

After swallowing those black qi, seeing Li Ye indifferent, even more so that the young man showed a look of interest.

From him, Li Ye could feel that although his soul was powerful, it was chaotic, as if countless souls were forcibly kneaded together, revealing a kind of madness and tyranny.

"I have no interest in killing people."

Li Ye is not a saint, but he has no interest in killing innocent people. Unless someone provokes him, such as the three undead who attacked him first, he kills them without saying a word.

But obviously the people here are different.

"As an undead, but want to cleanse yourself?" The young man was taken aback, then turned his eyes to the sky and burst into laughter, as if he had heard the funniest joke.


"Ridiculous? No, it's not funny at all."

The young man's expression suddenly changed, and finally he glanced at Li Ye, revealing a hideous look, "You are very strong now, it is not easy to take your soul away! It's just that, how long can you maintain your nature? It's really exciting!"

In the laughter, the young man killed dozens of people in the blink of an eye, drew the soul-like black energy from their bodies, and finally disappeared.

And those who were killed, although they were resurrected very quickly, they were weaker than before they were killed. At the same time, their souls fluctuated very weakly, and their eyes were more divergent and numb, as if they had lost their souls and only left them. instinct.


Seeing the changes before and after the resurrection of these people, Li Ye felt a little disturbed.

Immortal curse! An ancient curse that claims to never die.

However, in this world, there will really be such an eternal spell?

"These people are slowly losing their souls!"

Yes, lose your soul!

Although he can be resurrected when he is dead, he will lose a part of his soul, and what it will be like in the end, Li Ye soon saw it!

That was one of the people killed by the young man before he left. The others were more or less resurrected, but one of them swayed. After getting up again, there was no soul or fluctuation in his body, just like walking corpses. .

In those godless eyes, only the most primitive desire and killing intent remained in the void.

Suddenly, a few undead people appeared and threw that person out of the city like garbage. The undead people around seemed to have long been accustomed to it, most of them were insensitive, and a few people barely revealed a hint of sorrow.

"The final end of the undead!"

Li Ye took a deep breath. Heaven is ruthless, there is no end to reincarnation, no one can escape! Even if it is the evil curse of the immortal curse, it is just another way of cursing, so that people live in the world for eternity.

However, is that really immortal?

Even the soul is lost, only a body is left!

For countless thousands of years, how many people have been tortured by the curse of immortality, trapped here forever and unable to leave.

With such a question, Li Ye had a feeling that the secret of the Immortal Curse might be in this ancient city that did not know how many thousands of years it had existed.

Especially, the strong young man who shot hard before!

"There must be some way!"

Unlike those undead, the young man obviously retained more sense and emotion than those crazy undead.

Perhaps this is the clue to unlock the curse of immortality!

However, before he left, he found that he was blocked by many undead people with the curse of immortality.

From their longing and greedy eyes, Li Ye saw their purpose.

"Want my soul?"

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth cracked slightly.

Indeed, he is not a bloodthirsty person, but everything is on the premise of not provoking him!

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