Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3059: Cursed land

Sword intent!

The invincible sword light cut directly from the sky!

This sword was enough to make the Supreme Holy Emperor dare not easily resist, but was gently crushed by a boneless hand!

Li Ye's pupils shrank slightly. Although the sword just now was not his full strength, it was crushed so easily, which gave him a more comprehensive understanding of the terrible territory of the ancient Ming Demon.

"You can't fight with any dead in the ancient land of Ming Yao! Here, they are immortal!"



Of course these are two concepts, but I have to say that this world is a cursed place, and the dead here are indeed immortal.

Even if you smash them to pieces, they can be resurrected very quickly.

"Although there is no real emperor's boundless will, but it is also difficult to deal with."

The dead of Bone Emperor!

It is equivalent to a real emperor! Except for not having any feelings and reason, only the desire to kill, it can almost be seen that they are now being targeted by a great emperor.

Fortunately, Li Ye today is not what he used to be!

He might still be in danger when he meets the real emperor, but there is only a skeleton.


The terrible air wave almost wiped out everything within a hundred miles.

Including the bones of the dead, but in a short time, like a curse, they crawled back from **** again.

Li Ye's figure flashed, and the terrifying sky thunder rolled out of the sky!

Since crossing the Tribulation, he has absorbed part of the power of the Tribulation! Release instantly!

"General power can't be eliminated, so what about Heavenly Tribulation?"

Although it is not the real tribulation, it is, after all, the most supreme scourge among the three realms!

Sure enough, facing this power, the extremely powerful bone emperor hesitated, and the two beating green ghost fires changed slightly, as if thinking.

But the dead are dead after all, and they still can't resist that instinctive desire.

"Try this!"

The endless thunderbolt came down!

Even with a fierce flame!

This is not just a catastrophe! Even the most powerful flame between heaven and earth vented out!

Heavenly Tribulation Red Lotus!

This trick was created by Li Ye, and only he could perform it so unscrupulously. In the entire Three Realms, there may be more than one person who gets the fire from the heavens and the earth, but those who can swallow the power of the heavens and turn into their own power have never heard of it for millions of years.

In an instant, the entire world was turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the dead were directly burned into blue smoke in it.

Li Ye fell slowly, but there was no relief on his face.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work?"

Watching the staggering figure appear, Li Ye's heart sank.

"Well, in this cursed land, it is impossible to completely kill these things."

Because of the large sea of ​​fire caused by the red lotus, Li Ye and Princess Saint Demon Gate left quickly.

This is not the first time they have encountered it. After they stepped into the Ming Demon Ancient Realm, they were initially even hunted down by one of the dead bone emperors for a whole day!

If it hadn't been for Li Ye's five-element body, it would be impossible to escape.

"Sure enough, this kind of ghost place, even if the emperor comes, if you can't find a way to leave for a long time, there is a danger of falling."

The emperor is indeed the most invincible existence in the Three Realms today.

But after seeing the dangers of this ancient demon realm, Li Ye smiled bitterly.

Princess Saint Demon's door is even more injured, and you can even see that a wound on her original white skin is glowing with black air.

"It seems that if you are injured here, you will be cursed by this world. You have to hurry up and find the Great Bing Yi to leave here."

Li Ye naturally carried all kinds of healing pills on his body, and Princess Saint Demon Gate also had pills on his body, but it seemed to have no effect on the tarsus maggots on the wound.

Including Li Ye testing with his own blood and blood, he was shocked to discover that if he was contaminated with this thing, it would be difficult to get rid of it!

"It still doesn't work, the master's breath is not perceptible at all."

For three full days, in this cursed land, there were no living people except the waking up everywhere.

"It is impossible to step too deeply into the injury of the Great Emperor Bingyi."

Princess Saint Demon Gate and the Great Bingyi are in the same line, and they have a deep bond. This time it is also to find the Great Bingyi to venture there.

However, after stepping here, he lost any clues.

"Even if I and Master are separated by thousands of miles, there is a ray of feeling, but here, it is basically isolated."

In fact, Li Ye was not surprised. After stepping into this place, he couldn't leave far with his powerful spiritual consciousness. Even any transmission jade charms or transmission jade charms on his body were useless.

More importantly, they are almost in the Jedi here.

Countless dead, and even more terrifying Bone Emperor!

The so-called Bone Emperor is a special existence in this cursed land, powerful enough or even out of the range of ordinary dead.

Just as the dangers encountered by the two before, they encountered this kind of enemy.

But that's not the only thing that worries Li Ye.

"Here has formed its own food chain, Bone Emperor may not be the most powerful top."

As if confirming his guess, in the distance, dust and sand were rolling, like the earth was rolled over!

The breath of horror was far more terrifying than any bone emperor dead they had encountered before, and even the feeling of being far away was creepy.

Li Ye's eyes traveled through countless numbers, but he saw a pair of extremely cold eyes without any emotion.

With just such a glance, Li Ye sprayed blood directly, and his whole body was blown out.


Seeing that Li Ye was hit hard by just one look, Princess Saint Demon Gate was not stupid.

The two turned into two escapes, turned around and ran without hesitation.

The dead of the Bone Emperor level can still deal with one or two, although it is difficult to entangle and kill, but at least they can protect themselves.

But what appeared in front of them, the strong intuition let them know that if they don't leave now, they might really not be able to leave.

I don't know how long it took to escape, and finally didn't feel the approach of death, Li Ye and Princess Saint Demon Gate showed their figures.

"What was that just now?"

I have never felt that kind of oppression, and even Li Ye was a little skeptical. What was in the rolling dust just now? Those cold eyes were hundreds of thousands of times more terrifying than any invincible powerhouse he had ever seen!

"That is definitely not something that belongs to the Three Realms today!"

He even saw that after the billowing dust appeared, several bone emperors that he could not kill before then fled in a hurry! It seemed that there was a natural enemy that threatened their life and death.

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