Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3049: This kindness is too big!

Was it Li Ye who broke the formation first, or was everyone sucked to death by the formation.

No one knows how it will end at this moment!

With the death of Young Master Wuya, all his blood and soul were directly swallowed by the formation! Turned into the energy source for the entire formation.

At the same time, the resistance encountered by the Four Sacred Rafters is getting greater and greater.

"At this speed, few people here will survive before breaking the formation!"

Someone couldn't hold on again, and the whole body's blood and energy turned into a part of the whole formation, which further aggravated the speed of Li Ye breaking through the formation.

"No! Can't keep up with the speed!"

Although the formation weapon is the simplest and most rude way to break the formation, the Heavenly Destiny Formation that has absorbed so much of the blood of the strong is no longer a simple formation that can be easily broken.

Everyone also saw this, and was anxious!

Just as they were thinking about how to accelerate the speed of breaking the formation, suddenly Li Ye felt that the resistance encountered by the Four Sacred Rafters suddenly weakened a lot!

"The formation is getting weaker!"

Feeling the change in formation, Li Ye's face was happy!

And everyone naturally felt that. Although they were surprised, it was obviously good news for everyone!

The entire formation, as if some sort of change had taken place, was slowly weakening, and even began to collapse!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Ye made a desperate bet!


The Four Sacred Rafters bloomed with brilliant light, but this time it was not the emperor explosion! After all, the formation weapon is not an emperor!

That was Li Ye's direct use of the formation tool to play a way similar to the emperor explosion, and directly tore a gap in the formation!

"The gap is opened!"

Take a closer look, the Four Saint Rafters completely pierced the formation, and at the same time tore a hole that could barely accommodate a person through.

When the formation was broken, everyone suddenly saw a glimmer of light!

However, as soon as the gap was opened, it was quickly repaired!

"Quick! This gap won't last long!"

Although the formation is getting weaker, it is still running! When everyone saw it, almost all dared not stay!

With a flash of Li Ye's figure, he escaped from the Heavenly Fate! At the same time, the four holy rafters, such a precious array weapon, once exposed, are enough to attract the peeping of countless strong people!

Even more trouble than the imperial soldiers!

As for the people trapped in the formation, he has nothing to do, unless he hurts the killer and kills everyone directly to keep this secret.

Soon, a group of human figures escaped from the Heavenly Destiny Formation, each one breathing the outside air with big mouths.

"Hahaha! I finally escaped!"

"I'm not dead! I actually survived from the Destiny Array!"

Everyone escaped, and they couldn't help laughing.

They were all waiting to die, but now they are still alive, so naturally they cried with joy.

"Little friend Li Ye! Today's life-saving grace is unforgettable for the old man!"

The ancestors of the demon race also hurriedly bowed their hands to Li Ye and thanked them. At the same time, they looked ashamed and smiled wryly. ."

"Yes, Daeen doesn't say thank you. If there is any dispatch from the little friend in the future, we old guys will definitely have nothing to say!"

"Haha! My little friend can go to Mo and sit in the palace in the future!"

Moshang Palace, in Southern Xinjiang, is also one of the imperial door traditions! It's just that the demon emperor of Moshang Palace has disappeared for many years, and the natural influence cannot be compared with other emperor sects.

But the Dimen Taoism is still the Dimen Taoism! The ancestor of Mo Shang Palace was clearly showing good wishes to Li Ye.

It can be said that no one who can survive today will not underestimate Li Ye's future achievements! No one knows how far such a perverted evildoer will be.

Now naturally they stepped forward to show good wishes, on the one hand to thank for their life-saving grace, on the other hand, naturally they also took advantage of the situation to make friends with Li Ye to draw up a relationship.

But those who are still alive today are almost all the powerhouses of some large sects in southern Xinjiang, and only the ancestors behind these large sects have the cultivation base that persists until now.

At least three imperial sects, including Qing Cangmen, are now truly convinced by Li Yexin!

Regardless of his previous position, it will be enough to see after today that Li Ye does not say anything in Nanjiang, at least his influence, it is difficult for anyone to match it!

Even the Demon Emperor does not necessarily have the appeal of Li Ye today!

Three emperor door traditions! Plus the Saint Demon Gate! There are also those big martial arts of monster races, so many forces now owe the favor of Li Yetian!

Almost all the ancestors who were rescued by Li Ye were the first-level powerhouses who had a huge right to speak in these sects! One of their words is even enough to change the decision of a sect.

On the contrary, those strong men in the Jiuyao Temple were still alive, with a gloomy expression, wanted to leave, but did not dare.

"Why did the formation suddenly become weaker?"

Naturally, Li Ye was not in the mood to make trouble for them. If the formation hadn't suddenly become weak, he wouldn't be able to break through the barriers of the formation so easily, allowing everyone to escape.

Today's Jiuyao Temple is full of devastation, especially since most of the Saint-Emperor-level powerhouses died in the formation, or died in the hands of Li Ye, it is a great injury to the emperor's Dao!

Not to mention the death of the two oldest ancestors! And a peerless genius!

As soon as everyone escaped from the formation, there was a sound of fighting in the Jiuyao Hall. At a glance, the entire Jiuyao Hall was chaotic.

"what happened?"

"Someone broke into the Nine Lights Hall?"

Before everyone was trapped in the formation, naturally they didn't know what was happening outside.

At this moment, Li Ye's expression changed slightly, "Could it be that someone found the eye of the Tiansha Fate Array?"

The formation suddenly weakened. The only explanation was that someone found the formation and caused some damage!

But who would that person be?

"Find it for me! At all costs! Find that traitor!"

Inside the Jiuyao Hall, a strong holy emperor roared, and at the same time Li Ye also saw that there was a figure quickly fleeing outside the Jiuyao Hall!

Behind him, at least two holy emperors found his trail and ran after him roaring!

Sure enough, something happened! However, everyone was sneered, they were anxious to look at the Jiuyao Hall unlucky! If it weren't for the Jiuyao Palace now that there are still many powerful people alive, they will all run out of oil, and they may even kill the Jiuyao Palace and completely destroy the Jiuyao Palace! Only hate to vent my heart!

"Little friend Li Ye, it seems that the person broke the eye!"

Yunshan Iron Sword smiled slightly, and everyone noticed the escaped figure.

Just a closer look, although this escaped person's cultivation is not weak, he also has a middle emperor realm, but facing the two holy emperors chasing from behind, he will undoubtedly die on the verge of death and make the final struggle.

"Traitor! How dare you destroy the Hall of Souls!"

The holy emperor of the Jiuyao Temple who was hunting down roared again and again! At first glance, it is frustrated!

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