Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3051: Deceive too much

Seeing that the saint ancestor of Jiuyao Temple actually avoided the sharp edge of a junior of Li Ye, and chose to let the whole school escape for thousands of years!

The expressions on everyone's faces at the time can be imagined.

"Little friend really is a strange person in southern Xinjiang for millions of years."

Yunshan Iron Sword couldn't help but sighed, thinking that he was also a powerful man in these three realms, the supreme holy emperor, and an iron sword in southern Xinjiang was also frightening.

However, even in his peak period, he has never been as exaggerated as Li Ye is today.

It can even be said that in the entire southern Xinjiang, there has never been someone like Li Ye who can convince the emperor's moral integrity to surrender.

"This alone! Sure enough, we are all old."

Another ancestor of the monster clan sighed with emotion. They are also the top powerhouses of various sects, but now they are compared with the junior Li Ye, and they can only stand on the side obediently.

Even for them, if it were not for Li Ye, their group had just escaped from the collapsed Heavenly Destiny Formation. Once discovered by the Jiuyao Palace, it would be a tragic hunt.

The many powerhouses in Jiuyao Temple are naturally unwilling, but they dare not violate the decision of Liuyin Holy Ancestor.

In the entire Jiuyao Hall, the influence of Liuyin Holy Ancestor is amazing, and even Sun Yat the Great will not necessarily offend Liuyin Holy Ancestor in many cases!

"Nine Lights Palace has stayed away from the world for thousands of years. I wonder if this can eliminate the anger in the hearts of the little friends?"

Liuyin Saint Ancestor smiled, and could not see that the two sides were a life-and-death hostile relationship. It seems to be a charitable elder who is making love with a junior.

Li Ye didn't say a word, he really wanted to take the opportunity to light the soul refining lamp and have another crazy massacre!

Although I killed a lot of powerful people in the Jiuyao Temple just now, for an emperor's Taoist lineage, it is naturally not really badly injured! It's just that the Liuyin Saint Ancestor is obviously more cunning, seeing Li Ye holding the soul refining lamp, he directly retreats!

At this moment, Li Ye could naturally light the soul refining lamp and bring a massacre.

But once it spreads out, it is bound to make his reputation in the entire Southern Xinjiang and even the Upper Three Realms bad.

Even the Jade Demon Venerable on one side started to persuade him, fearing that Li Ye was young and energetic, and proceeded directly regardless of his reputation.

Any sect family who chooses to avoid the world is an expression of counseling.

For millions of years, unless it is a deep hatred to the point of madness, few people will rush to exterminate after one party chooses to confess to avoid the world! Otherwise, it will be spurned by countless people, and even cause public outrage, and let other sects join forces to suppress!

Li Ye naturally knows this, which is also a kind of unspoken rule of the Three Realms and Nine Realms.

No one can break! And those few in history who took huge risks and rushed to extinction were all devils who had been scorned for thousands of years or were eventually strangled by other sects!

This kind of unspoken rule was understood by Li Ye.

There is no eternity in the world!

Whether it is a person or a sect, there is always a change in rise and fall.

Even if it is the great emperor or the imperial door, maybe one day they will fall from the peak of the altar, and even become the prey in the eyes of those enemies.


It has become a means for these sects to preserve the final inheritance of incense!

No one will break this tradition, because no sect can guarantee that his sect will last for millions of years! Always stand at the top of this pyramid of the Three Realms and Nine Regions!

If you kill others today, others will kill you all the time!

After hesitating slightly, the soul refining lamp in Li Ye's hand gradually dimmed, and everyone in the Jiuyao Hall was secretly relieved.

"Well, starting from today, within ten thousand years of Jiuyao Palace, it will not be born! Otherwise!"

There are not many people in the world who dare to threaten an emperor's Taoist lineage. Today, Li Ye made many powerful people in Jiuyao Temple angry and unwilling but helpless.

On the contrary, Liuyin Saint Ancestor said with a slight smile, "Little friends, please rest assured, Jiuyao Temple will never be born in ten thousand years."

At this point, Jiuyao Temple will naturally withdraw from the historical stage of southern Xinjiang. At least for ten thousand years, the Jiuyao Temple will not appear. At the same time, it can be regarded as temporarily suppressing all previous conflicts and hatred between the two parties!

As for how the Jiuyao Temple would choose ten thousand years later, no one would guess now.

It was born again after ten thousand years, breaking the oath and approaching Li Ye again to separate life and death. Or suppress this hatred from now on and stop asking Li Ye for trouble.

Ten thousand years!

Yunshan Tiejian and the others shook their heads in their hearts. They were standing on the side of the Jiuyao Hall, and it was impossible for them to continue to trouble Li Ye after ten thousand years.

Just kidding, today's Li Ye is so against the sky, almost relying on the power of one person to make an emperor's way to avoid the world!

After ten thousand years, how terrible will it be?

They dare not imagine!

Even if Li Ye used the Soul Refining Lamp to do all of this today, it was enough to spread today's events throughout the Three Realms and Nine Realms!

The power of one person suppresses the Taoism of Emperor Men!

Such a feat, they thought about it, it seems that few people have done it for millions of years.

And those few people, in their time, can almost be said to be the best of the present, no one dares to rival!

Since both sides gave up, everyone was relieved.

But at this moment.

"Holy Ancestor! The traitor was caught!"

The Jiuyao Temple was about to close the gate, completely cutting off contact with the outside world. A figure appeared over there, it was a strong holy emperor with one person in his hand!

Looking closely, it was the one who caused the chaos in the Jiuyao Hall just now and destroyed the so-called Hall of Heroes.

However, these did not affect the ancestors of the big sects who were preparing to leave. For them, no matter who they were, it was an internal dispute in the Jiuyao Temple. Even though that person may be the hero who caused the weakening and collapse of the Heavenly Fate Array, but what to do with them?

Don't look at them all being extremely grateful in front of Li Ye, but none of them who can live to this point is not a soft-hearted Virgin.

"Take it down!"

Liuyin Saint Ancestor was kind and kind in front of Li Ye and couldn't see any bitterness, but he changed his face instantly!

Hall of Heroes! It is the most important place in the Jiuyao Hall! Now that it is ruined, it will never be so simple!

"and many more!"

Li Ye frowned slightly.

On the contrary, the ancestor of Liuyin was a little surprised, but his face changed in an instant, and he smiled, "I let my little friend watch the joke."

"I want to take this person away."

Li Ye's answer made Liuyin Saint Ancestor's expression directly freeze, and even the rest of the people never thought that Li Ye would suddenly change his attitude!

Want to take this person away?

Yunshan Tiejian and the others looked at each other, but they did not ask.

After hearing this, the person who was caught looked up and looked up slightly. When he saw Li Ye, he was also surprised, but he quickly pressed it down and became cold and cold again without much fear.

"Little Li Ye! You are deceiving too much!"

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