Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3048: Being alive and dead by Li Ye

That bitter tone, monstrous hatred.

Young Master Wuya has made up his mind, and he has to find someone to support him in death! Especially Li Ye!

The person he most wants to kill at the moment is naturally Li Ye, and his only choice is this Heavenly Fate! Naturally it is impossible to tell the way to break the formation.

The words are not speculative, and Li Ye also knows that if he is replaced, he will not speak out the method of breaking the formation.

Then the only option is!

He slashed directly behind the neck of Princess Saint Demon Gate, and at the same time grabbed her and disappeared in front of everyone.

"No! He won't really disregard our life and death, forcibly breaking the formation, right?"

Everyone was shocked. After all, they and Li Ye basically didn't have much friendship. They really wanted to stay here and wait for death. If they changed, they wouldn't have any hesitation either!

Even at this time, even if it is the same sect brother or even the real brother!

If you can only leave one person alive, you will naturally fight for that ray of life for yourself.

Yubao Yaozun gave a wry smile, compared to the others, he could see clearly.

"Well, at least the princess can go out alive. The old guys of us have lived long enough. For the princess today, it's nothing to lose this old life."

The other two Saint Demon Gate Yaozun also nodded with a wry smile, naturally they didn't want to survive.

Although he has lived for tens of thousands of years, who would think he has too many lives?

Look at the old monsters that have been sealed in the coffin for hundreds of thousands of years. The saint ancestors should have passed away long ago and reborn. But in order to be able to live, I would rather seal myself like this.

"The three holy ancestors are still there, as long as the princess can go back safely, the holy demon gate will still not decline!"

Several people are already mentally prepared for martyrdom, and even faintly showing warfare!

They are not targeting Li Ye, but if someone wants to stop Li Ye from breaking the formation in order to delay his life, they will stop those people desperately!

But just when a group of people had different minds and was about to do something, Li Ye appeared again!

But at this moment, Princess Saint Demon Gate disappeared, but Li Ye's eyes swept away everyone.

Why didn't he know that his forcibly breaking the formation would make some people obstruct him desperately, that was an instinct to survive.

"Little friend, please take the princess away!"

Seeing Li Ye, Jade Demon Sovereign said loudly, and at the same time looked at the others with biting eyes!

Everyone was shocked, and some even showed their killing intent!

But at this moment, Li Ye glanced at everyone indifferently. In his hand, he didn't know when a strangely shaped magic weapon appeared!

Four holy rafters!

The treasure of Tianshengzong Zhenzong!

Li Ye took a deep breath!

Since breaking the formation forcibly is the next best thing, the only way is to break the formation head-on!

As a top array device! The Four Sacred Rafters are not only used by the masters of the formation, but also a weapon for breaking the formation!

Even compared to the formation, breaking the formation is more simple and rude for the formation!

In an instant, the Four Sacred Rafters turned into sharp blades! Stabbed directly on the Heavenly Destiny Array!

"What does he want to do?"

"What magic weapon is that? That breath is not weaker than any imperial soldier! Is it also an imperial soldier?"

Seeing Li Ye holding a strange weapon in his hand, everyone was surprised!

I even wondered how many treasures there are in Li Ye's body!

Not counting the soul-refining lamp and the heavenly gourd, the previous imperial sword and the strange magical weapon in front of them are enough to make any strong person jealous!

But now no one dared to have any greed, Li Ye just killed the Quartet, the holy emperor was like a pig and dog, the supreme holy emperor was beheaded! Who dares to think?

"and many more!"

Yunshan Tiejian suddenly thought of something!

At this time, Li Ye's control of the Four Sacred Rafters directly madly formed a stalemate with the Destiny Array! However, if you observe carefully, you will be horrified to discover that the formation that could not even be broken by the emperor burst has been slowly torn apart a small gap in the edge area!

Do not! It was not a gap, but the Four Sacred Rafters pierced into the butter directly like a hot knife, but this process was very slow, but everyone saw hope!


Yunshan Iron Sword finally blurted out!

After hearing this, everyone was shocked!

"Formation weapon? Brother Yunshan, could it be the formation weapon for the rumored formation powerhouse?"

"Impossible! The Array Dao inheritance has been lost for countless years, and the sects that dominate the Array have long lost the ability to refine the array! Now in these three realms, there are few intact arrays. !"

It's not that they don't believe it, but it's incredible!

Array! This thing is rarer than the imperial soldier!

Even the Emperor's Taoism, not necessarily one can come out.

At this moment, appeared in front of them?

"The formation weapon! It is indeed the formation weapon! It is rumored that only the formation weapon can break the formation forcibly! It does not even touch any restrictions on the formation method, tearing a gap!"

Yunshan Tiejian took a deep breath, with a look of determination. In other words, he hopes his guess is correct! Only then can they really have a chance!

In just a few breaths, the Four Sacred Rafters had already torn one-third of the gap, but there was still some time before the gap was truly torn!

Li Ye's forehead is also slightly sweaty. It is indeed the simplest and rude method to control the formation to break the formation, but its consumption is definitely not even simpler than using the imperial weapon to fight the imperial explosion.

If it weren't for the fact that his body soul was almost perfect now, he would have no power to recover even if he had a formation weapon in his hand if he replaced anyone.

"Array device! Impossible! Why do you have an array device!"

Master Wuya's unwilling roar, with deep despair and resentment!

He was expecting Li Ye to die in the Heavenly Destiny Formation, but he saw that Li Ye actually possessed an array weapon that was never owned by the Emperor Sect. The impact directly made him unable to withstand the stimulation, and his heart burst instantly. !

A large mouthful of blood spurted out, and the generation of peerless geniuses in the Jiuyao Palace, the invincible Tianjiao of the blood of the sacred beast, directly died.

Even his primordial spirit is too weak to emerge from the physical body, slowly dissipating.

When Young Master Wuya died, everyone felt slightly complicated.

Especially the powerhouse of the monster clan, after all, this is one of the top geniuses of the monster clan in southern Xinjiang for hundreds of thousands of years. If it weren't too ambitious, and met with a pervert like Li Ye at the same time, he would not end up like this. .

"If you do more unrighteousness, you will kill yourself, alas, it's just a pity that the Yaozu lacks a peerless arrogant."

Looking at the corpse of Young Master Wuya, Yunshan Iron Sword also let out a long sigh.

As for the masters of Jiuyao Temple, their expressions are even more complicated, but they are more concerned about whether they can leave alive!

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