Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3060: Cursed?

There are too many unimaginable terrible existences in this world.

Those undead bones are only the initial threat.

Even the more terrifying Bone Emperor, and the unknown and mysterious existence, are enough to make the great emperor and other powerful people come, and they will all run away, even with hatred.

Fortunately, since Li Ye stepped out of Wuzhou City that year, he has encountered various unmatched enemies almost all the way, so this ability to escape is more proficient than any of his talents and methods.

Although it is impossible to use the teleportation talisman, in this world, with the body of the five elements, he can almost unscrupulously travel through the sky and break the space! The blink of an eye is thousands of miles away.


A terrible force directly blocked Li Ye, and when he looked up, it was a skeleton covered with white bones but wearing an ancient armor.

"Bone Emperor!"

Although different from the dead bones without any thinking, the dead at the bone emperor level possessed a trace of spiritual wisdom. Perhaps it is still surviving, or perhaps it is a kind of ghost produced over countless years.

When I saw two living flesh and blood appeared nearby, it was like the most alluring fragrance!

"Go away!"


Li Ye cut it out with a single sword! The sword intent is vertical and horizontal, turning into dazzling stars!

Today, his understanding of kendo has long gone beyond the framework of ordinary moves. A sword smashed out is the incarnation of supreme kendo, enough to easily kill a holy emperor.

But what he faced was a bone emperor.

The bone-like knives are directly transformed into invincible sword lights!

The space collapsed in an instant, but a black line appeared on the bone emperor's forehead, and then the entire white bone body was split into two and fell to the ground.

However, in this world, even the lowest-level skeletons are absolutely unkillable!

Even if it is completely crushed or even burnt out, it will be resurrected in a short time.

However, what Li Ye wanted was that no one stopped him, and he didn't see any results at all. The figure disappeared into the void.

Sure enough, when he left for a few breaths, the skeleton that was split by a sword just got up again, the ghost fire in the skull's eye sockets beating slightly, as if thinking about something.

On the other side, Li Ye finally felt relieved after confirming that he was temporarily safe.

But another thing that gave him a headache happened.

"It's not good."

Princess Saint Demon Gate has fallen into a coma, and even has a fever for the first time.

You know, this is not the world, those mortals!

Here is the Upper Three Realms!

It is impossible for an ordinary person to have a high fever and fall into a coma!

"Sure enough it was caused by this injury!"

The alchemist himself has amazing methods for curing various herbs and diseases, and he is a genius doctor in the eyes of mortals. After checking, Li Ye's brow furrowed even more tightly.

Because of bad news, he hesitated slightly at the moment.

"I'm fine."

Princess Saint Demon Gate woke up slightly, but looked very weak.

As an emperor, a strong person who cultivated the Great Dao, became so weak, it was obviously not normal. However, Li Ye's gaze fell on the wound on Princess Saint Demon Gate's Snow White arm.

That was exactly what they were injured when they were chased by the bone emperor-level dead when they first stepped into the Ming Demon Ancient Realm.

Originally, neither of them paid attention to it. For them, this skin trauma would almost heal in an instant.

But the result was obviously unexpected.

"This is a curse, not ordinary poisoning."

Li Ye sighed. If it is just poisoning, even if it is a rare poisonous thing in the world, with his attainments on the alchemy path, even if it cannot be completely detoxified, it can at least be suppressed!

But now, he is helpless.

More importantly, he smiled bitterly, "If that old ghost is there, maybe he can still see what it is."

After all, the Heavenly Sword Emperor was an old monster who had lived for tens of thousands of years, and was well informed. As long as the right medicine is prescribed, it can be relieved naturally.

But now, he has no way of starting.


Princess Saint Demon Gate also found that there was something wrong with her, but at the moment she was dizzy and she was barely able to stay awake.

"Unexpectedly, the rumored curse still exists in the world today. It seems that this ancient demon realm is hailed as one of the ten most fierce land in Shenshengzhou, and it is not a vain name."

The ten fierce lands, all of them are dangerous Jedi that will die forever. Few people are willing to set foot, but no one knows whether they can leave alive.

Even in some places, even a strong like the Great Emperor would not easily set foot.

Right now, the Ming Demon Ancient Realm they were in was revealing danger everywhere.

The black color attached to the wound has become larger and larger in a short time, and even revealed a strangeness.

And Princess Saint Demon Gate didn't hold on for long before she passed out again.


In desperation, Li Ye found the Heavenly Dream Saint. Since the last time I saw him, the Heavenly Dream Sage has been in a coma, and has just woke up not long ago. Just looking at Li Ye's gaze, a hint of intriguing appeared slightly.

Of course, Li Ye didn't realize that what he cared about was the more and more weird black near the wound on Princess Saint Demon Gate.

"Is it really a curse?"

"Huh? You actually know the curse?"

Obviously, Li Ye knew this, which surprised the Saint Heavenly Dream, but she did not delve into it. Instead, she focused on the comatose Princess Saint Demon Gate, and gradually her expression became serious.

This made Li Ye a heart and mentioned midair.

"I have also seen records in some ancient books, but in the Three Realms today, few people have seen curses appear long ago."

Today's Three Realms have long since passed, and even some ancient spells, faculties and thaumaturgy have gradually disappeared from the eyes of the world.

Regardless of the formation, or curse.

"It should be a curse. Where are you guys? This curse is unusual."

Being able to make a saint so serious, Li Ye's heart sank.

"Ming Demon Ancient Realm."

"Ming Demon Ancient Realm?"

Obviously the Heavenly Dream Sage is not clear, but he also nodded, "This curse is not easy to solve, and even the person who casts the curse may not know how to solve it!"

"Is there a way?"

"It's difficult, and if I'm not mistaken, what she has in her body is the curse of immortality."

After speaking, the Heavenly Dream Sage laughed bitterly, "This curse..."

Seeing her hesitating to speak, Li Ye was slightly anxious.

"You don't need to be nervous for the time being, although this girl has been cursed with immortality, but fortunately it is curse of immortality instead of other curses, and there is no life threatening for the time being."

Li Ye heard this, but did not breathe a sigh of relief, but frowned, "It's not that simple, is it? What will happen to those who have been spelled Immortal?"

As far as he knows, any curse is extremely evil, mainly to harm others and disadvantage yourself! Not a good thing.

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