Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3061: No one can solve this curse?

The emperor is not a weak person, but even the future emperor.

With ordinary injuries, it is impossible for an emperor to fall into a coma so quickly.

Immortal curse Immortal curse! From this and the name, you can guess what this thing will bring.

"The end? It's actually very simple, you should have guessed it."

"Not dead?"

Li Ye blurted out, but quickly became puzzled, "Just so?"

Immortal! This is intriguing!

You know, these Three Realms and Nine Regions, no matter whether they are poor, low or noble, from the emperor's orthodoxy or the mountain villagers, as long as they step into the door of cultivation, they are all for one thing!

Immortality, immortality!

"Yes, just that."

"Sister Meng, don't go in circles with me."

Looking at the unconscious Princess Saint Demon Gate, Li Ye was not in the mood to joke now.

However, the Heavenly Dream Sage's pretty face blushed slightly, but it was fleeting, and said Wei Wei, "In fact, this curse is very simple, even those who have been cursed cannot really die."

"What do you mean? Can't really die? Immortal? Immortality?"

Li Ye naturally didn't believe it. If it was true, what else would the world cultivate? What's the purpose of fighting against the destiny!

"You don't understand, this curse can indeed make people unable to die, but it is not true immortality."

Isn't true immortality?

Li Ye seemed to have caught something, his eyes gradually became a little horrified.

Seeing his reaction, the Heavenly Dream Saint didn't know what had happened, but he guessed one or two, "It seems you should have guessed a little."

"Can't really die! Why have you become?"

He thought of the skeletal bones he encountered when he stepped into the Ming Demon Ancient Realm, the undead that would never rest in this world.

When he thought of this, he felt cold all over.

I finally understood why the Heavenly Dream Sage had such a strange expression after seeing this curse.

"It is rumored that this curse was originally created by someone to fight the six reincarnations of life and death. However, the person who created this curse did not think of the consequences of this curse."

"Always between death, reincarnation?"

Li Ye's deep voice sounded.

In fact, he already knew how much the effect of this so-called immortality curse.

"Almost so, anyone who has been hit by this curse of immortality will not die even if killed by others, but will come back to life again after a period of time. Even if it is smashed into ashes and annihilated by the catastrophe, they will die. Can't drop."

Can't even kill the tribulation?

After Li Ye heard this, his face was shocked!

"Unbelievable, right? The person who created the Immortal Curse is one of the most terrifying existences in this world, but even that kind of existence cannot avoid reincarnation, and he created the Immortal Curse after all. It's a pity, in the end it was There is no real escape from the cycle of life and death, but this terrible curse is left in the world."

Can never be killed!

Sounds cool! Very awesome!

But after seeing those countless undeads wandering in pain, numbness and even indifference, he didn't think it was a kind of happiness.

Even that is not alive.

"How to solve?"

He took a deep breath, but from the eyes of the Heavenly Dream Saint, he didn't see what he wanted to see.

Sure enough, the Heavenly Dream Sage shook his head slightly, "There is no way to relieve it, at least even the existence that created the Immortal Curse hasn't left a cure for it."

There is no cure!

Li Ye didn't give up, "Sister Meng, there must be a way! There can be no such absolute curse in this world! Heaven has left a ray of life to the world!"

Heaven is ruthless, but it often leaves a trace of vitality to give people the opportunity to change their lives against the sky!

However, to his disappointment, the Heavenly Dream Sage sighed, "There is no way, this in itself appears to violate the mandate of heaven."

There is no cure!

"What if you die under the curse of immortality?"

The Heavenly Dream Sage shook his head, as if he was hesitant to speak. In the end, I couldn't bear it and told the truth, "Once a person with an immortal curse dies, he cannot fall into reincarnation, and he will wake up again, but..."


"Lost some soul."

Lost part of the soul!

Li Ye was taken aback, obviously not understanding.

"What do you mean?"

"A person with the Immortal Curse will never die, but every time they are killed, they will lose a bit of their soul before waking up next time, leaving only a body without the slightest soul in the end."

The Heavenly Dream Sage glanced at the unconscious princess of the Saint Demon Gate, "The stronger a person's soul is, the greater the chance is actually, until he finally loses all his soul and becomes a walking dead."

The walking dead!

Skeletons in the Ming Demon Ancient Realm! The countless dead!

Why is it called the top ten fierce land!

He finally understood.

"No, there must be a way to unlock this immortal curse!"

He couldn't imagine that the Saint Demon Gate Princess would eventually become those walking corpses without any thoughts!

"Perhaps, only the existence that created the immortal curse really knows how to untie this curse."

There is nothing that can be done, including the Heavenly Dream Saints.

Even Li Ye didn't hesitate to speak, wanting to ask the Heavenly Dream Sage to try and get rid of the curse. However, he was told that the current cultivation base of the Heavenly Dream Saint was unable to maintain even the Emperor Realm, and even the cultivation base was almost the same as Li Ye.

At this time, Li Yecai suddenly realized that the Heavenly Dream Sage seemed a little different from before, and some places were different.

It's just that the Heavenly Dream Sage chose to retreat again without waiting for him to delve into it, but it was even more suspicious, because it was clearly to avoid Li Ye's scrutiny gaze, and he seemed a little flustered.


Just in case, Li Ye naturally wouldn't put Princess Saint Demon Gate in danger. Although without her, it would be more difficult to find Emperor Bingyi, but he still decided to put people in the inheritance space.

At least unless he is dead, this is the safest place between heaven and earth.

Needless to say, Shui Linglong knew Li Ye's thoughts, but the slightly resentful eyes made someone extremely embarrassed.

Princess Saint Demon Gate is definitely not a virgin, she still has a trace of breath on her body. Others couldn't notice it, but Shui Linglong, who was almost walking with him, was absolutely impossible to notice.

Leaving the inheritance space, once again set foot in this ancient realm of the Ming Demon in crisis.

"There must be a place to lift the curse of immortality in this cursed land!"

Heaven is ruthless and still has a ray of life! He firmly believes that the road to heaven is unparalleled!

And on this day, on this boundless cursed land, I saw a huge city from a distance.

Like an oasis found in the desert, when the entire city slowly appeared, as if there was a silent call for him to go.

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