Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3062: The people here are crazy

In this world, I finally saw that there were no bones and dead people, but a city.

Li Ye's heart moved slightly.

Since the Ming Demon Ancient Realm was once a battlefield in the Battle of the Three Realms, there were obviously some ancient cities remaining.

Weird! Cold!

This was the only thing he felt when he approached this ancient city.


As soon as he approached the city, he felt a few icy eyes falling on him.

In the ancient realm of the demon! Even if the dead got up from hell, they never gave him such a feeling!

There is no doubt that there are definitely people alive in the city in front of you! At least, it wasn't the dead bones who had only killing instinct left outside.

The entire city has long been dilapidated, like ruins, but still faintly visible traces of once old and brilliant.

It was even more magnificent than any city Li Ye had seen so far, just like a country.

It may be that an outsider suddenly appeared. When Li Ye stepped into this city, he could clearly feel the change in the atmosphere inside.

Those eyes were cold and dangerous, like a hungry beast, seeing their prey.

The mighty divine consciousness swept around, but in the Ming Demon Ancient Realm, even the mighty divine consciousness of his Nine Apertures was greatly weakened, but it was enough for him to have a sense of this city. General understanding.

"Sure enough, there are still people alive."

When he swept his gaze, he saw several shadows staring at him maliciously, even slowly approaching.

Looking closely, those figures are not the bones and dead people outside, but the living people. But Li Ye frowned soon, because the appearance of these people was obviously somewhat special.

With sunken eye sockets, and in the absence of his eyes, with a touch of cruelty and longing, the whole person exudes a kind of sick breath.


There is no doubt that the moment he entered here, he has become the target of some people. But he was not surprised, the Three Realms and Nine Regions have never been an ideal hometown and paradise, let alone in this ancient land of the demon.

For countless years, few people walked here and left alive.

And these people in front of them are obviously already trapped here for a long time.

The three figures shot directly, but Li Ye was faster than them!

Looking at the three dead bodies on the ground, Li Ye didn't have any joy on his face, but frowned slightly.

The three people who shot are not too strong, but they are at least the peak Wuhuang cultivation base. This kind of strong man naturally has no threat in front of him, but what makes him care is that after he took a powerful shot and killed three people, not only did he not let those masters who secretly peeped at him be restrained, but even more faintly. Get hot.

What made him even more concerned was that at this moment, the bodies of the three people he killed slowly appeared a black air. As the black air appeared, the three bodies that had been silent for a long time were actually slightly There was a slight reaction.


When seeing those black qi appear, Li Ye's pupils contracted slightly!

He naturally saw what it was!

It was similar to the black that appeared on the arm wound of Princess Saint Demon Gate! However, with the three corpses that were originally dead and could no longer die, there were soul fluctuations, which made him suddenly understand.

Sure enough, the three people killed by him got up again, as if nothing happened just now, but the three of them looked colder and numb than before they were killed.

At the same time, Li Ye saw some kind of loss in their eyes.

Before he could react, suddenly several figures appeared around!

Li Ye was startled, these silhouettes were more powerful, but they didn't come at him!

After a few screams, the three people who had only been resurrected were torn to pieces.

"These people actually kill each other?"

Seeing this scene, Li Ye couldn't help taking a breath!

At first he thought that the three of them attacked him only because he didn't belong here, but now it seems obviously not!


Cold blood!


He saw this in the eyes of these people.

Of course, more is a kind of madness and greed!

They are asking for something!

People with the curse of immortality can never die!

Those three people were resurrected again, but Li Ye clearly discovered that they were still somewhat different from before.

More emaciated, weaker, and even soul fluctuations are getting weaker.

What made him care about was that those who killed them, after killing people, greedily absorbed something from those corpses, showing an expression of satisfaction and excitement.


Li Ye moved slightly, with the strength of his soul, he could naturally feel the difference between before and after!

Regardless of the three people killed by him at the beginning or those who came out later, their souls are slightly different from normal people.

It's like losing my soul!

Naturally, there were more terrifying gazes in the dark, placed on Li Ye. He didn't even conceal the intense greed and murderous intent in his eyes. That feeling gave Li Ye a little more guesswork.

"Could it be that these people are all trapped here forever under the curse of immortality?"

With a trace of vigilance, although the strength of those around him does not pose too much threat in his eyes, that is, the strength of the pinnacle martial emperor is easy to kill in front of him. But after stepping here, his biggest goal is to find a way to lift the curse of immortality.

With a flash of figure, Li Ye had an extra person in his hand.

The same expressionless face, with a cold and numb look in his eyes.

"Why did you kill the three people just now?"

This person was one of the few people who had attacked the three people killed by Li Ye before. Li Ye held the door of his life without any fear. Instead, he opened his mouth and showed a terrifying expression.

"Unexpectedly, for so many years, there will be idiots here, but unfortunately, you will never be able to go out! After all, you will become a monster like us!"

After that, without waiting for Li Ye to ask, he blew himself up in front of Li Ye!

The self-destruction of a pinnacle martial emperor, even if Li Ye was so caught off guard, was a little embarrassed.

Especially when this person blew himself up, wisps of black qi scattered under the blood and flesh, and those hiding around appeared crazy and greedy, as if to fight for these black qi!

Even in order to fight for black energy, people were killed from time to time, which caused even more tragic chaos.


Seeing what happened before him, Li Ye couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

"Is it incomprehensible?"

At this moment, there was a laughter with sarcasm.

It was also the only voice that Li Ye heard after setting foot here.

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