Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3050: Jiuyaodian

Hall of Heroes!

The few Jiuyaodian masters who had escaped from the Heavenly Destiny Array alive heard this and were furious!

"Damn it! The Hall of Heroes is destroyed!"

You can see their anger at this moment in their eyes!

The Fate of Heaven was disappearing, and the entire Jiuyao Palace finally gradually emerged from the clouds and mist, revealing its true body.

For millions of years, few people know where the Jiuyao Palace is here!

Even if the strong men from various martial arts came by appointment this time, they never really stepped into the real place of Jiuyao Hall.

Now, with the disappearance of the formation, the palaces are finally exposed.

"Traitor! You can't escape!"

The two Jiuyaodian holy emperors were obviously angry, and they didn't even notice a group of people appeared above Jiuyaodian.

When I found out, my face was full of horror!

"Who! Dare to be good at my Jiuyao Hall!"


One of the holy emperors shouted angrily, and at the same time did not see who it was, the majesty of the holy emperor rolled out!

However, the next moment, he sprayed blood directly, half of his body was directly beaten into the **** fog, and he screamed.



"Uncle Master!"

In an instant, countless exclamations came out. A holy emperor was seriously injured when he was confronted by someone! Who on earth has such courage and means!

Unknowingly intruded into the interior of Jiuyao Hall?

With this change, the person who was running around also got a little breath, and at the same time, the staggered figure was revealed.

That was a young man, even though he was covered in blood, he was carrying a sword intent!

Wherever they went, the demon emperors in Jiuyao Palace wanted to stop them, but were injured by his sharp sword intent. They were not opponents at all.

One of them, even the upper demon emperor, had not even blocked three moves, and was cut off!

Amid the screams, his body was instantly shattered by a few sword intents, and a strand of Yuanshen fled out frantically, without looking back, obviously shocked!

"The middle emperor killed a high emperor with three moves."

Seeing this scene, Yunshan Tiejian and others were all stunned.

You know, this is not the Lower Nine Regions, anyone who has cultivated to the realm of Emperor Wu is not an ordinary person! Even if someone is more talented and can compete in the same realm, it is difficult to leapfrog one another!

Only the kind of real evildoers and geniuses can do it!

"Yunshan Iron Sword! Qing Cangmen is indestructible! You have the guts to appear!"

The injured Holy Emperor roared, and at the same time he saw clearly who the crowd appeared above the Jiuyao Hall, and suddenly roared.

"Yunshan Jianzong! I dare to provoke us Jiuyao Hall!"

There were a few more roars, a few terrifying demon lights appeared from the Jiuyao Hall, and a few holy emperors came together, all of them with heads and faces.

But when they arrived, they were shocked!

Before they could reflect, Li Ye had already grabbed the neck of the severely wounded Holy Emperor in Jiuyao Hall.

"Dare you little beast!"

In the Hall of Nine Lights, several roars were heard, among them there was even a voice with majestic majesty. Before the person arrived, the aura had already rushed towards his face, far beyond the realm of the ordinary holy emperor!


Li Ye didn't move at all, he broke the neck of the holy emperor directly, and immediately after a touch of Yuanshen wanted to escape, he was caught instantly!

"Who are you!"

Only the primordial spirit is left, still in Li Ye's hands at this moment, even the holy emperor is a little bit scared, and more importantly, in Li Ye he felt a strong killing intent that he had never felt for tens of thousands of years.

As soon as they saw Li Ye's actions, Yunshan Tiejian and others knew that his killing intent had not been eliminated!

In fact, if it weren't for them to lose their 20% strength when they were at their peak, they would be a little unbearable.

"Yunshan Iron Sword!"

A few terrifying figures appeared in an instant, and it was the old men who felt that the situation was not good. One of them obviously possesses extremely high majesty, and even the surrounding holy emperors are respectful.

"Liuyin Saint Ancestor!"

Seeing this old man, Yunshan Iron Sword's pupils shrank slightly.

However, the old man just glanced at Yunshan Iron Sword and almost suppressed everyone, but Li Ye seemed to be totally unaffected.

The old man also noticed the young man Li Ye.

When he saw Li Yezhi, his face obviously changed slightly.

"Damn, how come this old ghost is still alive!"

Seeing this old man, not just Yunshan Iron Sword, almost everyone's expression changed.

And the few Jiuyaodian masters who had escaped from the devil's fate and were born into the sky, seeing the old man is like seeing a savior!

"Holy Ancestor!"

Seeing them, the old man frowned slightly, his gaze remained on Li Ye's body, especially when he saw the Holy Emperor Yuanshen held in Li Ye's hand, he was even more angry.

"Brother, you are not He Wuya..."

The holy emperors of the Jiuyao Hall saw the expressions of these people for a moment, and then thought of the failure of the previous formation, and immediately reacted.

It was the old man who finally said at this moment, "Wu Ya has died in the hands of a little friend?"

Li Ye was noncommittal, although Young Master Wuya didn't die in his hands, but he had a great relationship with him.

His acquiescence caused a commotion in the entire Jiuyao Hall!

However, the old man stretched out his hand and pressed it down.

"Time is also fate."

The old man’s eyes seemed to have the terrifying ability to see through all things in the world, only to see him sigh, and under the horrified eyes of many powerful men in Jiuyao Hall, he said, "From today onwards, Jiuyao Hall will stay away from the world for 10,000 years! Do not participate in any outside affairs!"


Three realms and nine realms, there are often only two reasons for a school to choose to avoid the world.

Either it was a sudden change, and the sect needed to avoid the world’s eyes and ears. Either he only met a powerful enemy and couldn't face it, and he chose an attitude of resignation and surrender in desperation.

Obviously, the Jiuyao Palace is now in fact both can be touched.

After so many holy emperor powerhouses died, the descendants were all dead, and even though there was no vitality to the foundation of any emperor sect, it would take at least tens of thousands of years to recover.

But more critical!

Jiuyaodian now, or this extremely ancient existence of Jiuyaodian, Liuyin Holy Ancestor, didn't want to be an enemy of Li Ye.

"Holy Ancestor!"

The reluctance of the old man does not mean that others think so too. It's just that the old man has enough authority in Jiuyao Hall, and a direct look suppresses his voice.

Li Ye finally said, looking at the old man with a ray of gaze, "Senior is really a sensible person."

But the old man only sighed when he heard the words, "The little friend should have got the soul refining lamp."

Refining the soul lamp! The expressions of the masters in Jiuyaodian changed drastically, and when they saw Li Ye pinching the soul of one of their holy emperors, they suddenly understood one by one!

Yunshan Tiejian and others smiled bitterly, Li Ye clearly wanted another massacre! As long as he holds the soul-refining lamp, and still has the strong soul to sacrifice and ignite, who can stop his killing sword now?

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